This class is a transparent base class for Unittest_Tests and should not be accessed directly.
PHPUnit testsuite for kohana application
Class declared in MODPATH/unittest/classes/Kohana/Unittest/Tests.php on line 13.
Add files to test suite $suite
Uses recursion to scan subdirectories
required - The test suite to add toarray
required - Array of files to teststatic function addTests(Unittest_TestSuite $suite, array $files)
foreach ($files as $path => $file)
if (is_array($file))
if ($path != 'tests'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test_data')
self::addTests($suite, $file);
// Make sure we only include php files
if (is_file($file) AND substr($file, -strlen(EXT)) === EXT)
// The default PHPUnit TestCase extension
if ( ! strpos($file, 'TestCase'.EXT))
Loads test files if they cannot be found by kohana
required - $classstatic function autoload($class)
$file = str_replace('_', '/', $class);
if ($file = Kohana::find_file('tests', $file))
require_once $file;
Blacklist a set of files in PHPUnit code coverage
required - A set of files to blacklistUnittest_TestSuite
= NULL - The test suitestatic public function blacklist(array $blacklist_items, Unittest_TestSuite $suite = NULL)
foreach ($blacklist_items as $item)
if (is_dir($item))
Configures the environment for testing
Does the following:
static public function configure_environment($do_whitelist = TRUE, $do_blacklist = TRUE)
spl_autoload_register(array('Unittest_tests', 'autoload'));
Unittest_tests::$cache = (($cache = Kohana::cache('unittest_whitelist_cache')) === NULL) ? array() : $cache;
Creates the test suite for kohana
static function suite()
static $suite = NULL;
if ($suite instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite)
return $suite;
$suite = new Unittest_TestSuite;
// Load the whitelist and blacklist for code coverage
$config = Kohana::$config->load('unittest');
if ($config->use_whitelist)
Unittest_Tests::whitelist(NULL, $suite);
if (count($config['blacklist']))
Unittest_Tests::blacklist($config->blacklist, $suite);
// Add tests
$files = Kohana::list_files('tests');
self::addTests($suite, $files);
return $suite;
Sets the whitelist
If no directories are provided then the function'll load the whitelist set in the config file
= NULL - Optional directories to whitelistUnittest_Testsuite
= NULL - Suite to load the whitelist intostatic public function whitelist(array $directories = NULL, Unittest_TestSuite $suite = NULL)
if (empty($directories))
$directories = self::get_config_whitelist();
if (count($directories))
foreach ($directories as & $directory)
$directory = realpath($directory).'/';
// Only whitelist the "top" files in the cascading filesystem
self::set_whitelist(Kohana::list_files('classes', $directories), $suite);
Works out the whitelist from the config Used only on the CLI
static protected function get_config_whitelist()
$config = Kohana::$config->load('unittest');
$directories = array();
if ($config->whitelist['app'])
$directories['k_app'] = APPPATH;
if ($modules = $config->whitelist['modules'])
$k_modules = Kohana::modules();
// Have to do this because kohana merges config...
// If you want to include all modules & override defaults then TRUE must be the first
// value in the modules array of your app/config/unittest file
if (array_search(TRUE, $modules, TRUE) === (count($modules) - 1))
$modules = $k_modules;
elseif (array_search(FALSE, $modules, TRUE) === FALSE)
$modules = array_intersect_key($k_modules, array_combine($modules, $modules));
// modules are disabled
$modules = array();
$directories += $modules;
if ($config->whitelist['system'])
$directories['k_sys'] = SYSPATH;
return $directories;
Recursively whitelists an array of files
required - Array of files to whitelistUnittest_TestSuite
= NULL - Suite to load the whitelist intostatic protected function set_whitelist($files, Unittest_TestSuite $suite = NULL)
foreach ($files as $file)
if (is_array($file))
self::set_whitelist($file, $suite);
if ( ! isset(Unittest_tests::$cache[$file]))
$relative_path = substr($file, strrpos($file, 'classes'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) + 8, -strlen(EXT));
$cascading_file = Kohana::find_file('classes', $relative_path);
// The theory is that if this file is the highest one in the cascading filesystem
// then it's safe to whitelist
Unittest_tests::$cache[$file] = ($cascading_file === $file);
if (Unittest_tests::$cache[$file])
if (isset($suite))