Request_Client_External Stream driver performs external requests using php sockets. To use this driver, ensure the following is completed before executing an external request- ideally in the application bootstrap.
// In application bootstrap
Request_Client_External::$client = 'Request_Client_Stream';
Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/request/client/stream.php on line 3.
$clientdefines the external client to use by default
string(19) "Request_Client_Curl"
$_cacheCaching library for request caching
$_optionscurl options
Sends the HTTP message Request to a remote server and processes the response.
required - Request to sendResponse
public function _send_message(Request $request)
// Calculate stream mode
$mode = ($request->method() === HTTP_Request::GET) ? 'r' : 'r+';
// Process cookies
if ($cookies = $request->cookie())
$request->headers('cookie', http_build_query($cookies, NULL, '; '));
// Get the message body
$body = $request->body();
if (is_resource($body))
$body = stream_get_contents($body);
// Set the content length
$request->headers('content-length', (string) strlen($body));
list($protocol) = explode('/', $request->protocol());
// Create the context
$options = array(
strtolower($protocol) => array(
'method' => $request->method(),
'header' => (string) $request->headers(),
'content' => $body
// Create the context stream
$context = stream_context_create($options);
stream_context_set_option($context, $this->_options);
$uri = $request->uri();
if ($query = $request->query())
$uri .= '?'.http_build_query($query, NULL, '&');
$stream = fopen($uri, $mode, FALSE, $context);
$meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($stream);
// Get the HTTP response code
$http_response = array_shift($meta_data['wrapper_data']);
if (preg_match_all('/(\w+\/\d\.\d) (\d{3})/', $http_response, $matches) !== FALSE)
$protocol = $matches[1][0];
$status = (int) $matches[2][0];
$protocol = NULL;
$status = NULL;
// Create a response
$response = $request->create_response();
$response_header = $response->headers();
// Process headers
array_map(array($response_header, 'parse_header_string'), array(), $meta_data['wrapper_data']);
// Close the stream after use
return $response;
Processes the request, executing the controller action that handles this request, determined by the Route.
By default, the output from the controller is captured and returned, and no headers are sent.
required - A request objectResponse
public function execute_request(Request $request)
if (Kohana::$profiling)
// Set the benchmark name
$benchmark = '"'.$request->uri().'"';
if ($request !== Request::$initial AND Request::$current)
// Add the parent request uri
$benchmark .= ' « "'.Request::$current->uri().'"';
// Start benchmarking
$benchmark = Profiler::start('Requests', $benchmark);
// Store the current active request and replace current with new request
$previous = Request::$current;
Request::$current = $request;
// Resolve the POST fields
if ($post = $request->post())
$request->body(http_build_query($post, NULL, '&'))
->headers('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
// If Kohana expose, set the user-agent
if (Kohana::$expose)
$request->headers('user-agent', 'Kohana Framework '.Kohana::VERSION.' ('.Kohana::CODENAME.')');
$response = $this->_send_message($request);
catch (Exception $e)
// Restore the previous request
Request::$current = $previous;
if (isset($benchmark))
// Delete the benchmark, it is invalid
// Re-throw the exception
throw $e;
// Restore the previous request
Request::$current = $previous;
if (isset($benchmark))
// Stop the benchmark
// Return the response
return $response;
Factory method to create a new Request_Client_External object based on the client name passed, or defaulting to Request_Client_External::$client by default.
Request_Client_External::$client can be set in the application bootstrap.
= array(0) - Parameters to pass to the clientstring
= NULL - External client to useRequest_Client_External
public static function factory(array $params = array(), $client = NULL)
if ($client === NULL)
$client = Request_Client_External::$client;
$client = new $client($params);
if ( ! $client instanceof Request_Client_External)
throw new Request_Exception('Selected client is not a Request_Client_External object.');
return $client;
Set and get options for this request.
= NULL - Option name, or array of optionsmixed
= NULL - Option valuemixed
public function options($key = NULL, $value = NULL)
if ($key === NULL)
return $this->_options;
if (is_array($key))
$this->_options = $key;
elseif ($value === NULL)
return Arr::get($this->_options, $key);
$this->_options[$key] = $value;
return $this;
Creates a new Request_Client
allows for dependency injection.
= array(0) - Paramspublic function __construct(array $params = array())
foreach ($params as $key => $value)
if (method_exists($this, $key))
Getter and setter for the internal caching engine, used to cache responses if available and valid.
= NULL - Engine to use for cachingHTTP_Cache
public function cache(HTTP_Cache $cache = NULL)
if ($cache === NULL)
return $this->_cache;
$this->_cache = $cache;
return $this;
Processes the request, executing the controller action that handles this request, determined by the Route.
By default, the output from the controller is captured and returned, and no headers are sent.
required - $requestResponse
public function execute(Request $request)
if ($this->_cache instanceof HTTP_Cache)
return $this->_cache->execute($this, $request);
return $this->execute_request($request);