
Kohana provides a very simple way to display statistics about your application:

  1. Common Kohana method calls, such as Kohana::find_file().
  2. Requests. Including the main request, as well as any sub-requests.
  3. Database queries
  4. Average execution times for your application

In order for profiling to work, the profile setting must be TRUE in your Kohana::init() call in your bootstrap.

Profiling your code

You can easily add profiling to your own functions and code. This is done using the Profiler::start() function. The first parameter is the group, the second parameter is the name of the benchmark.

public function foobar($input)
    // Be sure to only profile if it's enabled
    if (Kohana::$profiling === TRUE)
        // Start a new benchmark
        $benchmark = Profiler::start('Your Category', __FUNCTION__);

    // Do some stuff

    if (isset($benchmark))
        // Stop the benchmark

    return $something;

How to read the profiling report

The benchmarks are sorted into groups. Each benchmark will show its name, how many times it was run (show in parenthesis after the benchmark name), and then the min, max, average, and total time and memory spent on that benchmark. The total column will have shaded backgrounds to show the relative times between benchmarks in the same group.

At the very end is a group called "Application Execution". This keeps track of how long each execution has taken. The number in parenthesis is how many executions are being compared. It shows the fastest, slowest, and average time and memory usage of the last several requsets. The last box is the time and memory usage of the current request.

((This could use a picture of a profiler with some database queries, etc. with annotations to point out each area as just described.))

Displaying the profiler

You can display or collect the current profiler statistics at any time:

<?php echo View::factory('profiler/stats') ?>


(This is the actual profiler stats for this page.)

Requests 0.047733 s
409.1094 kB
Benchmark Min Max Average Total
"guide/kohana/profiling" (1)
0.047844 s
0.047844 s
0.047844 s
0.047844 s
416.3984 kB
416.3984 kB
416.3984 kB
416.3984 kB
Kohana 0.040116 s
17.5547 kB
Benchmark Min Max Average Total
find_file (31)
0.001076 s
0.001782 s
0.001294 s
0.040116 s
0.4922 kB
0.6641 kB
0.5663 kB
17.5547 kB
Application Execution (3) 0.085945 s 0.101105 s 0.093660 s 0.085945 s
756.0391 kB 756.9297 kB 756.6198 kB 756.9297 kB