Adding your module

Making your module work with the User Guide is simple.

First, copy this config and place in it <module>/config/userguide.php, replacing anything in <> with the appropriate values:

return array
    // Leave this alone
    'modules' => array(

         * The path to this module's userguide pages, without the 'guide/'.
         * For example,  '/guide/modulename/' would be 'modulename'
        '<modulename>' => array(

            // Whether this module's user guide pages should be shown
            'enabled' => TRUE,

            // The name that should show up on the user guide index page
            'name' => '<Module Name>',

            // A short description of this module, shown on the index page
            'description' => '<Description goes here>',

            // Copyright message, shown in the footer for this module
            'copyright' => '&copy; 2012 <Your Name>',

     * If you use transparent extensions outside the Kohana_ namespace,
     * add your class prefix here. Both common Kohana naming conventions are
     * excluded:
     *   - Modulename extends Modulename_Core
     *   - Foo extends Modulename_Foo
     * For example, if you use Modulename_<class_name> for your base classes
     * then you would define:
    'transparent_prefixes' => array(
        'Modulename' => TRUE,

Next, create a folder in your module directory called guide/<modulename> and create and The contents of is what is shown on the index page of your module.

Creating the side menu

The contents of the file is what shows up in the side column and should be formatted like this:

## [Module Name]()
 - [Page name](page-path)
 - [This is a Category](category)
     - [Sub Page](category/sub-page)
     - [Another](category/another)
         - [Sub sub page](category/another/sub-page)
 - Categories do not have to be a link to a page
     - [Etcetera](etc)

You can have items that are not linked pages (a category that doesn't have a corresponding page).

Guide pages can be named or arranged any way you want within that folder (with the exception of and which must appear directly below the guide/ folder).

Page paths are relative to guide/<modulename>. So [Page name](page-name) would look for guide/<modulename>/ and [Another](category/another) would look for guide/<modulename>/category/

The breadcrumbs and page titles are pulled from the file, not the filenames or paths.

To link to the page, you should have an empty link, e.g. [Module Name](). Do not include .md in your links.

All user guide pages use Markdown.