Message logging with observer-based log writing.
This class does not support extensions, only additional writers.
Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/log.php on line 3.
integer 0
integer 1
integer 2
integer 3
integer 4
integer 5
integer 6
integer 7
integer 8
$timestamptimestamp format for log entries
string(11) "Y-m-d H:i:s"
$timezonetimezone for log entries
$write_on_addimmediately write when logs are added
bool FALSE
$_instanceSingleton instance container
object Log()
$_messageslist of added messages
$_writerslist of log writers
Adds a message to the log. Replacement values must be passed in to be replaced using strtr.
$log->add(Log::ERROR, 'Could not locate user: :user', array(
':user' => $username,
required - Level of messagestring
required - Message bodyarray
= NULL - Values to replace in the messageLog
public function add($level, $message, array $values = NULL)
if ($values)
// Insert the values into the message
$message = strtr($message, $values);
// Create a new message and timestamp it
$this->_messages[] = array
'time' => Date::formatted_time('now', Log::$timestamp, Log::$timezone),
'level' => $level,
'body' => $message,
if (Log::$write_on_add)
// Write logs as they are added
return $this;
Attaches a log writer, and optionally limits the levels of messages that will be written by the writer.
required - Instancemixed
= array(0) - Array of messages levels to write OR max level to writeinteger
= integer 0 - Min level to write IF $levels is not an arrayLog
public function attach(Log_Writer $writer, $levels = array(), $min_level = 0)
if ( ! is_array($levels))
$levels = range($min_level, $levels);
$this->_writers["{$writer}"] = array
'object' => $writer,
'levels' => $levels
return $this;
Detaches a log writer. The same writer object must be used.
required - InstanceLog
public function detach(Log_Writer $writer)
// Remove the writer
return $this;
Get the singleton instance of this class and enable writing at shutdown.
$log = Log::instance();
public static function instance()
if (Log::$_instance === NULL)
// Create a new instance
Log::$_instance = new Log;
// Write the logs at shutdown
register_shutdown_function(array(Log::$_instance, 'write'));
return Log::$_instance;
Write and clear all of the messages.
public function write()
if (empty($this->_messages))
// There is nothing to write, move along
// Import all messages locally
$messages = $this->_messages;
// Reset the messages array
$this->_messages = array();
foreach ($this->_writers as $writer)
if (empty($writer['levels']))
// Write all of the messages
// Filtered messages
$filtered = array();
foreach ($messages as $message)
if (in_array($message['level'], $writer['levels']))
// Writer accepts this kind of message
$filtered[] = $message;
// Write the filtered messages