Conventions and Coding Style

Conventions and Coding Style
     Class Names and File Location
     Coding Style
         Naming Conventions

It is encouraged that you follow Kohana's coding style. This makes code more readable and allows for easier code sharing and contributing.

Class Names and File Location

Class names in Kohana follow a strict convention to facilitate autoloading. Class names should have uppercase first letters with underscores to separate words. Underscores are significant as they directly reflect the file location in the filesystem.

The following conventions apply:

  1. CamelCased class names should be used when it is undesirable to create a new directory level.
  2. All class file names and directory names must match the case of the class as per PSR-0.
  3. All classes should be in the classes directory. This may be at any level in the cascading filesystem.


Remember that in a class, an underscore means a new directory. Consider the following examples:

Class Name File Path
Controller_Template classes/Controller/Template.php
Model_User classes/Model/User.php
Model_BlogPost classes/Model/BlogPost.php
Database classes/Database.php
Database_Query classes/Database/Query.php
Form classes/Form.php

Coding Style

In order to produce highly consistent source code, we ask that everyone follow the PSR-12 coding standard except the naming conventions below.

Naming Conventions

Kohana uses under_score naming, not camelCase naming.


// Controller class, uses Controller_ prefix
class Controller_Apple extends Controller

// Model class, uses Model_ prefix
class Model_Cheese extends Model

// Regular class
class Peanut


Kohana follows the PSR-5 PHPDoc standard.