
extends Kohana_Session_Database
extends Session
extends Kohana_Session

Database-based session class.

Sample schema:

CREATE TABLE  `sessions` (
    `session_id` VARCHAR( 24 ) NOT NULL,
    `last_active` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    `contents` TEXT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ( `session_id` ),
    INDEX ( `last_active` )
Kohana Team
© 2008-2009 Kohana Team

Class declared in MODPATH/database/classes/session/database.php on line 3.


public static string $default

default session adapter

string(6) "native"

public static array $instances

session instances


protected $_columns

protected array $_data

session data

protected $_db

protected bool $_destroyed

session destroyed?

protected bool $_encrypted

encrypt session data?

protected $_gc

protected int $_lifetime

cookie lifetime

protected string $_name

cookie name

protected $_session_id

protected $_table

protected $_update_id


public __construct( [ array $config = NULL , string $id = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Session_Database)

Overloads the name, lifetime, and encrypted session settings.

Sessions can only be created using the Session::instance method.


  • array $config = NULL - Configuration
  • string $id = NULL - Session id


Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __construct(array $config = NULL, $id = NULL)
	if ( ! isset($config['group']))
		// Use the default group
		$config['group'] = Database::$default;

	// Load the database
	$this->_db = Database::instance($config['group']);

	if (isset($config['table']))
		// Set the table name
		$this->_table = (string) $config['table'];

	if (isset($config['gc']))
		// Set the gc chance
		$this->_gc = (int) $config['gc'];

	if (isset($config['columns']))
		// Overload column names
		$this->_columns = $config['columns'];

	parent::__construct($config, $id);

	if (mt_rand(0, $this->_gc) === $this->_gc)
		// Run garbage collection
		// This will average out to run once every X requests

public id( ) (defined in Kohana_Session_Database)

Get the current session id, if the session supports it.

$id = $session->id();

Not all session types have ids.


  • Since - 3.0.8

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function id()
	return $this->_session_id;

public __toString( ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Session object is rendered to a serialized string. If encryption is enabled, the session will be encrypted. If not, the output string will be encoded using base64_encode.

echo $session;


Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function __toString()
	// Serialize the data array
	$data = serialize($this->_data);

	if ($this->_encrypted)
		// Encrypt the data using the default key
		$data = Encrypt::instance($this->_encrypted)->encode($data);
		// Obfuscate the data with base64 encoding
		$data = base64_encode($data);

	return $data;

public as_array( ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Returns the current session array. The returned array can also be assigned by reference.

// Get a copy of the current session data
$data = $session->as_array();

// Assign by reference for modification
$data =& $session->as_array();

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function & as_array()
	return $this->_data;

public bind( string $key , mixed & $value ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Set a variable by reference.

$session->bind('foo', $foo);


  • string $key required - Variable name
  • byref mixed $value required - Referenced value

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function bind($key, & $value)
	$this->_data[$key] =& $value;

	return $this;

public delete( string $key ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Removes a variable in the session array.



  • string $key required - ,... variable name

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function delete($key)
	$args = func_get_args();

	foreach ($args as $key)

	return $this;

public destroy( ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Completely destroy the current session.

$success = $session->destroy();

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function destroy()
	if ($this->_destroyed === FALSE)
		if ($this->_destroyed = $this->_destroy())
			// The session has been destroyed, clear all data
			$this->_data = array();

	return $this->_destroyed;

public get( string $key [, mixed $default = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Get a variable from the session array.

$foo = $session->get('foo');


  • string $key required - Variable name
  • mixed $default = NULL - Default value to return

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function get($key, $default = NULL)
	return array_key_exists($key, $this->_data) ? $this->_data[$key] : $default;

public get_once( string $key [, mixed $default = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Get and delete a variable from the session array.

$bar = $session->get_once('bar');


  • string $key required - Variable name
  • mixed $default = NULL - Default value to return

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function get_once($key, $default = NULL)
	$value = $this->get($key, $default);


	return $value;

public static instance( [ string $type = NULL , string $id = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Creates a singleton session of the given type. Some session types (native, database) also support restarting a session by passing a session id as the second parameter.

$session = Session::instance();

Session::write will automatically be called when the request ends.


  • string $type = NULL - Type of session (native, cookie, etc)
  • string $id = NULL - Session identifier


Return Values

  • Session

Source Code

public static function instance($type = NULL, $id = NULL)
	if ($type === NULL)
		// Use the default type
		$type = Session::$default;

	if ( ! isset(Session::$instances[$type]))
		// Load the configuration for this type
		$config = Kohana::$config->load('session')->get($type);

		// Set the session class name
		$class = 'Session_'.ucfirst($type);

		// Create a new session instance
		Session::$instances[$type] = $session = new $class($config, $id);

		// Write the session at shutdown
		register_shutdown_function(array($session, 'write'));

	return Session::$instances[$type];

public name( ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Get the current session cookie name.

$name = $session->name();


  • Since - 3.0.8

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function name()
	return $this->_name;

public read( [ string $id = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Loads existing session data.



  • string $id = NULL - Session id

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function read($id = NULL)
	$data = NULL;

		if (is_string($data = $this->_read($id)))
			if ($this->_encrypted)
				// Decrypt the data using the default key
				$data = Encrypt::instance($this->_encrypted)->decode($data);
				// Decode the base64 encoded data
				$data = base64_decode($data);

			// Unserialize the data
			$data = unserialize($data);
			// Ignore these, session is valid, likely no data though.
	catch (Exception $e)
		// Error reading the session, usually
		// a corrupt session.
		throw new Session_Exception('Error reading session data.', NULL, Session_Exception::SESSION_CORRUPT);

	if (is_array($data))
		// Load the data locally
		$this->_data = $data;

public regenerate( ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Generates a new session id and returns it.

$id = $session->regenerate();

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function regenerate()
	return $this->_regenerate();

public restart( ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Restart the session.

$success = $session->restart();

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function restart()
	if ($this->_destroyed === FALSE)
		// Wipe out the current session.

	// Allow the new session to be saved
	$this->_destroyed = FALSE;

	return $this->_restart();

public set( string $key , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Set a variable in the session array.

$session->set('foo', 'bar');


  • string $key required - Variable name
  • mixed $value required - Value

Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function set($key, $value)
	$this->_data[$key] = $value;

	return $this;

public write( ) (defined in Kohana_Session)

Sets the last_active timestamp and saves the session.


Any errors that occur during session writing will be logged, but not displayed, because sessions are written after output has been sent.


Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function write()
	if (headers_sent() OR $this->_destroyed)
		// Session cannot be written when the headers are sent or when
		// the session has been destroyed
		return FALSE;

	// Set the last active timestamp
	$this->_data['last_active'] = time();

		return $this->_write();
	catch (Exception $e)
		// Log & ignore all errors when a write fails
		Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, Kohana_Exception::text($e))->write();

		return FALSE;

protected _destroy( ) (defined in Kohana_Session_Database)

Destroys the current session.

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

protected function _destroy()
	if ($this->_update_id === NULL)
		// Session has not been created yet
		return TRUE;

	// Delete the current session
	$query = DB::delete($this->_table)
		->where($this->_columns['session_id'], '=', ':id')
		->param(':id', $this->_update_id);

		// Execute the query

		// Delete the cookie
	catch (Exception $e)
		// An error occurred, the session has not been deleted
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

protected _gc( ) (defined in Kohana_Session_Database)

Source Code

protected function _gc()
	if ($this->_lifetime)
		// Expire sessions when their lifetime is up
		$expires = $this->_lifetime;
		// Expire sessions after one month
		$expires = Date::MONTH;

	// Delete all sessions that have expired
		->where($this->_columns['last_active'], '<', ':time')
		->param(':time', time() - $expires)

protected _read( [ string $id = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Session_Database)

Loads the raw session data string and returns it.


  • string $id = NULL - Session id

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

protected function _read($id = NULL)
	if ($id OR $id = Cookie::get($this->_name))
		$result = DB::select(array($this->_columns['contents'], 'contents'))
			->where($this->_columns['session_id'], '=', ':id')
			->param(':id', $id)

		if ($result->count())
			// Set the current session id
			$this->_session_id = $this->_update_id = $id;

			// Return the contents
			return $result->get('contents');

	// Create a new session id

	return NULL;

protected _regenerate( ) (defined in Kohana_Session_Database)

Generate a new session id and return it.

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

protected function _regenerate()
	// Create the query to find an ID
	$query = DB::select($this->_columns['session_id'])
		->where($this->_columns['session_id'], '=', ':id')
		->bind(':id', $id);

		// Create a new session id
		$id = str_replace('.', '-', uniqid(NULL, TRUE));

		// Get the the id from the database
		$result = $query->execute($this->_db);
	while ($result->count());

	return $this->_session_id = $id;

protected _restart( ) (defined in Kohana_Session_Database)

Return Values

  • bool

Source Code

protected function _restart()

	return TRUE;

protected _write( ) (defined in Kohana_Session_Database)

Writes the current session.

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

protected function _write()
	if ($this->_update_id === NULL)
		// Insert a new row
		$query = DB::insert($this->_table, $this->_columns)
			->values(array(':new_id', ':active', ':contents'));
		// Update the row
		$query = DB::update($this->_table)
			->value($this->_columns['last_active'], ':active')
			->value($this->_columns['contents'], ':contents')
			->where($this->_columns['session_id'], '=', ':old_id');

		if ($this->_update_id !== $this->_session_id)
			// Also update the session id
			$query->value($this->_columns['session_id'], ':new_id');

		->param(':new_id',   $this->_session_id)
		->param(':old_id',   $this->_update_id)
		->param(':active',   $this->_data['last_active'])
		->param(':contents', $this->__toString());

	// Execute the query

	// The update and the session id are now the same
	$this->_update_id = $this->_session_id;

	// Update the cookie with the new session id
	Cookie::set($this->_name, $this->_session_id, $this->_lifetime);

	return TRUE;