Array helper.
Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/Arr.php on line 3.
$delimiterdefault delimiter for path()
string(1) "."
Creates a callable function and parameter list from a string representation. Note that this function does not validate the callback string.
// Get the callback function and parameters
list($func, $params) = Arr::callback('Foo::bar(apple,orange)');
// Get the result of the callback
$result = call_user_func_array($func, $params);
required - Callback stringarray
- Function, paramspublic static function callback($str)
// Overloaded as parts are found
$command = $params = NULL;
// command[param,param]
if (preg_match('/^([^\(]*+)\((.*)\)$/', $str, $match))
// command
$command = $match[1];
if ($match[2] !== '')
// param,param
$params = preg_split('/(?<!\\\\),/', $match[2]);
$params = str_replace('\,', ',', $params);
// command
$command = $str;
if (strpos($command, '::') !== FALSE)
// Create a static method callable command
$command = explode('::', $command, 2);
return array($command, $params);
Retrieves multiple paths from an array. If the path does not exist in the array, the default value will be added instead.
// Get the values "username", "password" from $_POST
$auth = Arr::extract($_POST, array('username', 'password'));
// Get the value "level1.level2a" from $data
$data = array('level1' => array('level2a' => 'value 1', 'level2b' => 'value 2'));
Arr::extract($data, array('level1.level2a', 'password'));
required - Array to extract paths fromarray
required - List of pathmixed
= NULL - Default valuearray
public static function extract($array, array $paths, $default = NULL)
$found = array();
foreach ($paths as $path)
Arr::set_path($found, $path, Arr::path($array, $path, $default));
return $found;
Convert a multi-dimensional array into a single-dimensional array.
$array = array('set' => array('one' => 'something'), 'two' => 'other');
// Flatten the array
$array = Arr::flatten($array);
// The array will now be
array('one' => 'something', 'two' => 'other');
The keys of array values will be discarded.
required - Array to flattenarray
public static function flatten($array)
$is_assoc = Arr::is_assoc($array);
$flat = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$flat = array_merge($flat, Arr::flatten($value));
if ($is_assoc)
$flat[$key] = $value;
$flat[] = $value;
return $flat;
Retrieve a single key from an array. If the key does not exist in the array, the default value will be returned instead.
// Get the value "username" from $_POST, if it exists
$username = Arr::get($_POST, 'username');
// Get the value "sorting" from $_GET, if it exists
$sorting = Arr::get($_GET, 'sorting');
required - Array to extract fromstring
required - Key namemixed
= NULL - Default valuemixed
public static function get($array, $key, $default = NULL)
if ($array instanceof ArrayObject) {
// This is a workaround for inconsistent implementation of isset between PHP and HHVM
// See
return $array->offsetExists($key) ? $array->offsetGet($key) : $default;
} else {
return isset($array[$key]) ? $array[$key] : $default;
Test if a value is an array with an additional check for array-like objects.
// Returns TRUE
Arr::is_array(new ArrayObject);
// Returns FALSE
Arr::is_array('not an array!');
required - Value to checkboolean
public static function is_array($value)
if (is_array($value))
// Definitely an array
return TRUE;
// Possibly a Traversable object, functionally the same as an array
return (is_object($value) AND $value instanceof Traversable);
Tests if an array is associative or not.
// Returns TRUE
Arr::is_assoc(array('username' => 'john.doe'));
// Returns FALSE
Arr::is_assoc('foo', 'bar');
required - Array to checkboolean
public static function is_assoc(array $array)
// Keys of the array
$keys = array_keys($array);
// If the array keys of the keys match the keys, then the array must
// not be associative (e.g. the keys array looked like {0:0, 1:1...}).
return array_keys($keys) !== $keys;
Recursive version of array_map, applies one or more callbacks to all elements in an array, including sub-arrays.
// Apply "strip_tags" to every element in the array
$array = Arr::map('strip_tags', $array);
// Apply $this->filter to every element in the array
$array = Arr::map(array(array($this,'filter')), $array);
// Apply strip_tags and $this->filter to every element
$array = Arr::map(array('strip_tags',array($this,'filter')), $array);
Because you can pass an array of callbacks, if you wish to use an array-form callback
you must nest it in an additional array as above. Calling Arr::map(array($this,'filter'), $array)
will cause an error.
[!!] Unlike array_map
, this method requires a callback and will only map
a single array.
required - Array of callbacks to apply to every element in the arrayarray
required - Array to maparray
= NULL - Array of keys to apply toarray
public static function map($callbacks, $array, $keys = NULL)
foreach ($array as $key => $val)
if (is_array($val))
$array[$key] = Arr::map($callbacks, $array[$key]);
elseif ( ! is_array($keys) OR in_array($key, $keys))
if (is_array($callbacks))
foreach ($callbacks as $cb)
$array[$key] = call_user_func($cb, $array[$key]);
$array[$key] = call_user_func($callbacks, $array[$key]);
return $array;
Recursively merge two or more arrays. Values in an associative array overwrite previous values with the same key. Values in an indexed array are appended, but only when they do not already exist in the result.
Note that this does not work the same as array_merge_recursive!
$john = array('name' => 'john', 'children' => array('fred', 'paul', 'sally', 'jane'));
$mary = array('name' => 'mary', 'children' => array('jane'));
// John and Mary are married, merge them together
$john = Arr::merge($john, $mary);
// The output of $john will now be:
array('name' => 'mary', 'children' => array('fred', 'paul', 'sally', 'jane'))
required - Initial arrayarray
required - ,... array to mergearray
public static function merge($array1, $array2)
if (Arr::is_assoc($array2))
foreach ($array2 as $key => $value)
if (is_array($value)
AND isset($array1[$key])
AND is_array($array1[$key])
$array1[$key] = Arr::merge($array1[$key], $value);
$array1[$key] = $value;
foreach ($array2 as $value)
if ( ! in_array($value, $array1, TRUE))
$array1[] = $value;
if (func_num_args() > 2)
foreach (array_slice(func_get_args(), 2) as $array2)
if (Arr::is_assoc($array2))
foreach ($array2 as $key => $value)
if (is_array($value)
AND isset($array1[$key])
AND is_array($array1[$key])
$array1[$key] = Arr::merge($array1[$key], $value);
$array1[$key] = $value;
foreach ($array2 as $value)
if ( ! in_array($value, $array1, TRUE))
$array1[] = $value;
return $array1;
Overwrites an array with values from input arrays. Keys that do not exist in the first array will not be added!
$a1 = array('name' => 'john', 'mood' => 'happy', 'food' => 'bacon');
$a2 = array('name' => 'jack', 'food' => 'tacos', 'drink' => 'beer');
// Overwrite the values of $a1 with $a2
$array = Arr::overwrite($a1, $a2);
// The output of $array will now be:
array('name' => 'jack', 'mood' => 'happy', 'food' => 'tacos')
required - Master arrayarray
required - Input arrays that will overwrite existing valuesarray
public static function overwrite($array1, $array2)
foreach (array_intersect_key($array2, $array1) as $key => $value)
$array1[$key] = $value;
if (func_num_args() > 2)
foreach (array_slice(func_get_args(), 2) as $array2)
foreach (array_intersect_key($array2, $array1) as $key => $value)
$array1[$key] = $value;
return $array1;
Gets a value from an array using a dot separated path.
// Get the value of $array['foo']['bar']
$value = Arr::path($array, '');
Using a wildcard "*" will search intermediate arrays and return an array.
// Get the values of "color" in theme
$colors = Arr::path($array, 'theme.*.color');
// Using an array of keys
$colors = Arr::path($array, array('theme', '*', 'color'));
required - Array to searchmixed
required - Key path string (delimiter separated) or array of keysmixed
= NULL - Default value if the path is not setstring
= NULL - Key path delimitermixed
public static function path($array, $path, $default = NULL, $delimiter = NULL)
if ( ! Arr::is_array($array))
// This is not an array!
return $default;
if (is_array($path))
// The path has already been separated into keys
$keys = $path;
if (array_key_exists($path, $array))
// No need to do extra processing
return $array[$path];
if ($delimiter === NULL)
// Use the default delimiter
$delimiter = Arr::$delimiter;
// Remove starting delimiters and spaces
$path = ltrim($path, "{$delimiter} ");
// Remove ending delimiters, spaces, and wildcards
$path = rtrim($path, "{$delimiter} *");
// Split the keys by delimiter
$keys = explode($delimiter, $path);
$key = array_shift($keys);
if (ctype_digit($key))
// Make the key an integer
$key = (int) $key;
if (isset($array[$key]))
if ($keys)
if (Arr::is_array($array[$key]))
// Dig down into the next part of the path
$array = $array[$key];
// Unable to dig deeper
// Found the path requested
return $array[$key];
elseif ($key === '*')
// Handle wildcards
$values = array();
foreach ($array as $arr)
if ($value = Arr::path($arr, implode('.', $keys)))
$values[] = $value;
if ($values)
// Found the values requested
return $values;
// Unable to dig deeper
// Unable to dig deeper
while ($keys);
// Unable to find the value requested
return $default;
Retrieves muliple single-key values from a list of arrays.
// Get all of the "id" values from a result
$ids = Arr::pluck($result, 'id');
A list of arrays is an array that contains arrays, eg: array(array $a, array $b, array $c, ...)
required - List of arrays to checkstring
required - Key to pluckarray
public static function pluck($array, $key)
$values = array();
foreach ($array as $row)
if (isset($row[$key]))
// Found a value in this row
$values[] = $row[$key];
return $values;
Fill an array with a range of numbers.
// Fill an array with values 5, 10, 15, 20
$values = Arr::range(5, 20);
= integer 10 - Steppinginteger
= integer 100 - Ending numberarray
public static function range($step = 10, $max = 100)
if ($step < 1)
return array();
$array = array();
for ($i = $step; $i <= $max; $i += $step)
$array[$i] = $i;
return $array;
Set a value on an array by path.
byref array
required - Array to updatestring
required - Pathmixed
required - Value to setstring
= NULL - Path delimiterpublic static function set_path( & $array, $path, $value, $delimiter = NULL)
if ( ! $delimiter)
// Use the default delimiter
$delimiter = Arr::$delimiter;
// The path has already been separated into keys
$keys = $path;
if ( ! is_array($path))
// Split the keys by delimiter
$keys = explode($delimiter, $path);
// Set current $array to inner-most array path
while (count($keys) > 1)
$key = array_shift($keys);
if (ctype_digit($key))
// Make the key an integer
$key = (int) $key;
if ( ! isset($array[$key]))
$array[$key] = array();
$array = & $array[$key];
// Set key on inner-most array
$array[array_shift($keys)] = $value;
Adds a value to the beginning of an associative array.
// Add an empty value to the start of a select list
Arr::unshift($array, 'none', 'Select a value');
byref array
required - Array to modifystring
required - Array key namemixed
required - Array valuearray
public static function unshift( array & $array, $key, $val)
$array = array_reverse($array, TRUE);
$array[$key] = $val;
$array = array_reverse($array, TRUE);
return $array;