
extends ORM
extends Kohana_ORM
extends Model
extends Kohana_Model

Implements: Serializable

Default auth user

Kohana Team
© 2007-2012 Kohana Team

Class declared in MODPATH/orm/classes/Model/Auth/User.php on line 10.


  • None


protected array $_belongs_to

"Belongs to" relationships

Default value:

protected array $_cast_data

Data to be loaded into the model from a database call cast

Default value:

protected array $_changed

Default value:

protected static array $_column_cache

Stores column information for ORM models


protected string $_created_column

Auto-update columns for creation

Default value:

protected Database $_db

Database Object

Default value:

protected array $_db_applied

Database methods applied

Default value:

protected Database_Query_Builder_Select $_db_builder

Database query builder

Default value:

protected String $_db_group

Database config group

Default value:

protected array $_db_pending

Database methods pending

Default value:

protected bool $_db_reset

Reset builder

Default value:
bool TRUE

protected string $_errors_filename

The message filename used for validation errors. Defaults to ORM::$_object_name

Default value:

protected string $_foreign_key_suffix

Foreign key suffix

Default value:
string(3) "_id"

protected array $_has_many


Default value:
array(2) (
    "user_tokens" => array(1) (
        "model" => string(10) "User_Token"
    "roles" => array(2) (
        "model" => string(4) "Role"
        "through" => string(11) "roles_users"

protected array $_has_one

"Has one" relationships

Default value:

protected static array $_init_cache

Initialization storage for ORM models


protected array $_load_with

Relationships that should always be joined

Default value:

protected bool $_loaded

Default value:
bool FALSE

protected array $_object

Current object

Default value:

protected string $_object_name

Model name

Default value:

protected string $_object_plural

Plural model name

Default value:

protected array $_original_values

Default value:

protected string $_primary_key

Table primary key

Default value:
string(2) "id"

protected mixed $_primary_key_value

Primary key value

Default value:
Default value:

protected bool $_reload_on_wakeup

Model configuration, reload on wakeup?

Default value:
bool TRUE

protected bool $_saved

Default value:
bool FALSE

protected array $_serialize_columns

Auto-serialize and unserialize columns on get/set

Default value:

protected array $_sorting

Default value:

protected array $_table_columns

Table columns

Default value:

protected string $_table_name

Table name

Default value:

protected bool $_table_names_plural

Model configuration, table names plural?

Default value:
bool TRUE

protected string $_updated_column

Auto-update columns for updates

Default value:

protected bool $_valid

Default value:
bool FALSE

protected Validation $_validation

Validation object created before saving/updating

Default value:

protected array $_with_applied

With calls already applied

Default value:


public complete_login( ) (defined in Model_Auth_User)

Complete the login for a user by incrementing the logins and saving login timestamp

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function complete_login()
    if ($this->_loaded)
        // Update the number of logins
        $this->logins = new Database_Expression('logins + 1');
        // Set the last login date
        $this->last_login = time();
        // Save the user

public create_user( array $values , array $expected ) (defined in Model_Auth_User)

Create a new user

Example usage:

$user = ORM::factory('User')->create_user($_POST, array(


  • array $values required - $values
  • array $expected required - $expected


Source Code

public function create_user($values, $expected)
    // Validation for passwords
    $extra_validation = Model_User::get_password_validation($values)
        ->rule('password', 'not_empty');
    return $this->values($values, $expected)->create($extra_validation);

public filters( ) (defined in Model_Auth_User)

Filters to run when data is set in this model. The password filter automatically hashes the password when it's set in the model.

Return Values

  • array - Filters

Source Code

public function filters()
    return array(
        'password' => array(
            array(array(Auth::instance(), 'hash'))

public static get_password_validation( array $values ) (defined in Model_Auth_User)

Password validation for plain passwords.


  • array $values required - $values

Return Values

  • Validation

Source Code

public static function get_password_validation($values)
    return Validation::factory($values)
        ->rule('password', 'min_length', array(':value', 8))
        ->rule('password_confirm', 'matches', array(':validation', ':field', 'password'));

public labels( ) (defined in Model_Auth_User)

Labels for fields in this model

Return Values

  • array - Labels

Source Code

public function labels()
    return array(
        'username'         => 'username',
        'email'            => 'email address',
        'password'         => 'password',

public rules( ) (defined in Model_Auth_User)

Rules for the user model. Because the password is always a hash when it's set,you need to run an additional not_empty rule in your controller to make sure you didn't hash an empty string. The password rules should be enforced outside the model or with a model helper method.

Return Values

  • array - Rules

Source Code

public function rules()
    return array(
        'username' => array(
            array('max_length', array(':value', 32)),
            array(array($this, 'unique'), array('username', ':value')),
        'password' => array(
        'email' => array(
            array(array($this, 'unique'), array('email', ':value')),

public unique_key( string $value ) (defined in Model_Auth_User)

Allows a model use both email and username as unique identifiers for login


  • string $value required - Unique value

Return Values

  • string - Field name

Source Code

public function unique_key($value)
    return Valid::email($value) ? 'email' : 'username';

public unique_key_exists( mixed $value [, string $field = NULL ] ) (defined in Model_Auth_User)

Tests if a unique key value exists in the database.


  • mixed $value required - The value to test
  • string $field = NULL - Field name

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function unique_key_exists($value, $field = NULL)
    if ($field === NULL)
        // Automatically determine field by looking at the value
        $field = $this->unique_key($value);
    return (bool) DB::select(array(DB::expr('COUNT(*)'), 'total_count'))
        ->where($field, '=', $value)
        ->where($this->_primary_key, '!=', $this->pk())

public update_user( array $values [, array $expected = NULL ] ) (defined in Model_Auth_User)

Update an existing user

We make the assumption that if a user does not supply a password, that they do not wish to update their password.

Example usage:

$user = ORM::factory('User')
    ->where('username', '=', 'kiall')
    ->update_user($_POST, array(


  • array $values required - $values
  • array $expected = NULL - $expected


Source Code

public function update_user($values, $expected = NULL)
    if (empty($values['password']))
        unset($values['password'], $values['password_confirm']);
    // Validation for passwords
    $extra_validation = Model_User::get_password_validation($values);
    return $this->values($values, $expected)->update($extra_validation);

public __construct( [ mixed $id = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Constructs a new model and loads a record if given


  • mixed $id = NULL - Parameter for find or object to load

Source Code

public function __construct($id = NULL)
    if ($id !== NULL)
        if (is_array($id))
            foreach ($id as $column => $value)
                // Passing an array of column => values
                $this->where($column, '=', $value);
            // Passing the primary key
            $this->where($this->_object_name.'.'.$this->_primary_key, '=', $id)->find();
    elseif ( ! empty($this->_cast_data))
        // Load preloaded data from a database call cast
        $this->_cast_data = array();

public __get( string $column ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Handles retrieval of all model values, relationships, and metadata. [!!] This should not be overridden.


  • string $column required - Column name

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function __get($column)
    return $this->get($column);

public __isset( string $column ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Checks if object data is set.


  • string $column required - Column name

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function __isset($column)
    return (isset($this->_object[$column]) OR
        isset($this->_related[$column]) OR
        isset($this->_has_one[$column]) OR
        isset($this->_belongs_to[$column]) OR

public __set( string $column , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Base set method. [!!] This should not be overridden.


  • string $column required - Column name
  • mixed $value required - Column value

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __set($column, $value)
    $this->set($column, $value);

public __toString( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Displays the primary key of a model when it is converted to a string.

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function __toString()
    return (string) $this->pk();

public __unset( string $column ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Unsets object data.


  • string $column required - Column name

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __unset($column)
    unset($this->_object[$column], $this->_changed[$column], $this->_related[$column]);

public add( string $alias , mixed $far_keys ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Adds a new relationship to between this model and another.

// Add the login role using a model instance
$model->add('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'login')));
// Add the login role if you know the is 5
$model->add('roles', 5);
// Add multiple roles (for example, from checkboxes on a form)
$model->add('roles', array(1, 2, 3, 4));


  • string $alias required - Alias of the has_many "through" relationship
  • mixed $far_keys required - Related model, primary key, or an array of primary keys

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function add($alias, $far_keys)
    $far_keys = ($far_keys instanceof ORM) ? $far_keys->pk() : $far_keys;
    $columns = array($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], $this->_has_many[$alias]['far_key']);
    $foreign_key = $this->pk();
    $query = DB::insert($this->_has_many[$alias]['through'], $columns);
    foreach ( (array) $far_keys as $key)
        $query->values(array($foreign_key, $key));
    return $this;

public and_having( mixed $column , string $op [, mixed $value = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Creates a new "AND HAVING" condition for the query.


  • mixed $column required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object
  • string $op required - Logic operator
  • mixed $value = NULL - Column value

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function and_having($column, $op, $value = NULL)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'and_having',
        'args' => array($column, $op, $value),
    return $this;

public and_having_close( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Closes an open "AND HAVING (...)" grouping.

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function and_having_close()
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'and_having_close',
        'args' => array(),
    return $this;

public and_having_open( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Opens a new "AND HAVING (...)" grouping.

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function and_having_open()
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'and_having_open',
        'args' => array(),
    return $this;

public and_where( mixed $column , string $op , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Creates a new "AND WHERE" condition for the query.


  • mixed $column required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object
  • string $op required - Logic operator
  • mixed $value required - Column value

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function and_where($column, $op, $value)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'and_where',
        'args' => array($column, $op, $value),
    return $this;

public and_where_close( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Closes an open "AND WHERE (...)" grouping.

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function and_where_close()
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'and_where_close',
        'args' => array(),
    return $this;

public and_where_open( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Opens a new "AND WHERE (...)" grouping.

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function and_where_open()
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'and_where_open',
        'args' => array(),
    return $this;

public as_array( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Returns the values of this object as an array, including any related one-one models that have already been loaded using with()

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function as_array()
    $object = array();
    foreach ($this->_object as $column => $value)
        // Call __get for any user processing
        $object[$column] = $this->__get($column);
    foreach ($this->_related as $column => $model)
        // Include any related objects that are already loaded
        $object[$column] = $model->as_array();
    return $object;

public belongs_to( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function belongs_to()
    return $this->_belongs_to;

public cached( [ integer $lifetime = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Enables the query to be cached for a specified amount of time.


  • integer $lifetime = NULL - Number of seconds to cache


Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function cached($lifetime = NULL)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'cached',
        'args' => array($lifetime),
    return $this;

public changed( [ string $field = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Check whether the model data has been modified. If $field is specified, checks whether that field was modified.


  • string $field = NULL - Field to check for changes

Return Values

  • bool - Whether or not the field has changed

Source Code

public function changed($field = NULL)
    return ($field === NULL)
        ? $this->_changed
        : Arr::get($this->_changed, $field);

public check( [ Validation $extra_validation = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Validates the current model's data


  • Validation $extra_validation = NULL - Validation object


Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function check(Validation $extra_validation = NULL)
    // Determine if any external validation failed
    $extra_errors = ($extra_validation AND ! $extra_validation->check());
    // Always build a new validation object
    $array = $this->_validation;
    if (($this->_valid = $array->check()) === FALSE OR $extra_errors)
        $exception = new ORM_Validation_Exception($this->errors_filename(), $array);
        if ($extra_errors)
            // Merge any possible errors from the external object
            $exception->add_object('_external', $extra_validation);
        throw $exception;
    return $this;

public clear( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Unloads the current object and clears the status.


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function clear()
    // Create an array with all the columns set to NULL
    $values = array_combine(array_keys($this->_table_columns), array_fill(0, count($this->_table_columns), NULL));
    // Replace the object and reset the object status
    $this->_object = $this->_changed = $this->_related = $this->_original_values = array();
    // Replace the current object with an empty one
    // Reset primary key
    $this->_primary_key_value = NULL;
    // Reset the loaded state
    $this->_loaded = FALSE;
    return $this;

public count_all( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Count the number of records in the table.

Return Values

  • integer

Source Code

public function count_all()
    $selects = array();
    foreach ($this->_db_pending as $key => $method)
        if ($method['name'] == 'select')
            // Ignore any selected columns for now
            $selects[$key] = $method;
    if ( ! empty($this->_load_with))
        foreach ($this->_load_with as $alias)
            // Bind relationship
    $records = $this->_db_builder->from(array($this->_table_name, $this->_object_name))
        ->select(array(DB::expr('COUNT('.$this->_db->quote_column($this->_object_name.'.'.$this->_primary_key).')'), 'records_found'))
    // Add back in selected columns
    $this->_db_pending += $selects;
    // Return the total number of records in a table
    return (int) $records;

public count_relations( string $alias [, mixed $far_keys = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Returns the number of relationships

// Counts the number of times the login role is attached to $model
$model->count_relations('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'login')));
// Counts the number of times role 5 is attached to $model
$model->count_relations('roles', 5);
// Counts the number of times any of roles 1, 2, 3, or 4 are attached to
// $model
$model->count_relations('roles', array(1, 2, 3, 4));
// Counts the number roles attached to $model


  • string $alias required - Alias of the has_many "through" relationship
  • mixed $far_keys = NULL - Related model, primary key, or an array of primary keys

Return Values

  • integer

Source Code

public function count_relations($alias, $far_keys = NULL)
    if ($far_keys === NULL)
        return (int) DB::select(array(DB::expr('COUNT(*)'), 'records_found'))
            ->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], '=', $this->pk())
    $far_keys = ($far_keys instanceof ORM) ? $far_keys->pk() : $far_keys;
    // We need an array to simplify the logic
    $far_keys = (array) $far_keys;
    // Nothing to check if the model isn't loaded or we don't have any far_keys
    if ( ! $far_keys OR ! $this->_loaded)
        return 0;
    $count = (int) DB::select(array(DB::expr('COUNT(*)'), 'records_found'))
        ->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], '=', $this->pk())
        ->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['far_key'], 'IN', $far_keys)
    // Rows found need to match the rows searched
    return (int) $count;

public create( [ Validation $validation = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Insert a new object to the database


  • Validation $validation = NULL - Validation object


Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function create(Validation $validation = NULL)
    if ($this->_loaded)
        throw new Kohana_Exception('Cannot create :model model because it is already loaded.', array(':model' => $this->_object_name));
    // Require model validation before saving
    if ( ! $this->_valid OR $validation)
    $data = array();
    foreach ($this->_changed as $column)
        // Generate list of column => values
        $data[$column] = $this->_object[$column];
    if (is_array($this->_created_column))
        // Fill the created column
        $column = $this->_created_column['column'];
        $format = $this->_created_column['format'];
        $data[$column] = $this->_object[$column] = ($format === TRUE) ? time() : date($format);
    $result = DB::insert($this->_table_name)
    if ( ! array_key_exists($this->_primary_key, $data))
        // Load the insert id as the primary key if it was left out
        $this->_object[$this->_primary_key] = $this->_primary_key_value = $result[0];
        $this->_primary_key_value = $this->_object[$this->_primary_key];
    // Object is now loaded and saved
    $this->_loaded = $this->_saved = TRUE;
    // All changes have been saved
    $this->_changed = array();
    $this->_original_values = $this->_object;
    return $this;

public created_column( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function created_column()
    return $this->_created_column;

public delete( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Deletes a single record while ignoring relationships.


Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function delete()
    if ( ! $this->_loaded)
        throw new Kohana_Exception('Cannot delete :model model because it is not loaded.', array(':model' => $this->_object_name));
    // Use primary key value
    $id = $this->pk();
    // Delete the object
        ->where($this->_primary_key, '=', $id)
    return $this->clear();

public distinct( boolean $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Enables or disables selecting only unique columns using "SELECT DISTINCT"


  • boolean $value required - Enable or disable distinct columns

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function distinct($value)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'distinct',
        'args' => array($value),
    return $this;

public errors_filename( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function errors_filename()
    return $this->_errors_filename;

public static factory( string $model [, mixed $id = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Creates and returns a new model. Model name must be passed with its' original casing, e.g.

$model = ORM::factory('User_Token');


  • string $model required - Model name
  • mixed $id = NULL - Parameter for find()


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public static function factory($model, $id = NULL)
    // Set class name
    $model = 'Model_'.$model;
    return new $model($id);

public find( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Finds and loads a single database row into the object.


Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function find()
    if ($this->_loaded)
        throw new Kohana_Exception('Method find() cannot be called on loaded objects');
    if ( ! empty($this->_load_with))
        foreach ($this->_load_with as $alias)
            // Bind auto relationships
    return $this->_load_result(FALSE);

public find_all( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Finds multiple database rows and returns an iterator of the rows found.


Return Values

  • Database_Result

Source Code

public function find_all()
    if ($this->_loaded)
        throw new Kohana_Exception('Method find_all() cannot be called on loaded objects');
    if ( ! empty($this->_load_with))
        foreach ($this->_load_with as $alias)
            // Bind auto relationships
    return $this->_load_result(TRUE);

public from( mixed $tables ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Choose the tables to select "FROM ..."


  • mixed $tables required - Table name or array($table, $alias) or object

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function from($tables)
    $tables = func_get_args();
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'from',
        'args' => $tables,
    return $this;

public get( string $column ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Handles getting of column Override this method to add custom get behavior


  • string $column required - Column name


Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function get($column)
    if (array_key_exists($column, $this->_object))
        return (in_array($column, $this->_serialize_columns))
            ? $this->_unserialize_value($this->_object[$column])
            : $this->_object[$column];
    elseif (isset($this->_related[$column]))
        // Return related model that has already been fetched
        return $this->_related[$column];
    elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$column]))
        $model = $this->_related($column);
        // Use this model's column and foreign model's primary key
        $col = $model->_object_name.'.'.$model->_primary_key;
        $val = $this->_object[$this->_belongs_to[$column]['foreign_key']];
        // Make sure we don't run WHERE "AUTO_INCREMENT column" = NULL queries. This would
        // return the last inserted record instead of an empty result.
        if ($val !== NULL)
            $model->where($col, '=', $val)->find();
        return $this->_related[$column] = $model;
    elseif (isset($this->_has_one[$column]))
        $model = $this->_related($column);
        // Use this model's primary key value and foreign model's column
        $col = $model->_object_name.'.'.$this->_has_one[$column]['foreign_key'];
        $val = $this->pk();
        $model->where($col, '=', $val)->find();
        return $this->_related[$column] = $model;
    elseif (isset($this->_has_many[$column]))
        $model = ORM::factory($this->_has_many[$column]['model']);
        if (isset($this->_has_many[$column]['through']))
            // Grab has_many "through" relationship table
            $through = $this->_has_many[$column]['through'];
            // Join on through model's target foreign key (far_key) and target model's primary key
            $join_col1 = $through.'.'.$this->_has_many[$column]['far_key'];
            $join_col2 = $model->_object_name.'.'.$model->_primary_key;
            $model->join($through)->on($join_col1, '=', $join_col2);
            // Through table's source foreign key (foreign_key) should be this model's primary key
            $col = $through.'.'.$this->_has_many[$column]['foreign_key'];
            $val = $this->pk();
            // Simple has_many relationship, search where target model's foreign key is this model's primary key
            $col = $model->_object_name.'.'.$this->_has_many[$column]['foreign_key'];
            $val = $this->pk();
        return $model->where($col, '=', $val);
        throw new Kohana_Exception('The :property property does not exist in the :class class',
            array(':property' => $column, ':class' => get_class($this)));

public group_by( mixed $columns ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Creates a "GROUP BY ..." filter.


  • mixed $columns required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function group_by($columns)
    $columns = func_get_args();
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'group_by',
        'args' => $columns,
    return $this;

public has( string $alias [, mixed $far_keys = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Tests if this object has a relationship to a different model, or an array of different models. When providing far keys, the number of relations must equal the number of keys.

// Check if $model has the login role
$model->has('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'login')));
// Check for the login role if you know the is 5
$model->has('roles', 5);
// Check for all of the following roles
$model->has('roles', array(1, 2, 3, 4));
// Check if $model has any roles


  • string $alias required - Alias of the has_many "through" relationship
  • mixed $far_keys = NULL - Related model, primary key, or an array of primary keys

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function has($alias, $far_keys = NULL)
    $count = $this->count_relations($alias, $far_keys);
    if ($far_keys === NULL)
        return (bool) $count;
        return $count === count($far_keys);

public has_any( string $alias [, mixed $far_keys = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Tests if this object has a relationship to a different model, or an array of different models. When providing far keys, this function only checks that at least one of the relationships is satisfied.

// Check if $model has the login role
$model->has('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'login')));
// Check for the login role if you know the is 5
$model->has('roles', 5);
// Check for any of the following roles
$model->has('roles', array(1, 2, 3, 4));
// Check if $model has any roles


  • string $alias required - Alias of the has_many "through" relationship
  • mixed $far_keys = NULL - Related model, primary key, or an array of primary keys

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function has_any($alias, $far_keys = NULL)
    return (bool) $this->count_relations($alias, $far_keys);

public has_many( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function has_many()
    return $this->_has_many;

public has_one( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function has_one()
    return $this->_has_one;

public having( mixed $column , string $op [, mixed $value = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Alias of and_having()


  • mixed $column required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object
  • string $op required - Logic operator
  • mixed $value = NULL - Column value

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function having($column, $op, $value = NULL)
    return $this->and_having($column, $op, $value);

public having_close( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Closes an open "AND HAVING (...)" grouping.

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function having_close()
    return $this->and_having_close();

public having_open( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Alias of and_having_open()

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function having_open()
    return $this->and_having_open();

public join( mixed $table [, string $type = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Adds addition tables to "JOIN ...".


  • mixed $table required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object
  • string $type = NULL - Join type (LEFT, RIGHT, INNER, etc)

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function join($table, $type = NULL)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'join',
        'args' => array($table, $type),
    return $this;

public last_query( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Returns last executed query

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function last_query()
    return $this->_db->last_query;

public limit( integer $number ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Return up to "LIMIT ..." results


  • integer $number required - Maximum results to return

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function limit($number)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'limit',
        'args' => array($number),
    return $this;

public list_columns( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Proxy method to Database list_columns.

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function list_columns()
    // Proxy to database
    return $this->_db->list_columns($this->_table_name);

public load_with( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function load_with()
    return $this->_load_with;

public loaded( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function loaded()
    return $this->_loaded;

public object( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function object()
    return $this->_object;

public object_name( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function object_name()
    return $this->_object_name;

public object_plural( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function object_plural()
    return $this->_object_plural;

public offset( integer $number ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Start returning results after "OFFSET ..."


  • integer $number required - Starting result number

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function offset($number)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'offset',
        'args' => array($number),
    return $this;

public on( mixed $c1 , string $op , mixed $c2 ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Adds "ON ..." conditions for the last created JOIN statement.


  • mixed $c1 required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object
  • string $op required - Logic operator
  • mixed $c2 required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function on($c1, $op, $c2)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'on',
        'args' => array($c1, $op, $c2),
    return $this;

public or_having( mixed $column , string $op [, mixed $value = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Creates a new "OR HAVING" condition for the query.


  • mixed $column required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object
  • string $op required - Logic operator
  • mixed $value = NULL - Column value

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function or_having($column, $op, $value = NULL)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'or_having',
        'args' => array($column, $op, $value),
    return $this;

public or_having_close( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Closes an open "OR HAVING (...)" grouping.

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function or_having_close()
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'or_having_close',
        'args' => array(),
    return $this;

public or_having_open( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Opens a new "OR HAVING (...)" grouping.

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function or_having_open()
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'or_having_open',
        'args' => array(),
    return $this;

public or_where( mixed $column , string $op , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Creates a new "OR WHERE" condition for the query.


  • mixed $column required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object
  • string $op required - Logic operator
  • mixed $value required - Column value

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function or_where($column, $op, $value)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'or_where',
        'args' => array($column, $op, $value),
    return $this;

public or_where_close( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Closes an open "OR WHERE (...)" grouping.

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function or_where_close()
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'or_where_close',
        'args' => array(),
    return $this;

public or_where_open( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Opens a new "OR WHERE (...)" grouping.

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function or_where_open()
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'or_where_open',
        'args' => array(),
    return $this;

public order_by( mixed $column [, string $direction = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Applies sorting with "ORDER BY ..."


  • mixed $column required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object
  • string $direction = NULL - Direction of sorting

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function order_by($column, $direction = NULL)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'order_by',
        'args' => array($column, $direction),
    return $this;

public original_values( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function original_values()
    return $this->_original_values;

public param( string $param , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Set the value of a parameter in the query.


  • string $param required - Parameter key to replace
  • mixed $value required - Value to use

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function param($param, $value)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'param',
        'args' => array($param, $value),
    return $this;

public pk( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Returns the value of the primary key

Return Values

  • mixed - Primary key

Source Code

public function pk()
    return $this->_primary_key_value;

public primary_key( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function primary_key()
    return $this->_primary_key;

public reload( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Reloads the current object from the database.


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function reload()
    $primary_key = $this->pk();
    // Replace the object and reset the object status
    $this->_object = $this->_changed = $this->_related = $this->_original_values = array();
    // Only reload the object if we have one to reload
    if ($this->_loaded)
        return $this->clear()
            ->where($this->_object_name.'.'.$this->_primary_key, '=', $primary_key)
        return $this->clear();

public reload_columns( [ boolean $force = bool FALSE ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Reload column definitions.


  • boolean $force = bool FALSE - Force reloading


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function reload_columns($force = FALSE)
    if ($force === TRUE OR empty($this->_table_columns))
        if (isset(ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name]))
            // Use cached column information
            $this->_table_columns = ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name];
            // Grab column information from database
            $this->_table_columns = $this->list_columns();
            // Load column cache
            ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name] = $this->_table_columns;
    return $this;

public remove( string $alias [, mixed $far_keys = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Removes a relationship between this model and another.

// Remove a role using a model instance
$model->remove('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'login')));
// Remove the role knowing the primary key
$model->remove('roles', 5);
// Remove multiple roles (for example, from checkboxes on a form)
$model->remove('roles', array(1, 2, 3, 4));
// Remove all related roles


  • string $alias required - Alias of the has_many "through" relationship
  • mixed $far_keys = NULL - Related model, primary key, or an array of primary keys

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function remove($alias, $far_keys = NULL)
    $far_keys = ($far_keys instanceof ORM) ? $far_keys->pk() : $far_keys;
    $query = DB::delete($this->_has_many[$alias]['through'])
        ->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], '=', $this->pk());
    if ($far_keys !== NULL)
        // Remove all the relationships in the array
        $query->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['far_key'], 'IN', (array) $far_keys);
    return $this;

public reset( [ bool $next = bool TRUE ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Clears query builder. Passing FALSE is useful to keep the existing query conditions for another query.


  • bool $next = bool TRUE - Pass FALSE to avoid resetting on the next call

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function reset($next = TRUE)
    if ($next AND $this->_db_reset)
        $this->_db_pending   = array();
        $this->_db_applied   = array();
        $this->_db_builder   = NULL;
        $this->_with_applied = array();
    // Reset on the next call?
    $this->_db_reset = $next;
    return $this;

public save( [ Validation $validation = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Updates or Creates the record depending on loaded()


  • Validation $validation = NULL - Validation object


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function save(Validation $validation = NULL)
    return $this->loaded() ? $this->update($validation) : $this->create($validation);

public saved( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function saved()
    return $this->_saved;

public select( [ mixed $columns = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Choose the columns to select from.


  • mixed $columns = NULL - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function select($columns = NULL)
    $columns = func_get_args();
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'select',
        'args' => $columns,
    return $this;

public serialize( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Allows serialization of only the object data and state, to prevent "stale" objects being unserialized, which also requires less memory.

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function serialize()
    // Store only information about the object
    foreach (array('_primary_key_value', '_object', '_changed', '_loaded', '_saved', '_sorting', '_original_values') as $var)
        $data[$var] = $this->{$var};
    return serialize($data);

public set( string $column , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Handles setting of columns Override this method to add custom set behavior


  • string $column required - Column name
  • mixed $value required - Column value


Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function set($column, $value)
    if ( ! isset($this->_object_name))
        // Object not yet constructed, so we're loading data from a database call cast
        $this->_cast_data[$column] = $value;
        return $this;
    if (in_array($column, $this->_serialize_columns))
        $value = $this->_serialize_value($value);
    if (array_key_exists($column, $this->_object))
        // Filter the data
        $value = $this->run_filter($column, $value);
        // See if the data really changed
        if ($value !== $this->_object[$column])
            $this->_object[$column] = $value;
            // Data has changed
            $this->_changed[$column] = $column;
            // Object is no longer saved or valid
            $this->_saved = $this->_valid = FALSE;
    elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$column]))
        // Update related object itself
        $this->_related[$column] = $value;
        // Update the foreign key of this model
        $this->_object[$this->_belongs_to[$column]['foreign_key']] = ($value instanceof ORM)
            ? $value->pk()
            : NULL;
        $this->_changed[$column] = $this->_belongs_to[$column]['foreign_key'];
        throw new Kohana_Exception('The :property: property does not exist in the :class: class',
            array(':property:' => $column, ':class:' => get_class($this)));
    return $this;

public table_columns( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function table_columns()
    return $this->_table_columns;

public table_name( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function table_name()
    return $this->_table_name;

public unique( string $field , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Checks whether a column value is unique. Excludes itself if loaded.


  • string $field required - The field to check for uniqueness
  • mixed $value required - The value to check for uniqueness

Return Values

  • bool - Whteher the value is unique

Source Code

public function unique($field, $value)
    $model = ORM::factory($this->object_name())
        ->where($field, '=', $value)
    if ($this->loaded())
        return ( ! ($model->loaded() AND $model->pk() != $this->pk()));
    return ( ! $model->loaded());

public unserialize( string $data ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Prepares the database connection and reloads the object.


  • string $data required - String for unserialization

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function unserialize($data)
    // Initialize model
    foreach (unserialize($data) as $name => $var)
        $this->{$name} = $var;
    if ($this->_reload_on_wakeup === TRUE)
        // Reload the object

public update( [ Validation $validation = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Updates a single record or multiple records


  • Validation $validation = NULL - Validation object


Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function update(Validation $validation = NULL)
    if ( ! $this->_loaded)
        throw new Kohana_Exception('Cannot update :model model because it is not loaded.', array(':model' => $this->_object_name));
    // Run validation if the model isn't valid or we have additional validation rules.
    if ( ! $this->_valid OR $validation)
    if (empty($this->_changed))
        // Nothing to update
        return $this;
    $data = array();
    foreach ($this->_changed as $column)
        // Compile changed data
        $data[$column] = $this->_object[$column];
    if (is_array($this->_updated_column))
        // Fill the updated column
        $column = $this->_updated_column['column'];
        $format = $this->_updated_column['format'];
        $data[$column] = $this->_object[$column] = ($format === TRUE) ? time() : date($format);
    // Use primary key value
    $id = $this->pk();
    // Update a single record
        ->where($this->_primary_key, '=', $id)
    if (isset($data[$this->_primary_key]))
        // Primary key was changed, reflect it
        $this->_primary_key_value = $data[$this->_primary_key];
    // Object has been saved
    $this->_saved = TRUE;
    // All changes have been saved
    $this->_changed = array();
    $this->_original_values = $this->_object;
    return $this;

public updated_column( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function updated_column()
    return $this->_updated_column;

public using( string $columns ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Adds "USING ..." conditions for the last created JOIN statement.


  • string $columns required - Column name

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function using($columns)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'using',
        'args' => array($columns),
    return $this;

public validation( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

public function validation()
    if ( ! isset($this->_validation))
        // Initialize the validation object
    return $this->_validation;

public values( array $values [, array $expected = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Set values from an array with support for one-one relationships. This method should be used for loading in post data, etc.


  • array $values required - Array of column => val
  • array $expected = NULL - Array of keys to take from $values

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function values(array $values, array $expected = NULL)
    // Default to expecting everything except the primary key
    if ($expected === NULL)
        $expected = array_keys($this->_table_columns);
        // Don't set the primary key by default
    foreach ($expected as $key => $column)
        if (is_string($key))
            // isset() fails when the value is NULL (we want it to pass)
            if ( ! array_key_exists($key, $values))
            // Try to set values to a related model
            $this->{$key}->values($values[$key], $column);
            // isset() fails when the value is NULL (we want it to pass)
            if ( ! array_key_exists($column, $values))
            // Update the column, respects __set()
            $this->$column = $values[$column];
    return $this;

public where( mixed $column , string $op , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Alias of and_where()


  • mixed $column required - Column name or array($column, $alias) or object
  • string $op required - Logic operator
  • mixed $value required - Column value

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function where($column, $op, $value)
    // Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
    $this->_db_pending[] = array(
        'name' => 'where',
        'args' => array($column, $op, $value),
    return $this;

public where_close( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Closes an open "AND WHERE (...)" grouping.

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function where_close()
    return $this->and_where_close();

public where_open( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Alias of and_where_open()

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function where_open()
    return $this->and_where_open();

public with( string $target_path ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Binds another one-to-one object to this model. One-to-one objects can be nested using 'object1:object2' syntax


  • string $target_path required - Target model to bind to

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function with($target_path)
    if (isset($this->_with_applied[$target_path]))
        // Don't join anything already joined
        return $this;
    // Split object parts
    $aliases = explode(':', $target_path);
    $target = $this;
    foreach ($aliases as $alias)
        // Go down the line of objects to find the given target
        $parent = $target;
        $target = $parent->_related($alias);
        if ( ! $target)
            // Can't find related object
            return $this;
    // Target alias is at the end
    $target_alias = $alias;
    // Pop-off top alias to get the parent path (user:photo:tag becomes user:photo - the parent table prefix)
    $parent_path = implode(':', $aliases);
    if (empty($parent_path))
        // Use this table name itself for the parent path
        $parent_path = $this->_object_name;
        if ( ! isset($this->_with_applied[$parent_path]))
            // If the parent path hasn't been joined yet, do it first (otherwise LEFT JOINs fail)
    // Add to with_applied to prevent duplicate joins
    $this->_with_applied[$target_path] = TRUE;
    // Use the keys of the empty object to determine the columns
    foreach (array_keys($target->_object) as $column)
        $name = $target_path.'.'.$column;
        $alias = $target_path.':'.$column;
        // Add the prefix so that load_result can determine the relationship
        $this->select(array($name, $alias));
    if (isset($parent->_belongs_to[$target_alias]))
        // Parent belongs_to target, use target's primary key and parent's foreign key
        $join_col1 = $target_path.'.'.$target->_primary_key;
        $join_col2 = $parent_path.'.'.$parent->_belongs_to[$target_alias]['foreign_key'];
        // Parent has_one target, use parent's primary key as target's foreign key
        $join_col1 = $parent_path.'.'.$parent->_primary_key;
        $join_col2 = $target_path.'.'.$parent->_has_one[$target_alias]['foreign_key'];
    // Join the related object into the result
    $this->join(array($target->_table_name, $target_path), 'LEFT')->on($join_col1, '=', $join_col2);
    return $this;

protected _build( integer $type ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Initializes the Database Builder to given query type


  • integer $type required - Type of Database query

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

protected function _build($type)
    // Construct new builder object based on query type
    switch ($type)
        case Database::SELECT:
            $this->_db_builder = DB::select();
        case Database::UPDATE:
            $this->_db_builder = DB::update(array($this->_table_name, $this->_object_name));
        case Database::DELETE:
            // Cannot use an alias for DELETE queries
            $this->_db_builder = DB::delete($this->_table_name);
    // Process pending database method calls
    foreach ($this->_db_pending as $method)
        $name = $method['name'];
        $args = $method['args'];
        $this->_db_applied[$name] = $name;
        call_user_func_array(array($this->_db_builder, $name), $args);
    return $this;

protected _build_select( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Returns an array of columns to include in the select query. This method can be overridden to change the default select behavior.

Return Values

  • array - Columns to select

Source Code

protected function _build_select()
    $columns = array();
    foreach ($this->_table_columns as $column => $_)
        $columns[] = array($this->_object_name.'.'.$column, $column);
    return $columns;

protected _initialize( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Prepares the model database connection, determines the table name, and loads column information.

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

protected function _initialize()
    // Set the object name if none predefined
    if (empty($this->_object_name))
        $this->_object_name = strtolower(substr(get_class($this), 6));
    // Check if this model has already been initialized
    if ( ! $init = Arr::get(ORM::$_init_cache, $this->_object_name, FALSE))
        $init = array(
            '_belongs_to' => array(),
            '_has_one'    => array(),
            '_has_many'   => array(),
        // Set the object plural name if none predefined
        if ( ! isset($this->_object_plural))
            $init['_object_plural'] = Inflector::plural($this->_object_name);
        if ( ! $this->_errors_filename)
            $init['_errors_filename'] = $this->_object_name;
        if ( ! is_object($this->_db))
            // Get database instance
            $init['_db'] = Database::instance($this->_db_group);
        if (empty($this->_table_name))
            // Table name is the same as the object name
            $init['_table_name'] = $this->_object_name;
            if ($this->_table_names_plural === TRUE)
                // Make the table name plural
                $init['_table_name'] = Arr::get($init, '_object_plural', $this->_object_plural);
        $defaults = array();
        foreach ($this->_belongs_to as $alias => $details)
            if ( ! isset($details['model']))
                $defaults['model'] = str_replace(' ', '_', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $alias)));
            $defaults['foreign_key'] = $alias.$this->_foreign_key_suffix;
            $init['_belongs_to'][$alias] = array_merge($defaults, $details);
        foreach ($this->_has_one as $alias => $details)
            if ( ! isset($details['model']))
                $defaults['model'] = str_replace(' ', '_', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $alias)));
            $defaults['foreign_key'] = $this->_object_name.$this->_foreign_key_suffix;
            $init['_has_one'][$alias] = array_merge($defaults, $details);
        foreach ($this->_has_many as $alias => $details)
            if ( ! isset($details['model']))
                $defaults['model'] = str_replace(' ', '_', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', Inflector::singular($alias))));
            $defaults['foreign_key'] = $this->_object_name.$this->_foreign_key_suffix;
            $defaults['through'] = NULL;
            if ( ! isset($details['far_key']))
                $defaults['far_key'] = Inflector::singular($alias).$this->_foreign_key_suffix;
            $init['_has_many'][$alias] = array_merge($defaults, $details);
        ORM::$_init_cache[$this->_object_name] = $init;
    // Assign initialized properties to the current object
    foreach ($init as $property => $value)
        $this->{$property} = $value;
    // Load column information
    // Clear initial model state

protected _load_result( [ bool $multiple = bool FALSE ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Loads a database result, either as a new record for this model, or as an iterator for multiple rows.


  • bool $multiple = bool FALSE - Return an iterator or load a single row


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM|Database_Result

Source Code

protected function _load_result($multiple = FALSE)
    $this->_db_builder->from(array($this->_table_name, $this->_object_name));
    if ($multiple === FALSE)
        // Only fetch 1 record
    // Select all columns by default
    if ( ! isset($this->_db_applied['order_by']) AND ! empty($this->_sorting))
        foreach ($this->_sorting as $column => $direction)
            if (strpos($column, '.') === FALSE)
                // Sorting column for use in JOINs
                $column = $this->_object_name.'.'.$column;
            $this->_db_builder->order_by($column, $direction);
    if ($multiple === TRUE)
        // Return database iterator casting to this object type
        $result = $this->_db_builder->as_object(get_class($this))->execute($this->_db);
        return $result;
        // Load the result as an associative array
        $result = $this->_db_builder->as_assoc()->execute($this->_db);
        if ($result->count() === 1)
            // Load object values
            // Clear the object, nothing was found
        return $this;

protected _load_values( array $values ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Loads an array of values into into the current object.


  • array $values required - Values to load


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

protected function _load_values(array $values)
    if (array_key_exists($this->_primary_key, $values))
        if ($values[$this->_primary_key] !== NULL)
            // Flag as loaded and valid
            $this->_loaded = $this->_valid = TRUE;
            // Store primary key
            $this->_primary_key_value = $values[$this->_primary_key];
            // Not loaded or valid
            $this->_loaded = $this->_valid = FALSE;
    // Related objects
    $related = array();
    foreach ($values as $column => $value)
        if (strpos($column, ':') === FALSE)
            // Load the value to this model
            $this->_object[$column] = $value;
            // Column belongs to a related model
            list ($prefix, $column) = explode(':', $column, 2);
            $related[$prefix][$column] = $value;
    if ( ! empty($related))
        foreach ($related as $object => $values)
            // Load the related objects with the values in the result
    if ($this->_loaded)
        // Store the object in its original state
        $this->_original_values = $this->_object;
    return $this;

Returns an ORM model for the given one-one related alias


  • string $alias required - Alias name

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

protected function _related($alias)
    if (isset($this->_related[$alias]))
        return $this->_related[$alias];
    elseif (isset($this->_has_one[$alias]))
        return $this->_related[$alias] = ORM::factory($this->_has_one[$alias]['model']);
    elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$alias]))
        return $this->_related[$alias] = ORM::factory($this->_belongs_to[$alias]['model']);
        return FALSE;

protected _serialize_value( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

protected function _serialize_value($value)
    return json_encode($value);

protected _unserialize_value( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Source Code

protected function _unserialize_value($value)
    return json_decode($value, TRUE);

protected _validation( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Initializes validation rules, and labels

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

protected function _validation()
    // Build the validation object with its rules
    $this->_validation = Validation::factory($this->_object)
        ->bind(':model', $this)
        ->bind(':original_values', $this->_original_values)
        ->bind(':changed', $this->_changed);
    foreach ($this->rules() as $field => $rules)
        $this->_validation->rules($field, $rules);
    // Use column names by default for labels
    $columns = array_keys($this->_table_columns);
    // Merge user-defined labels
    $labels = array_merge(array_combine($columns, $columns), $this->labels());
    foreach ($labels as $field => $label)
        $this->_validation->label($field, $label);

protected run_filter( string $field , string $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Filters a value for a specific column


  • string $field required - The column name
  • string $value required - The value to filter

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

protected function run_filter($field, $value)
    $filters = $this->filters();
    // Get the filters for this column
    $wildcards = empty($filters[TRUE]) ? array() : $filters[TRUE];
    // Merge in the wildcards
    $filters = empty($filters[$field]) ? $wildcards : array_merge($wildcards, $filters[$field]);
    // Bind the field name and model so they can be used in the filter method
    $_bound = array
        ':field' => $field,
        ':model' => $this,
    foreach ($filters as $array)
        // Value needs to be bound inside the loop so we are always using the
        // version that was modified by the filters that already ran
        $_bound[':value'] = $value;
        // Filters are defined as array($filter, $params)
        $filter = $array[0];
        $params = Arr::get($array, 1, array(':value'));
        foreach ($params as $key => $param)
            if (is_string($param) AND array_key_exists($param, $_bound))
                // Replace with bound value
                $params[$key] = $_bound[$param];
        if (is_array($filter) OR ! is_string($filter))
            // This is either a callback as an array or a lambda
            $value = call_user_func_array($filter, $params);
        elseif (strpos($filter, '::') === FALSE)
            // Use a function call
            $function = new ReflectionFunction($filter);
            // Call $function($this[$field], $param, ...) with Reflection
            $value = $function->invokeArgs($params);
            // Split the class and method of the rule
            list($class, $method) = explode('::', $filter, 2);
            // Use a static method call
            $method = new ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
            // Call $Class::$method($this[$field], $param, ...) with Reflection
            $value = $method->invokeArgs(NULL, $params);
    return $value;