Basic Usage

Basic Usage
     Creating Instance
     Save To File
     Other Methods

Shown here are the basic usage of this module. For full documentation about the image module usage, visit the Image api browser.

Creating Instance

Image::factory() creates an instance of the image object and prepares it for manipulation. It accepts the filename as an arguement and an optional driver parameter. When driver is not specified, the default driver GD is used.

// Uses the image from upload directory
$img = Image::factory(DOCROOT . 'uploads/sample-image.jpg');

Once an instance is created, you can now manipulate the image by using the following instance methods.


Resize the image to the given size. Either the width or the height can be omitted and the image will be resized proportionally.

Using the image object above, we can resize our image to say 150x150 pixels with automatic scaling using the code below:

$img->resize(150, 150, Image::AUTO);

The parameters are width, height and master dimension respectively. With AUTO master dimension, the image is resized by either width or height depending on which is closer to the specified dimension.

Other examples:

// Resize to 200 pixels on the shortest side
$img->resize(200, 200);

// Resize to 200x200 pixels, keeping aspect ratio
$img->resize(200, 200, Image::INVERSE);

// Resize to 500 pixel width, keeping aspect ratio
$img->resize(500, null);

// Resize to 500 pixel height, keeping aspect ratio
$img->resize(null, 500);

// Resize to 200x500 pixels, ignoring aspect ratio
$img->resize(200, 500, Image::NONE);


You can render the image object directly to the browser using the Image::render() method.

$img = Image::factory(DOCROOT . 'uploads/colorado-farm-1920x1200.jpg');

header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');

echo $img->resize(300, 300)

What it did is resize a 1920x1200 wallpaper image into 300x300 proportionally and render it to the browser. If you are trying to render the image in a controller action, you can do instead:

$img = Image::factory(DOCROOT . 'uploads/colorado-farm-1920x1200.jpg');

$this->response->headers('Content-Type', 'image/jpg');

    $img->resize(300, 300)

Image::render() method also allows you to specify the type and quality of the rendered image.

// Render the image at 50% quality
$img->render(null, 50);

// Render the image as a PNG

Save To File

Image::save() let's you save the image object to a file. It has two parameters: filename and quality. If filename is omitted, the original file used will be overwritten instead. The quality parameter is an integer from 1-100 which indicates the quality of image to save which defaults to 100.

On our example above, instead of rendering the file to the browser, you may want to save it somewhere instead. To do so, you may:

$img = Image::factory(DOCROOT . 'uploads/colorado-farm-1920x1200.jpg');

$filename = DOCROOT . 'uploads/img-' . uniqid() . '.jpg';

$img->resize(300, 300)
    ->save($filename, 80);

What we do is resize the image and save it to file reducing quality to 80% and save it to the upload directory using a unique filename.

Other Methods

There are more methods available for the Image module which provides powerfull features that are best describe in the API documentation. Here are some of them:

Next: Examples