
extends Model
extends Kohana_Model

Implements: Serializable

Object Relational Mapping (ORM) is a method of abstracting database access to standard PHP calls. All table rows are represented as model objects, with object properties representing row data. ORM in Kohana generally follows the Active Record pattern.

Kohana Team
© 2007-2012 Kohana Team
ORM where()
ORM and_where()
ORM or_where()
ORM where_open()
ORM and_where_open()
ORM or_where_open()
ORM where_close()
ORM and_where_close()
ORM or_where_close()
ORM distinct()
ORM select()
ORM from()
ORM join()
ORM on()
ORM group_by()
ORM having()
ORM and_having()
ORM or_having()
ORM having_open()
ORM and_having_open()
ORM or_having_open()
ORM having_close()
ORM and_having_close()
ORM or_having_close()
ORM order_by()
ORM limit()
ORM offset()
ORM cached()
Validation validation()
string $object_name Name of the model
string $object_plural Plural name of the model
bool $loaded ORM object was loaded?
bool $saved ORM object was saved?
mixed $primary_key
string $table_name
string $table_columns
array $has_one
array $belongs_to
array $has_many
array $has_many_through
array $load_with
string $updated_column
string $created_column

Class declared in MODPATH/orm/classes/kohana/orm.php on line 62.


protected array $_belongs_to

"Belongs to" relationships

protected array $_cast_data

Data to be loaded into the model from a database call cast

protected array $_changed

protected static array $_column_cache

Stores column information for ORM models


protected string $_created_column

Auto-update columns for creation

protected Database $_db

Database Object

protected array $_db_applied

Database methods applied

protected Database_Query_Builder_Where $_db_builder

Database query builder

protected String $_db_group

Database config group

protected static array $_db_methods

Callable database methods

array(28) (
    0 => string(5) "where"
    1 => string(9) "and_where"
    2 => string(8) "or_where"
    3 => string(10) "where_open"
    4 => string(14) "and_where_open"
    5 => string(13) "or_where_open"
    6 => string(11) "where_close"
    7 => string(15) "and_where_close"
    8 => string(14) "or_where_close"
    9 => string(8) "distinct"
    10 => string(6) "select"
    11 => string(4) "from"
    12 => string(4) "join"
    13 => string(2) "on"
    14 => string(8) "group_by"
    15 => string(6) "having"
    16 => string(10) "and_having"
    17 => string(9) "or_having"
    18 => string(11) "having_open"
    19 => string(15) "and_having_open"
    20 => string(14) "or_having_open"
    21 => string(12) "having_close"
    22 => string(16) "and_having_close"
    23 => string(15) "or_having_close"
    24 => string(8) "order_by"
    25 => string(5) "limit"
    26 => string(6) "offset"
    27 => string(6) "cached"

protected array $_db_pending

Database methods pending

protected bool $_db_reset

Reset builder

protected string $_foreign_key_suffix

Foreign key suffix

protected array $_has_many

"Has many" relationships

protected array $_has_one

"Has one" relationships

protected array $_load_with

Relationships that should always be joined

protected bool $_loaded

protected array $_object

Current object

protected string $_object_name

Model name

protected string $_object_plural

Plural model name

protected string $_primary_key

Table primary key

protected mixed $_primary_key_value

Primary key value

protected static array $_properties

Members that have access methods

array(15) (
    0 => string(11) "object_name"
    1 => string(13) "object_plural"
    2 => string(6) "loaded"
    3 => string(5) "saved"
    4 => string(11) "primary_key"
    5 => string(10) "table_name"
    6 => string(13) "table_columns"
    7 => string(7) "has_one"
    8 => string(10) "belongs_to"
    9 => string(8) "has_many"
    10 => string(16) "has_many_through"
    11 => string(9) "load_with"
    12 => string(14) "updated_column"
    13 => string(14) "created_column"
    14 => string(10) "validation"

protected bool $_reload_on_wakeup

Model configuration, reload on wakeup?

protected bool $_saved

protected array $_sorting

protected array $_table_columns

Table columns

protected string $_table_name

Table name

protected bool $_table_names_plural

Model configuration, table names plural?

protected string $_updated_column

Auto-update columns for updates

protected bool $_valid

protected Validation $_validation

Validation object created before saving/updating

protected array $_with_applied

With calls already applied


public __call( string $method , array $args ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Handles pass-through to database methods. Calls to query methods (query, get, insert, update) are not allowed. Query builder methods are chainable.


  • string $method required - Method name
  • array $args required - Method arguments

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function __call($method, array $args)
	if (in_array($method, ORM::$_properties))
		if ($method === 'validation')
			if ( ! isset($this->_validation))
				// Initialize the validation object

		// Return the property
		return $this->{'_'.$method};
	elseif (in_array($method, ORM::$_db_methods))
		// Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
		$this->_db_pending[] = array('name' => $method, 'args' => $args);

		return $this;
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Invalid method :method called in :class',
			array(':method' => $method, ':class' => get_class($this)));

public __construct( [ mixed $id = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Constructs a new model and loads a record if given


  • mixed $id = NULL - Parameter for find or object to load

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __construct($id = NULL)

	if ($id !== NULL)
		if (is_array($id))
			foreach ($id as $column => $value)
				// Passing an array of column => values
				$this->where($column, '=', $value);

			// Passing the primary key
			$this->where($this->_table_name.'.'.$this->_primary_key, '=', $id)->find();
	elseif ( ! empty($this->_cast_data))
		// Load preloaded data from a database call cast

		$this->_cast_data = array();

public __get( string $column ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Handles retrieval of all model values, relationships, and metadata.


  • string $column required - Column name

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function __get($column)
	if (array_key_exists($column, $this->_object))
		return $this->_object[$column];
	elseif (isset($this->_related[$column]))
		// Return related model that has already been fetched
		return $this->_related[$column];
	elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$column]))
		$model = $this->_related($column);

		// Use this model's column and foreign model's primary key
		$col = $model->_table_name.'.'.$model->_primary_key;
		$val = $this->_object[$this->_belongs_to[$column]['foreign_key']];

		// Make sure we don't run WHERE "AUTO_INCREMENT column" = NULL queries. This would
		// return the last inserted record instead of an empty result.
		// See:
		if ($val !== NULL)
			$model->where($col, '=', $val)->find();

		return $this->_related[$column] = $model;
	elseif (isset($this->_has_one[$column]))
		$model = $this->_related($column);

		// Use this model's primary key value and foreign model's column
		$col = $model->_table_name.'.'.$this->_has_one[$column]['foreign_key'];
		$val = $this->pk();

		$model->where($col, '=', $val)->find();

		return $this->_related[$column] = $model;
	elseif (isset($this->_has_many[$column]))
		$model = ORM::factory($this->_has_many[$column]['model']);

		if (isset($this->_has_many[$column]['through']))
			// Grab has_many "through" relationship table
			$through = $this->_has_many[$column]['through'];

			// Join on through model's target foreign key (far_key) and target model's primary key
			$join_col1 = $through.'.'.$this->_has_many[$column]['far_key'];
			$join_col2 = $model->_table_name.'.'.$model->_primary_key;

			$model->join($through)->on($join_col1, '=', $join_col2);

			// Through table's source foreign key (foreign_key) should be this model's primary key
			$col = $through.'.'.$this->_has_many[$column]['foreign_key'];
			$val = $this->pk();
			// Simple has_many relationship, search where target model's foreign key is this model's primary key
			$col = $model->_table_name.'.'.$this->_has_many[$column]['foreign_key'];
			$val = $this->pk();

		return $model->where($col, '=', $val);
		throw new Kohana_Exception('The :property property does not exist in the :class class',
			array(':property' => $column, ':class' => get_class($this)));

public __isset( string $column ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Checks if object data is set.


  • string $column required - Column name

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function __isset($column)
	return (isset($this->_object[$column]) OR
		isset($this->_related[$column]) OR
		isset($this->_has_one[$column]) OR
		isset($this->_belongs_to[$column]) OR

public __set( string $column , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Base set method - this should not be overridden.


  • string $column required - Column name
  • mixed $value required - Column value

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __set($column, $value)
	if ( ! isset($this->_object_name))
		// Object not yet constructed, so we're loading data from a database call cast
		$this->_cast_data[$column] = $value;
		// Set the model's column to given value
		$this->set($column, $value);

public __toString( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Displays the primary key of a model when it is converted to a string.

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function __toString()
	return (string) $this->pk();

public __unset( string $column ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Unsets object data.


  • string $column required - Column name

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __unset($column)
	unset($this->_object[$column], $this->_changed[$column], $this->_related[$column]);

public add( string $alias , mixed $far_keys ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Adds a new relationship to between this model and another.

// Add the login role using a model instance
$model->add('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'login')));
// Add the login role if you know the is 5
$model->add('roles', 5);
// Add multiple roles (for example, from checkboxes on a form)
$model->add('roles', array(1, 2, 3, 4));


  • string $alias required - Alias of the has_many "through" relationship
  • mixed $far_keys required - Related model, primary key, or an array of primary keys

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function add($alias, $far_keys)
	$far_keys = ($far_keys instanceof ORM) ? $far_keys->pk() : $far_keys;

	$columns = array($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], $this->_has_many[$alias]['far_key']);
	$foreign_key = $this->pk();

	$query = DB::insert($this->_has_many[$alias]['through'], $columns);

	foreach ( (array) $far_keys as $key)
		$query->values(array($foreign_key, $key));


	return $this;

public as_array( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Returns the values of this object as an array, including any related one-one models that have already been loaded using with()

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function as_array()
	$object = array();

	foreach ($this->_object as $column => $value)
		// Call __get for any user processing
		$object[$column] = $this->__get($column);

	foreach ($this->_related as $column => $model)
		// Include any related objects that are already loaded
		$object[$column] = $model->as_array();

	return $object;

public check( [ Validation $extra_validation = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Validates the current model's data


  • Validation $extra_validation = NULL - Validation object

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function check(Validation $extra_validation = NULL)
	// Determine if any external validation failed
	$extra_errors = ($extra_validation AND ! $extra_validation->check());

	// Always build a new validation object

	$array = $this->_validation;

	if (($this->_valid = $array->check()) === FALSE OR $extra_errors)
		$exception = new ORM_Validation_Exception($this->_object_name, $array);

		if ($extra_errors)
			// Merge any possible errors from the external object
			$exception->add_object('_external', $extra_validation);
		throw $exception;

	return $this;

public clear( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Unloads the current object and clears the status.


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function clear()
	// Create an array with all the columns set to NULL
	$values = array_combine(array_keys($this->_table_columns), array_fill(0, count($this->_table_columns), NULL));

	// Replace the object and reset the object status
	$this->_object = $this->_changed = $this->_related = array();

	// Replace the current object with an empty one

	// Reset primary key
	$this->_primary_key_value = NULL;
	// Reset the loaded state
	$this->_loaded = FALSE;


	return $this;

public count_all( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Count the number of records in the table.

Return Values

  • integer

Source Code

public function count_all()
	$selects = array();

	foreach ($this->_db_pending as $key => $method)
		if ($method['name'] == 'select')
			// Ignore any selected columns for now
			$selects[] = $method;

	if ( ! empty($this->_load_with))
		foreach ($this->_load_with as $alias)
			// Bind relationship


	$records = $this->_db_builder->from($this->_table_name)
		->select(array('COUNT("*")', 'records_found'))

	// Add back in selected columns
	$this->_db_pending += $selects;


	// Return the total number of records in a table
	return $records;

public create( [ Validation $validation = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Insert a new object to the database


  • Validation $validation = NULL - Validation object

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function create(Validation $validation = NULL)
	if ($this->_loaded)
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Cannot create :model model because it is already loaded.', array(':model' => $this->_object_name));

	// Require model validation before saving
	if ( ! $this->_valid OR $validation)

	$data = array();
	foreach ($this->_changed as $column)
		// Generate list of column => values
		$data[$column] = $this->_object[$column];

	if (is_array($this->_created_column))
		// Fill the created column
		$column = $this->_created_column['column'];
		$format = $this->_created_column['format'];

		$data[$column] = $this->_object[$column] = ($format === TRUE) ? time() : date($format);

	$result = DB::insert($this->_table_name)

	if ( ! array_key_exists($this->_primary_key, $data))
		// Load the insert id as the primary key if it was left out
		$this->_object[$this->_primary_key] = $this->_primary_key_value = $result[0];

	if (empty($this->_primary_key_value))
		// Set the primary key value if it was manually chosen by the user
		$this->_primary_key_value = $this->_object[$this->_primary_key];

	// Object is now loaded and saved
	$this->_loaded = $this->_saved = TRUE;

	// All changes have been saved
	$this->_changed = array();

	return $this;

public delete( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Deletes a single record while ignoring relationships.


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function delete()
	if ( ! $this->_loaded)
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Cannot delete :model model because it is not loaded.', array(':model' => $this->_object_name));

	// Use primary key value
	$id = $this->pk();

	// Delete the object
		->where($this->_primary_key, '=', $id)

	return $this->clear();

public static factory( string $model [, mixed $id = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Creates and returns a new model.


  • string $model required - Model name
  • mixed $id = NULL - Parameter for find()


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public static function factory($model, $id = NULL)
	// Set class name
	$model = 'Model_'.ucfirst($model);

	return new $model($id);

public filters( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Filter definitions for validation

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function filters()
	return array();

public find( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Finds and loads a single database row into the object.


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function find()
	if ($this->_loaded)
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Method find() cannot be called on loaded objects');

	if ( ! empty($this->_load_with))
		foreach ($this->_load_with as $alias)
			// Bind auto relationships


	return $this->_load_result(FALSE);

public find_all( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Finds multiple database rows and returns an iterator of the rows found.

Return Values

  • Database_Result

Source Code

public function find_all()
	if ($this->_loaded)
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Method find_all() cannot be called on loaded objects');

	if ( ! empty($this->_load_with))
		foreach ($this->_load_with as $alias)
			// Bind auto relationships


	return $this->_load_result(TRUE);

public has( string $alias , mixed $far_keys ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Tests if this object has a relationship to a different model, or an array of different models.

// Check if $model has the login role
$model->has('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'login')));
// Check for the login role if you know the is 5
$model->has('roles', 5);
// Check for all of the following roles
$model->has('roles', array(1, 2, 3, 4));


  • string $alias required - Alias of the has_many "through" relationship
  • mixed $far_keys required - Related model, primary key, or an array of primary keys

Return Values

  • Database_Result

Source Code

public function has($alias, $far_keys)
	$far_keys = ($far_keys instanceof ORM) ? $far_keys->pk() : $far_keys;

	// We need an array to simplify the logic
	$far_keys = (array) $far_keys;

	// Nothing to check if the model isn't loaded or we don't have any far_keys
	if ( ! $far_keys OR ! $this->_loaded)
		return FALSE;

	$count = (int) DB::select(array('COUNT("*")', 'records_found'))
		->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], '=', $this->pk())
		->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['far_key'], 'IN', $far_keys)

	// Rows found need to match the rows searched
	return $count === count($far_keys);

public labels( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Label definitions for validation

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function labels()
	return array();

public last_query( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Returns last executed query

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function last_query()
	return $this->_db->last_query;

public list_columns( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Proxy method to Database list_columns.

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function list_columns()
	// Proxy to database
	return $this->_db->list_columns($this->_table_name);

public pk( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Returns the value of the primary key

Return Values

  • mixed - Primary key

Source Code

public function pk()
	return $this->_primary_key_value;

public reload( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Reloads the current object from the database.


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function reload()
	$primary_key = $this->pk();

	// Replace the object and reset the object status
	$this->_object = $this->_changed = $this->_related = array();

	// Only reload the object if we have one to reload
	if ($this->_loaded)
		return $this->clear()
			->where($this->_table_name.'.'.$this->_primary_key, '=', $primary_key)
		return $this->clear();

public reload_columns( [ boolean $force = bool FALSE ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Reload column definitions.


  • boolean $force = bool FALSE - Force reloading


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function reload_columns($force = FALSE)
	if ($force === TRUE OR empty($this->_table_columns))
		if (isset(ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name]))
			// Use cached column information
			$this->_table_columns = ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name];
			// Grab column information from database
			$this->_table_columns = $this->list_columns();

			// Load column cache
			ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name] = $this->_table_columns;

	return $this;

public remove( string $alias [, mixed $far_keys = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Removes a relationship between this model and another.

// Remove a role using a model instance
$model->remove('roles', ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'login')));
// Remove the role knowing the primary key
$model->remove('roles', 5);
// Remove multiple roles (for example, from checkboxes on a form)
$model->remove('roles', array(1, 2, 3, 4));
// Remove all related roles


  • string $alias required - Alias of the has_many "through" relationship
  • mixed $far_keys = NULL - Related model, primary key, or an array of primary keys

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function remove($alias, $far_keys = NULL)
	$far_keys = ($far_keys instanceof ORM) ? $far_keys->pk() : $far_keys;

	$query = DB::delete($this->_has_many[$alias]['through'])
		->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['foreign_key'], '=', $this->pk());

	if ($far_keys !== NULL)
		// Remove all the relationships in the array
		$query->where($this->_has_many[$alias]['far_key'], 'IN', (array) $far_keys);


	return $this;

public reset( [ bool $next = bool TRUE ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Clears query builder. Passing FALSE is useful to keep the existing query conditions for another query.


  • bool $next = bool TRUE - Pass FALSE to avoid resetting on the next call

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function reset($next = TRUE)
	if ($next AND $this->_db_reset)
		$this->_db_pending   = array();
		$this->_db_applied   = array();
		$this->_db_builder   = NULL;
		$this->_with_applied = array();

	// Reset on the next call?
	$this->_db_reset = $next;

	return $this;

public rules( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Rule definitions for validation

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function rules()
	return array();

public save( [ Validation $validation = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Updates or Creates the record depending on loaded()


  • Validation $validation = NULL - Validation object


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function save(Validation $validation = NULL)
	return $this->loaded() ? $this->update($validation) : $this->create($validation);

public serialize( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Allows serialization of only the object data and state, to prevent "stale" objects being unserialized, which also requires less memory.

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function serialize()
	// Store only information about the object
	foreach (array('_primary_key_value', '_object', '_changed', '_loaded', '_saved', '_sorting') as $var)
		$data[$var] = $this->{$var};

	return serialize($data);

public set( string $column , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Handles setting of column


  • string $column required - Column name
  • mixed $value required - Column value

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function set($column, $value)
	if (array_key_exists($column, $this->_object))
		// Filter the data
		$value = $this->run_filter($column, $value);

		// See if the data really changed
		if ($value !== $this->_object[$column])
			$this->_object[$column] = $value;

			// Data has changed
			$this->_changed[$column] = $column;

			// Object is no longer saved or valid
			$this->_saved = $this->_valid = FALSE;
	elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$column]))
		// Update related object itself
		$this->_related[$column] = $value;

		// Update the foreign key of this model
		$this->_object[$this->_belongs_to[$column]['foreign_key']] = $value->pk();

		$this->_changed[$column] = $this->_belongs_to[$column]['foreign_key'];
		throw new Kohana_Exception('The :property: property does not exist in the :class: class',
			array(':property:' => $column, ':class:' => get_class($this)));

	return $this;

public unserialize( string $data ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Prepares the database connection and reloads the object.


  • string $data required - String for unserialization

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function unserialize($data)
	// Initialize model

	foreach (unserialize($data) as $name => $var)
		$this->{$name} = $var;

	if ($this->_reload_on_wakeup === TRUE)
		// Reload the object

public update( [ Validation $validation = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Updates a single record or multiple records


  • Validation $validation = NULL - Validation object


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function update(Validation $validation = NULL)
	if ( ! $this->_loaded)
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Cannot update :model model because it is not loaded.', array(':model' => $this->_object_name));

	// Run validation if the model isn't valid or we have additional validation rules.
	if ( ! $this->_valid OR $validation)

	if (empty($this->_changed))
		// Nothing to update
		return $this;

	$data = array();
	foreach ($this->_changed as $column)
		// Compile changed data
		$data[$column] = $this->_object[$column];

	if (is_array($this->_updated_column))
		// Fill the updated column
		$column = $this->_updated_column['column'];
		$format = $this->_updated_column['format'];

		$data[$column] = $this->_object[$column] = ($format === TRUE) ? time() : date($format);

	// Use primary key value
	$id = $this->pk();

	// Update a single record
		->where($this->_primary_key, '=', $id)

	if (isset($data[$this->_primary_key]))
		// Primary key was changed, reflect it
		$this->_primary_key_value = $data[$this->_primary_key];

	// Object has been saved
	$this->_saved = TRUE;

	// All changes have been saved
	$this->_changed = array();

	return $this;

public values( array $values [, array $expected = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Set values from an array with support for one-one relationships. This method should be used for loading in post data, etc.


  • array $values required - Array of column => val
  • array $expected = NULL - Array of keys to take from $values

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

public function values(array $values, array $expected = NULL)
	// Default to expecting everything except the primary key
	if ($expected === NULL)
		$expected = array_keys($this->_table_columns);

		// Don't set the primary key by default

	foreach ($expected as $key => $column)
		if (is_string($key))
			// isset() fails when the value is NULL (we want it to pass)
			if ( ! array_key_exists($key, $values))

			// Try to set values to a related model
			$this->{$key}->values($values[$key], $column);
			// isset() fails when the value is NULL (we want it to pass)
			if ( ! array_key_exists($column, $values))

			// Update the column, respects __set()
			$this->$column = $values[$column];

	return $this;

public with( string $target_path ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Binds another one-to-one object to this model. One-to-one objects can be nested using 'object1:object2' syntax


  • string $target_path required - Target model to bind to

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function with($target_path)
	if (isset($this->_with_applied[$target_path]))
		// Don't join anything already joined
		return $this;

	// Split object parts
	$aliases = explode(':', $target_path);
	$target = $this;
	foreach ($aliases as $alias)
		// Go down the line of objects to find the given target
		$parent = $target;
		$target = $parent->_related($alias);

		if ( ! $target)
			// Can't find related object
			return $this;

	// Target alias is at the end
	$target_alias = $alias;

	// Pop-off top alias to get the parent path (user:photo:tag becomes user:photo - the parent table prefix)
	$parent_path = implode(':', $aliases);

	if (empty($parent_path))
		// Use this table name itself for the parent path
		$parent_path = $this->_table_name;
		if ( ! isset($this->_with_applied[$parent_path]))
			// If the parent path hasn't been joined yet, do it first (otherwise LEFT JOINs fail)

	// Add to with_applied to prevent duplicate joins
	$this->_with_applied[$target_path] = TRUE;

	// Use the keys of the empty object to determine the columns
	foreach (array_keys($target->_object) as $column)
		$name = $target_path.'.'.$column;
		$alias = $target_path.':'.$column;

		// Add the prefix so that load_result can determine the relationship
		$this->select(array($name, $alias));

	if (isset($parent->_belongs_to[$target_alias]))
		// Parent belongs_to target, use target's primary key and parent's foreign key
		$join_col1 = $target_path.'.'.$target->_primary_key;
		$join_col2 = $parent_path.'.'.$parent->_belongs_to[$target_alias]['foreign_key'];
		// Parent has_one target, use parent's primary key as target's foreign key
		$join_col1 = $parent_path.'.'.$parent->_primary_key;
		$join_col2 = $target_path.'.'.$parent->_has_one[$target_alias]['foreign_key'];

	// Join the related object into the result
	$this->join(array($target->_table_name, $target_path), 'LEFT')->on($join_col1, '=', $join_col2);

	return $this;

protected _build( integer $type ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Initializes the Database Builder to given query type


  • integer $type required - Type of Database query

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

protected function _build($type)
	// Construct new builder object based on query type
	switch ($type)
		case Database::SELECT:
			$this->_db_builder = DB::select();
		case Database::UPDATE:
			$this->_db_builder = DB::update($this->_table_name);
		case Database::DELETE:
			$this->_db_builder = DB::delete($this->_table_name);

	// Process pending database method calls
	foreach ($this->_db_pending as $method)
		$name = $method['name'];
		$args = $method['args'];

		$this->_db_applied[$name] = $name;

		call_user_func_array(array($this->_db_builder, $name), $args);

	return $this;

protected _build_select( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Returns an array of columns to include in the select query. This method can be overridden to change the default select behavior.

Return Values

  • array - Columns to select

Source Code

protected function _build_select()
	$columns = array();

	foreach ($this->_table_columns as $column => $_)
		$columns[] = array($this->_table_name.'.'.$column, $column);

	return $columns;

protected _initialize( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Prepares the model database connection, determines the table name, and loads column information.

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

protected function _initialize()
	// Set the object name and plural name
	$this->_object_name = strtolower(substr(get_class($this), 6));
	$this->_object_plural = Inflector::plural($this->_object_name);

	if ( ! is_object($this->_db))
		// Get database instance
		$this->_db = Database::instance($this->_db_group);

	if (empty($this->_table_name))
		// Table name is the same as the object name
		$this->_table_name = $this->_object_name;

		if ($this->_table_names_plural === TRUE)
			// Make the table name plural
			$this->_table_name = Inflector::plural($this->_table_name);

	foreach ($this->_belongs_to as $alias => $details)
		$defaults['model'] = $alias;
		$defaults['foreign_key'] = $alias.$this->_foreign_key_suffix;

		$this->_belongs_to[$alias] = array_merge($defaults, $details);

	foreach ($this->_has_one as $alias => $details)
		$defaults['model'] = $alias;
		$defaults['foreign_key'] = $this->_object_name.$this->_foreign_key_suffix;

		$this->_has_one[$alias] = array_merge($defaults, $details);

	foreach ($this->_has_many as $alias => $details)
		$defaults['model'] = Inflector::singular($alias);
		$defaults['foreign_key'] = $this->_object_name.$this->_foreign_key_suffix;
		$defaults['through'] = NULL;
		$defaults['far_key'] = Inflector::singular($alias).$this->_foreign_key_suffix;

		$this->_has_many[$alias] = array_merge($defaults, $details);

	// Load column information

	// Clear initial model state

protected _load_result( [ bool $multiple = bool FALSE ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Loads a database result, either as a new record for this model, or as an iterator for multiple rows.


  • bool $multiple = bool FALSE - Return an iterator or load a single row


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM|Database_Result

Source Code

protected function _load_result($multiple = FALSE)

	if ($multiple === FALSE)
		// Only fetch 1 record

	// Select all columns by default

	if ( ! isset($this->_db_applied['order_by']) AND ! empty($this->_sorting))
		foreach ($this->_sorting as $column => $direction)
			if (strpos($column, '.') === FALSE)
				// Sorting column for use in JOINs
				$column = $this->_table_name.'.'.$column;

			$this->_db_builder->order_by($column, $direction);

	if ($multiple === TRUE)
		// Return database iterator casting to this object type
		$result = $this->_db_builder->as_object(get_class($this))->execute($this->_db);


		return $result;
		// Load the result as an associative array
		$result = $this->_db_builder->as_assoc()->execute($this->_db);


		if ($result->count() === 1)
			// Load object values
			// Clear the object, nothing was found

		return $this;

protected _load_values( array $values ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Loads an array of values into into the current object.


  • array $values required - Values to load


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

protected function _load_values(array $values)
	if (array_key_exists($this->_primary_key, $values))
		if ($values[$this->_primary_key] !== NULL)
			// Flag as loaded, saved, and valid
			$this->_loaded = $this->_saved = $this->_valid = TRUE;

			// Store primary key
			$this->_primary_key_value = $values[$this->_primary_key];
			// Not loaded, saved, or valid
			$this->_loaded = $this->_saved = $this->_valid = FALSE;

	// Related objects
	$related = array();

	foreach ($values as $column => $value)
		if (strpos($column, ':') === FALSE)
			// Load the value to this model
			$this->_object[$column] = $value;
			// Column belongs to a related model
			list ($prefix, $column) = explode(':', $column, 2);

			$related[$prefix][$column] = $value;

	if ( ! empty($related))
		foreach ($related as $object => $values)
			// Load the related objects with the values in the result

	return $this;

Returns an ORM model for the given one-one related alias


  • string $alias required - Alias name

Return Values

  • ORM

Source Code

protected function _related($alias)
	if (isset($this->_related[$alias]))
		return $this->_related[$alias];
	elseif (isset($this->_has_one[$alias]))
		return $this->_related[$alias] = ORM::factory($this->_has_one[$alias]['model']);
	elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$alias]))
		return $this->_related[$alias] = ORM::factory($this->_belongs_to[$alias]['model']);
		return FALSE;

protected _validation( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Initializes validation rules, and labels

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

protected function _validation()
	// Build the validation object with its rules
	$this->_validation = Validation::factory($this->_object)
		->bind(':model', $this);

	foreach ($this->rules() as $field => $rules)
		$this->_validation->rules($field, $rules);

	// Use column names by default for labels
	$columns = array_keys($this->_table_columns);

	// Merge user-defined labels
	$labels = array_merge(array_combine($columns, $columns), $this->labels());

	foreach ($labels as $field => $label)
		$this->_validation->label($field, $label);

protected run_filter( string $field , string $value ) (defined in Kohana_ORM)

Filters a value for a specific column


  • string $field required - The column name
  • string $value required - The value to filter

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

protected function run_filter($field, $value)
	$filters = $this->filters();

	// Get the filters for this column
	$wildcards = empty($filters[TRUE]) ? array() : $filters[TRUE];

	// Merge in the wildcards
	$filters = empty($filters[$field]) ? $wildcards : array_merge($wildcards, $filters[$field]);

	// Bind the field name and model so they can be used in the filter method
	$_bound = array
		':field' => $field,
		':model' => $this,

	foreach ($filters as $array)
		// Value needs to be bound inside the loop so we are always using the
		// version that was modified by the filters that already ran
		$_bound[':value'] = $value;

		// Filters are defined as array($filter, $params)
		$filter = $array[0];
		$params = Arr::get($array, 1, array(':value'));

		foreach ($params as $key => $param)
			if (is_string($param) AND array_key_exists($param, $_bound))
				// Replace with bound value
				$params[$key] = $_bound[$param];

		if (is_array($filter) OR ! is_string($filter))
			// This is either a callback as an array or a lambda
			$value = call_user_func_array($filter, $params);
		elseif (strpos($filter, '::') === FALSE)
			// Use a function call
			$function = new ReflectionFunction($filter);

			// Call $function($this[$field], $param, ...) with Reflection
			$value = $function->invokeArgs($params);
			// Split the class and method of the rule
			list($class, $method) = explode('::', $filter, 2);

			// Use a static method call
			$method = new ReflectionMethod($class, $method);

			// Call $Class::$method($this[$field], $param, ...) with Reflection
			$value = $method->invokeArgs(NULL, $params);

	return $value;