

Implements: HTTP_Response | HTTP_Message | Kohana_HTTP_Message | Kohana_HTTP_Response

Response wrapper. Created as the result of any Request execution or utility method (i.e. Redirect). Implements standard HTTP response format.

Kohana Team
© 2008-2012 Kohana Team

Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/kohana/response.php on line 14.


public static $messages

array(41) (
    100 => string(8) "Continue"
    101 => string(19) "Switching Protocols"
    200 => string(2) "OK"
    201 => string(7) "Created"
    202 => string(8) "Accepted"
    203 => string(29) "Non-Authoritative Information"
    204 => string(10) "No Content"
    205 => string(13) "Reset Content"
    206 => string(15) "Partial Content"
    300 => string(16) "Multiple Choices"
    301 => string(17) "Moved Permanently"
    302 => string(5) "Found"
    303 => string(9) "See Other"
    304 => string(12) "Not Modified"
    305 => string(9) "Use Proxy"
    307 => string(18) "Temporary Redirect"
    400 => string(11) "Bad Request"
    401 => string(12) "Unauthorized"
    402 => string(16) "Payment Required"
    403 => string(9) "Forbidden"
    404 => string(9) "Not Found"
    405 => string(18) "Method Not Allowed"
    406 => string(14) "Not Acceptable"
    407 => string(29) "Proxy Authentication Required"
    408 => string(15) "Request Timeout"
    409 => string(8) "Conflict"
    410 => string(4) "Gone"
    411 => string(15) "Length Required"
    412 => string(19) "Precondition Failed"
    413 => string(24) "Request Entity Too Large"
    414 => string(20) "Request-URI Too Long"
    415 => string(22) "Unsupported Media Type"
    416 => string(31) "Requested Range Not Satisfiable"
    417 => string(18) "Expectation Failed"
    500 => string(21) "Internal Server Error"
    501 => string(15) "Not Implemented"
    502 => string(11) "Bad Gateway"
    503 => string(19) "Service Unavailable"
    504 => string(15) "Gateway Timeout"
    505 => string(26) "HTTP Version Not Supported"
    509 => string(24) "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"

protected string $_body

The response body

protected array $_cookies

Cookies to be returned in the response

protected HTTP_Header $_header

Headers returned in the response

protected string $_protocol

The response protocol

protected integer $_status

The response http status


public __construct( [ array $config = array(0) ] ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Sets up the response object


  • array $config = array(0) - Setup the response object

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __construct(array $config = array())
	$this->_header = new HTTP_Header;

	foreach ($config as $key => $value)
		if (property_exists($this, $key))
			if ($key == '_header')
				$this->$key = $value;

public __toString( ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Outputs the body when cast to string

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function __toString()
	return $this->_body;

public body( ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Gets or sets the body of the response

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function body($content = NULL)
	if ($content === NULL)
		return $this->_body;

	$this->_body = (string) $content;
	return $this;

public check_cache( [ string $etag = NULL , Request $request = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Check Cache Checks the browser cache to see the response needs to be returned


  • string $etag = NULL - Resource ETag
  • Request $request = NULL - The request to test against


Return Values

  • Response

Source Code

public function check_cache($etag = NULL, Request $request = NULL)
	if ( ! $etag)
		$etag = $this->generate_etag();

	if ( ! $request)
		throw new Request_Exception('A Request object must be supplied with an etag for evaluation');

	// Set the ETag header
	$this->_header['etag'] = $etag;

	// Add the Cache-Control header if it is not already set
	// This allows etags to be used with max-age, etc
	if ($this->_header->offsetExists('cache-control'))
		if (is_array($this->_header['cache-control']))
			$this->_header['cache-control'][] = new HTTP_Header_Value('must-revalidate');
			$this->_header['cache-control'] = $this->_header['cache-control'].', must-revalidate';
		$this->_header['cache-control'] = 'must-revalidate';

	if ($request->headers('if-none-match') AND (string) $request->headers('if-none-match') === $etag)
		// No need to send data again
		$this->_status = 304;

		// Stop execution

	return $this;

public content_length( ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Returns the length of the body for use with content header

Return Values

  • integer

Source Code

public function content_length()
	return strlen($this->body());

Set and get cookies values for this response.

// Get the cookies set to the response
$cookies = $response->cookie();

// Set a cookie to the response
$response->cookie('session', array(
     'value' => $value,
     'expiration' => 12352234


  • mixed $key = NULL - Cookie name, or array of cookie values
  • string $value = NULL - Value to set to cookie

Return Values

  • string
  • void
  • [Response]

Source Code

public function cookie($key = NULL, $value = NULL)
	// Handle the get cookie calls
	if ($key === NULL)
		return $this->_cookies;
	elseif ( ! is_array($key) AND ! $value)
		return Arr::get($this->_cookies, $key);

	// Handle the set cookie calls
	if (is_array($key))
		while (list($_key, $_value) = each($key))
			$this->cookie($_key, $_value);
		if ( ! is_array($value))
			$value = array(
				'value' => $value,
				'expiration' => Cookie::$expiration
		elseif ( ! isset($value['expiration']))
			$value['expiration'] = Cookie::$expiration;

		$this->_cookies[$key] = $value;

	return $this;

Deletes a cookie set to the response


  • string $name required - $name

Return Values

  • Response

Source Code

public function delete_cookie($name)
	return $this;

public delete_cookies( ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Deletes all cookies from this response

Return Values

  • Response

Source Code

public function delete_cookies()
	$this->_cookies = array();
	return $this;

public static factory( [ array $config = array(0) ] ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Factory method to create a new Response. Pass properties in using an associative array.

 // Create a new response
 $response = Response::factory();

 // Create a new response with headers
 $response = Response::factory(array('status' => 200));


  • array $config = array(0) - Setup the response object

Return Values

  • Response

Source Code

public static function factory(array $config = array())
	return new Response($config);

public generate_etag( ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Generate ETag Generates an ETag from the response ready to be returned


Return Values

  • String - Generated ETag

Source Code

public function generate_etag()
    if ($this->_body === '')
		throw new Request_Exception('No response yet associated with request - cannot auto generate resource ETag');

	// Generate a unique hash for the response
	return '"'.sha1($this->render()).'"';

public headers( [ mixed $key = NULL , string $value = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Gets and sets headers to the Response, allowing chaining of response methods. If chaining isn't required, direct access to the property should be used instead.

  // Get a header
  $accept = $response->headers('Content-Type');

  // Set a header
  $response->headers('Content-Type', 'text/html');

  // Get all headers
  $headers = $response->headers();

  // Set multiple headers
  $response->headers(array('Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache'));


  • mixed $key = NULL - $key
  • string $value = NULL - $value

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function headers($key = NULL, $value = NULL)
	if ($key === NULL)
		return $this->_header;
	elseif (is_array($key))
		return $this;
	elseif ($value === NULL)
		return Arr::get($this->_header, $key);
		$this->_header[$key] = $value;
		return $this;

public protocol( [ string $protocol = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Gets or sets the HTTP protocol. The standard protocol to use is HTTP/1.1.


  • string $protocol = NULL - Protocol to set to the request/response

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function protocol($protocol = NULL)
	if ($protocol)
		$this->_protocol = strtoupper($protocol);
		return $this;

	if ($this->_protocol === NULL)
		$this->_protocol = HTTP::$protocol;

	return $this->_protocol;

public render( ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Renders the HTTP_Interaction to a string, producing

  • Protocol
  • Headers
  • Body

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function render()
	if ( ! $this->_header->offsetExists('content-type'))
		// Add the default Content-Type header if required
		$this->_header['content-type'] = Kohana::$content_type.'; charset='.Kohana::$charset;

	// Set the content length
	$this->headers('content-length', (string) $this->content_length());

	// If Kohana expose, set the user-agent
	if (Kohana::$expose)
		$this->headers('user-agent', 'Kohana Framework '.Kohana::VERSION.' ('.Kohana::CODENAME.')');

	// Prepare cookies
	if ($this->_cookies)
		if (extension_loaded('http'))
			$this->_header['set-cookie'] = http_build_cookie($this->_cookies);
			$cookies = array();

			// Parse each
			foreach ($this->_cookies as $key => $value)
				$string = $key.'='.$value['value'].'; expires='.date('l, d M Y H:i:s T', $value['expiration']);
				$cookies[] = $string;

			// Create the cookie string
			$this->_header['set-cookie'] = $cookies;

	$output = $this->_protocol.' '.$this->_status.' '.Response::$messages[$this->_status]."\r\n";
	$output .= (string) $this->_header;
	$output .= $this->_body;

	return $output;

public send_file( string $filename [, string $download = NULL , array $options = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Send file download as the response. All execution will be halted when this method is called! Use TRUE for the filename to send the current response as the file content. The third parameter allows the following options to be set:

Type Option Description Default Value
boolean inline Display inline instead of download FALSE
string mime_type Manual mime type Automatic
boolean delete Delete the file after sending FALSE

Download a file that already exists:


Download generated content as a file:

$request->send_file(TRUE, $filename);

No further processing can be done after this method is called!


  • string $filename required - Filename with path, or TRUE for the current response
  • string $download = NULL - Downloaded file name
  • array $options = NULL - Additional options


Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function send_file($filename, $download = NULL, array $options = NULL)
	if ( ! empty($options['mime_type']))
		// The mime-type has been manually set
		$mime = $options['mime_type'];

	if ($filename === TRUE)
		if (empty($download))
			throw new Kohana_Exception('Download name must be provided for streaming files');

		// Temporary files will automatically be deleted
		$options['delete'] = FALSE;

		if ( ! isset($mime))
			// Guess the mime using the file extension
			$mime = File::mime_by_ext(strtolower(pathinfo($download, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)));

		// Force the data to be rendered if
		$file_data = (string) $this->_body;

		// Get the content size
		$size = strlen($file_data);

		// Create a temporary file to hold the current response
		$file = tmpfile();

		// Write the current response into the file
		fwrite($file, $file_data);

		// File data is no longer needed
		// Get the complete file path
		$filename = realpath($filename);

		if (empty($download))
			// Use the file name as the download file name
			$download = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_BASENAME);

		// Get the file size
		$size = filesize($filename);

		if ( ! isset($mime))
			// Get the mime type
			$mime = File::mime($download);

		// Open the file for reading
		$file = fopen($filename, 'rb');

	if ( ! is_resource($file))
		throw new Kohana_Exception('Could not read file to send: :file', array(
			':file' => $download,

	// Inline or download?
	$disposition = empty($options['inline']) ? 'attachment' : 'inline';

	// Calculate byte range to download.
	list($start, $end) = $this->_calculate_byte_range($size);

	if ( ! empty($options['resumable']))
		if ($start > 0 OR $end < ($size - 1))
			// Partial Content
			$this->_status = 206;

		// Range of bytes being sent
		$this->_header['content-range'] = 'bytes '.$start.'-'.$end.'/'.$size;
		$this->_header['accept-ranges'] = 'bytes';

	// Set the headers for a download
	$this->_header['content-disposition'] = $disposition.'; filename="'.$download.'"';
	$this->_header['content-type']        = $mime;
	$this->_header['content-length']      = (string) (($end - $start) + 1);

	if (Request::user_agent('browser') === 'Internet Explorer')
		// Naturally, IE does not act like a real browser...
		if (Request::$initial->secure())
			$this->_header['pragma'] = $this->_header['cache-control'] = 'public';

		if (version_compare(Request::user_agent('version'), '8.0', '>='))
			$this->_header['x-content-type-options'] = 'nosniff';

	// Send all headers now

	while (ob_get_level())
		// Flush all output buffers

	// Manually stop execution

	if ( ! Kohana::$safe_mode)
		// Keep the script running forever

	// Send data in 16kb blocks
	$block = 1024 * 16;

	fseek($file, $start);

	while ( ! feof($file) AND ($pos = ftell($file)) <= $end)
		if (connection_aborted())

		if ($pos + $block > $end)
			// Don't read past the buffer.
			$block = $end - $pos + 1;

		// Output a block of the file
		echo fread($file, $block);

		// Send the data now

	// Close the file

	if ( ! empty($options['delete']))
			// Attempt to remove the file
		catch (Exception $e)
			// Create a text version of the exception
			$error = Kohana_Exception::text($e);

			if (is_object(Kohana::$log))
				// Add this exception to the log
				Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, $error);

				// Make sure the logs are written

			// Do NOT display the exception, it will corrupt the output!

	// Stop execution

public send_headers( [ boolean $replace = bool FALSE , callback $callback = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Sends the response status and all set headers.


  • boolean $replace = bool FALSE - Replace existing headers
  • callback $callback = NULL - Function to handle header output

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function send_headers($replace = FALSE, $callback = NULL)
	return $this->_header->send_headers($this, $replace, $callback);

public status( [ integer $status = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Sets or gets the HTTP status from this response.

 // Set the HTTP status to 404 Not Found
 $response = Response::factory()

 // Get the current status
 $status = $response->status();


  • integer $status = NULL - Status to set to this response

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function status($status = NULL)
	if ($status === NULL)
		return $this->_status;
	elseif (array_key_exists($status, Response::$messages))
		$this->_status = (int) $status;
		return $this;
		throw new Kohana_Exception(__METHOD__.' unknown status value : :value', array(':value' => $status));

protected _calculate_byte_range( integer $size ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Calculates the byte range to use with send_file. If HTTP_RANGE doesn't exist then the complete byte range is returned


  • integer $size required - $size

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

protected function _calculate_byte_range($size)
	// Defaults to start with when the HTTP_RANGE header doesn't exist.
	$start = 0;
	$end = $size - 1;

	if ($range = $this->_parse_byte_range())
		// We have a byte range from HTTP_RANGE
		$start = $range[1];

		if ($start[0] === '-')
			// A negative value means we start from the end, so -500 would be the
			// last 500 bytes.
			$start = $size - abs($start);

		if (isset($range[2]))
			// Set the end range
			$end = $range[2];

	// Normalize values.
	$start = abs(intval($start));

	// Keep the the end value in bounds and normalize it.
	$end = min(abs(intval($end)), $size - 1);

	// Keep the start in bounds.
	$start = ($end < $start) ? 0 : max($start, 0);

	return array($start, $end);

protected _parse_byte_range( ) (defined in Kohana_Response)

Parse the byte ranges from the HTTP_RANGE header used for resumable downloads.


Return Values

  • array|FALSE

Source Code

protected function _parse_byte_range()
	if ( ! isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']))
		return FALSE;

	// TODO, speed this up with the use of string functions.
	preg_match_all('/(-?[0-9]++(?:-(?![0-9]++))?)(?:-?([0-9]++))?/', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

	return $matches[0];