Inflector helper class. Inflection is changing the form of a word based on the context it is used in. For example, changing a word into a plural form.
Inflection is only tested with English, and is will not work with other languages.
Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/inflector.php on line 3.
$cachecached inflections
$irregularirregular words
$uncountableuncountable words
Makes a phrase camel case. Spaces and underscores will be removed.
$str = Inflector::camelize('mother cat'); // "motherCat"
$str = Inflector::camelize('kittens in bed'); // "kittensInBed"
required - Phrase to camelizestring
public static function camelize($str)
$str = 'x'.strtolower(trim($str));
$str = ucwords(preg_replace('/[\s_]+/', ' ', $str));
return substr(str_replace(' ', '', $str), 1);
Converts a camel case phrase into a spaced phrase.
$str = Inflector::decamelize('houseCat'); // "house cat"
$str = Inflector::decamelize('kingAllyCat'); // "king ally cat"
required - Phrase to camelizestring
= string(1) " " - Word separatorstring
public static function decamelize($str, $sep = ' ')
return strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1'.$sep.'$2', trim($str)));
Makes an underscored or dashed phrase human-readable.
$str = Inflector::humanize('kittens-are-cats'); // "kittens are cats"
$str = Inflector::humanize('dogs_as_well'); // "dogs as well"
required - Phrase to make human-readablestring
public static function humanize($str)
return preg_replace('/[_-]+/', ' ', trim($str));
Makes a singular word plural.
echo Inflector::plural('fish'); // "fish", uncountable
echo Inflector::plural('cat'); // "cats"
You can also provide the count to make inflection more intelligent. In this case, it will only return the plural value if the count is not one.
echo Inflector::singular('cats', 3); // "cats"
Special inflections are defined in config/inflector.php
required - Word to pluralizeinteger
= NULL - Count of thingstring
public static function plural($str, $count = NULL)
// $count should always be a float
$count = ($count === NULL) ? 0.0 : (float) $count;
// Do nothing with singular
if ($count == 1)
return $str;
// Remove garbage
$str = trim($str);
// Cache key name
$key = 'plural_'.$str.$count;
// Check uppercase
$is_uppercase = ctype_upper($str);
if (isset(Inflector::$cache[$key]))
return Inflector::$cache[$key];
if (Inflector::uncountable($str))
return Inflector::$cache[$key] = $str;
if (empty(Inflector::$irregular))
// Cache irregular words
Inflector::$irregular = Kohana::$config->load('inflector')->irregular;
if (isset(Inflector::$irregular[$str]))
$str = Inflector::$irregular[$str];
elseif (preg_match('/[sxz]$/', $str) OR preg_match('/[^aeioudgkprt]h$/', $str))
$str .= 'es';
elseif (preg_match('/[^aeiou]y$/', $str))
// Change "y" to "ies"
$str = substr_replace($str, 'ies', -1);
$str .= 's';
// Convert to uppsecase if nessasary
if ($is_uppercase)
$str = strtoupper($str);
// Set the cache and return
return Inflector::$cache[$key] = $str;
Makes a plural word singular.
echo Inflector::singular('cats'); // "cat"
echo Inflector::singular('fish'); // "fish", uncountable
You can also provide the count to make inflection more intelligent. In this case, it will only return the singular value if the count is greater than one and not zero.
echo Inflector::singular('cats', 2); // "cats"
Special inflections are defined in config/inflector.php
required - Word to singularizeinteger
= NULL - Count of thingstring
public static function singular($str, $count = NULL)
// $count should always be a float
$count = ($count === NULL) ? 1.0 : (float) $count;
// Do nothing when $count is not 1
if ($count != 1)
return $str;
// Remove garbage
$str = strtolower(trim($str));
// Cache key name
$key = 'singular_'.$str.$count;
if (isset(Inflector::$cache[$key]))
return Inflector::$cache[$key];
if (Inflector::uncountable($str))
return Inflector::$cache[$key] = $str;
if (empty(Inflector::$irregular))
// Cache irregular words
Inflector::$irregular = Kohana::$config->load('inflector')->irregular;
if ($irregular = array_search($str, Inflector::$irregular))
$str = $irregular;
elseif (preg_match('/us$/', $str))
// Already singular, do nothing
elseif (preg_match('/[sxz]es$/', $str) OR preg_match('/[^aeioudgkprt]hes$/', $str))
// Remove "es"
$str = substr($str, 0, -2);
elseif (preg_match('/[^aeiou]ies$/', $str))
// Replace "ies" with "y"
$str = substr($str, 0, -3).'y';
elseif (substr($str, -1) === 's' AND substr($str, -2) !== 'ss')
// Remove singular "s"
$str = substr($str, 0, -1);
return Inflector::$cache[$key] = $str;
Checks if a word is defined as uncountable. An uncountable word has a single form. For instance, one "fish" and many "fish", not "fishes".
Inflector::uncountable('fish'); // TRUE
Inflector::uncountable('cat'); // FALSE
If you find a word is being pluralized improperly, it has probably not
been defined as uncountable in config/inflector.php
. If this is the
case, please report an issue.
required - Word to checkboolean
public static function uncountable($str)
if (Inflector::$uncountable === NULL)
// Cache uncountables
Inflector::$uncountable = Kohana::$config->load('inflector')->uncountable;
// Make uncountables mirrored
Inflector::$uncountable = array_combine(Inflector::$uncountable, Inflector::$uncountable);
return isset(Inflector::$uncountable[strtolower($str)]);
Makes a phrase underscored instead of spaced.
$str = Inflector::underscore('five cats'); // "five_cats";
required - Phrase to underscorestring
public static function underscore($str)
return preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', trim($str));