

Routes are used to determine the controller and action for a requested URI. Every route generates a regular expression which is used to match a URI and a route. Routes may also contain keys which can be used to set the controller, action, and parameters.

Each will be translated to a regular expression using a default regular expression pattern. You can override the default pattern by providing a pattern for the key:

// This route will only match when <id> is a digit
Route::set('user', 'user/<action>/<id>', array('id' => '\d+'));

// This route will match when <path> is anything
Route::set('file', '<path>', array('path' => '.*'));

It is also possible to create optional segments by using parentheses in the URI definition:

// This is the standard default route, and no keys are required
Route::set('default', '(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))');

// This route only requires the <file> key
Route::set('file', '(<path>/)<file>(.<format>)', array('path' => '.*', 'format' => '\w+'));

Routes also provide a way to generate URIs (called "reverse routing"), which makes them an extremely powerful and flexible way to generate internal links.

Kohana Team
© 2008-2012 Kohana Team

Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/kohana/route.php on line 36.



string(18) "<([a-zA-Z0-9_]++)>"


string(12) "[^/.,;?\n]++"


string(17) "[.\+*?[^\]${}=!|]"


public static bool $cache

Indicates whether routes are cached

bool FALSE

public static string $default_action

default action for all routes

string(5) "index"

public static string $default_protocol

default protocol for all routes

string(7) "http://"

public static array $localhosts

list of valid localhost entries

array(4) (
    0 => bool FALSE
    1 => string(0) ""
    2 => string(5) "local"
    3 => string(9) "localhost"

protected callback $_callback

The callback method for routes

protected array $_defaults

protected array $_regex

protected string $_route_regex

protected static array $_routes

array(5) (
    "codebench" => object Route(5) {
        protected _callback => NULL
        protected _uri => string(19) "codebench(/<class>)"
        protected _regex => array(0) 
        protected _defaults => array(3) (
            "controller" => string(9) "codebench"
            "action" => string(5) "index"
            "class" => NULL
        protected _route_regex => string(44) "#^codebench(?:/(?P<class>[^/.,;?\n]++))?$#uD"
    "docs/media" => object Route(5) {
        protected _callback => NULL
        protected _uri => string(20) "guide/media(/<file>)"
        protected _regex => array(1) (
            "file" => string(2) ".+"
        protected _defaults => array(3) (
            "controller" => string(9) "userguide"
            "action" => string(5) "media"
            "file" => NULL
        protected _route_regex => string(35) "#^guide/media(?:/(?P<file>.+))?$#uD"
    "docs/api" => object Route(5) {
        protected _callback => NULL
        protected _uri => string(19) "guide/api(/<class>)"
        protected _regex => array(1) (
            "class" => string(13) "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
        protected _defaults => array(3) (
            "controller" => string(9) "userguide"
            "action" => string(3) "api"
            "class" => NULL
        protected _route_regex => string(45) "#^guide/api(?:/(?P<class>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+))?$#uD"
    "docs/guide" => object Route(5) {
        protected _callback => NULL
        protected _uri => string(25) "guide(/<module>(/<page>))"
        protected _regex => array(1) (
            "page" => string(2) ".+"
        protected _defaults => array(3) (
            "controller" => string(9) "userguide"
            "action" => string(4) "docs"
            "module" => string(0) ""
        protected _route_regex => string(59) "#^guide(?:/(?P<module>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<page>.+))?)?$#uD"
    "default" => object Route(5) {
        protected _callback => NULL
        protected _uri => string(32) "(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))"
        protected _regex => array(0) 
        protected _defaults => array(2) (
            "controller" => string(7) "welcome"
            "action" => string(5) "index"
        protected _route_regex => string(95) "#^(?:(?P<controller>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<action>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<id>[^/.,;?\n]++))?)?)?$#uD"

protected string $_uri

route URI


public __construct( [ mixed $uri = NULL , array $regex = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Creates a new route. Sets the URI and regular expressions for keys. Routes should always be created with Route::set or they will not be properly stored.

$route = new Route($uri, $regex);

The $uri parameter can either be a string for basic regex matching or it can be a valid callback or anonymous function (php 5.3+). If you use a callback or anonymous function, your method should return an array containing the proper keys for the route. If you want the route to be "reversable", you need pass the route string as the third parameter.

$route = new Route(function($uri)
    if (list($controller, $action, $param) = explode('/', $uri) AND $controller == 'foo' AND $action == 'bar')
        return array(
            'controller' => 'foobar',
            'action' => $action,
            'id' => $param,


  • mixed $uri = NULL - Route URI pattern or lambda/callback function
  • array $regex = NULL - Key patterns


Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __construct($uri = NULL, $regex = NULL)
	if ($uri === NULL)
		// Assume the route is from cache

	if ( ! is_string($uri) AND is_callable($uri))
		$this->_callback = $uri;
		$this->_uri = $regex;
		$regex = NULL;
	elseif ( ! empty($uri))
		$this->_uri = $uri;

	if ( ! empty($regex))
		$this->_regex = $regex;

	// Store the compiled regex locally
	$this->_route_regex = Route::compile($uri, $regex);

public static all( ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Retrieves all named routes.

$routes = Route::all();

Return Values

  • array - Routes by name

Source Code

public static function all()
	return Route::$_routes;

public static cache( [ boolean $save = bool FALSE ] ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Saves or loads the route cache. If your routes will remain the same for a long period of time, use this to reload the routes from the cache rather than redefining them on every page load.

if ( ! Route::cache())
    // Set routes here


  • boolean $save = bool FALSE - Cache the current routes


Return Values

  • void - When saving routes
  • boolean - When loading routes

Source Code

public static function cache($save = FALSE)
	if ($save === TRUE)
			// Cache all defined routes
			Kohana::cache('Route::cache()', Route::$_routes);
		catch (Exception $e)
			// We most likely have a lambda in a route, which cannot be cached
			throw new Kohana_Exception('One or more routes could not be cached (:message)', array(
					':message' => $e->getMessage(),
		if ($routes = Kohana::cache('Route::cache()'))
			Route::$_routes = $routes;

			// Routes were cached
			return Route::$cache = TRUE;
			// Routes were not cached
			return Route::$cache = FALSE;

public static compile( ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Returns the compiled regular expression for the route. This translates keys and optional groups to a proper PCRE regular expression.

$compiled = Route::compile(
      'controller' => '[a-z]+',
      'id' => '\d+',


Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public static function compile($uri, array $regex = NULL)
	if ( ! is_string($uri))

	// The URI should be considered literal except for keys and optional parts
	// Escape everything preg_quote would escape except for : ( ) < >
	$expression = preg_replace('#'.Route::REGEX_ESCAPE.'#', '\\\\$0', $uri);

	if (strpos($expression, '(') !== FALSE)
		// Make optional parts of the URI non-capturing and optional
		$expression = str_replace(array('(', ')'), array('(?:', ')?'), $expression);

	// Insert default regex for keys
	$expression = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('(?P<', '>'.Route::REGEX_SEGMENT.')'), $expression);

	if ($regex)
		$search = $replace = array();
		foreach ($regex as $key => $value)
			$search[]  = "<$key>".Route::REGEX_SEGMENT;
			$replace[] = "<$key>$value";

		// Replace the default regex with the user-specified regex
		$expression = str_replace($search, $replace, $expression);

	return '#^'.$expression.'$#uD';

public defaults( [ array $defaults = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Provides default values for keys when they are not present. The default action will always be "index" unless it is overloaded here.

    'controller' => 'welcome',
    'action'     => 'index'

If no parameter is passed, this method will act as a getter.


  • array $defaults = NULL - Key values

Return Values

  • $this - Or array

Source Code

public function defaults(array $defaults = NULL)
	if ($defaults === NULL)
		return $this->_defaults;

	$this->_defaults = $defaults;

	return $this;

public static get( string $name ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Retrieves a named route.

$route = Route::get('default');


  • string $name required - Route name


Return Values

  • Route

Source Code

public static function get($name)
	if ( ! isset(Route::$_routes[$name]))
		throw new Kohana_Exception('The requested route does not exist: :route',
			array(':route' => $name));

	return Route::$_routes[$name];

public is_external( ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Returns whether this route is an external route to a remote controller.

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function is_external()
	return ! in_array(Arr::get($this->_defaults, 'host', FALSE), Route::$localhosts);

public matches( string $uri ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Tests if the route matches a given URI. A successful match will return all of the routed parameters as an array. A failed match will return boolean FALSE.

// Params: controller = users, action = edit, id = 10
$params = $route->matches('users/edit/10');

This method should almost always be used within an if/else block:

if ($params = $route->matches($uri))
    // Parse the parameters


  • string $uri required - URI to match

Return Values

  • array - On success
  • FALSE - On failure

Source Code

public function matches($uri)
	if ($this->_callback)
		$closure = $this->_callback;
		$params = call_user_func($closure, $uri);

		if ( ! is_array($params))
			return FALSE;
		if ( ! preg_match($this->_route_regex, $uri, $matches))
			return FALSE;

		$params = array();
		foreach ($matches as $key => $value)
			if (is_int($key))
				// Skip all unnamed keys

			// Set the value for all matched keys
			$params[$key] = $value;

	foreach ($this->_defaults as $key => $value)
		if ( ! isset($params[$key]) OR $params[$key] === '')
			// Set default values for any key that was not matched
			$params[$key] = $value;

	return $params;

public static name( Route $route ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Get the name of a route.

$name = Route::name($route)


  • Route $route required - Instance

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public static function name(Route $route)
	return array_search($route, Route::$_routes);

public static set( string $name [, string $uri_callback = NULL , array $regex = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Stores a named route and returns it. The "action" will always be set to "index" if it is not defined.

Route::set('default', '(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))')
        'controller' => 'welcome',


  • string $name required - Route name
  • string $uri_callback = NULL - URI pattern
  • array $regex = NULL - Regex patterns for route keys

Return Values

  • Route

Source Code

public static function set($name, $uri_callback = NULL, $regex = NULL)
	return Route::$_routes[$name] = new Route($uri_callback, $regex);

public uri( [ array $params = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Generates a URI for the current route based on the parameters given.

// Using the "default" route: "users/profile/10"
    'controller' => 'users',
    'action'     => 'profile',
    'id'         => '10'


  • array $params = NULL - URI parameters


Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function uri(array $params = NULL)
	// Start with the routed URI
	$uri = $this->_uri;

	if (strpos($uri, '<') === FALSE AND strpos($uri, '(') === FALSE)
		// This is a static route, no need to replace anything

		if ( ! $this->is_external())
			return $uri;

		// If the localhost setting does not have a protocol
		if (strpos($this->_defaults['host'], '://') === FALSE)
			// Use the default defined protocol
			$params['host'] = Route::$default_protocol.$this->_defaults['host'];
			// Use the supplied host with protocol
			$params['host'] = $this->_defaults['host'];

		// Compile the final uri and return it
		return rtrim($params['host'], '/').'/'.$uri;

	while (preg_match('#\([^()]++\)#', $uri, $match))
		// Search for the matched value
		$search = $match[0];

		// Remove the parenthesis from the match as the replace
		$replace = substr($match[0], 1, -1);

		while (preg_match('#'.Route::REGEX_KEY.'#', $replace, $match))
			list($key, $param) = $match;

			if (isset($params[$param]))
				// Replace the key with the parameter value
				$replace = str_replace($key, $params[$param], $replace);
				// This group has missing parameters
				$replace = '';

		// Replace the group in the URI
		$uri = str_replace($search, $replace, $uri);

	while (preg_match('#'.Route::REGEX_KEY.'#', $uri, $match))
		list($key, $param) = $match;

		if ( ! isset($params[$param]))
			// Look for a default
			if (isset($this->_defaults[$param]))
				$params[$param] = $this->_defaults[$param];
				// Ungrouped parameters are required
				throw new Kohana_Exception('Required route parameter not passed: :param', array(
					':param' => $param,

		$uri = str_replace($key, $params[$param], $uri);

	// Trim all extra slashes from the URI
	$uri = preg_replace('#//+#', '/', rtrim($uri, '/'));

	if ($this->is_external())
		// Need to add the host to the URI
		$host = $this->_defaults['host'];

		if (strpos($host, '://') === FALSE)
			// Use the default defined protocol
			$host = Route::$default_protocol.$host;

		// Clean up the host and prepend it to the URI
		$uri = rtrim($host, '/').'/'.$uri;

	return $uri;

public static url( string $name [, array $params = NULL , mixed $protocol = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Route)

Create a URL from a route name. This is a shortcut for:

echo URL::site(Route::get($name)->uri($params), $protocol);


  • string $name required - Route name
  • array $params = NULL - URI parameters
  • mixed $protocol = NULL - Protocol string or boolean, adds protocol and domain


Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public static function url($name, array $params = NULL, $protocol = NULL)
	$route = Route::get($name);

	// Create a URI with the route and convert it to a URL
	if ($route->is_external())
		return Route::get($name)->uri($params);
		return URL::site(Route::get($name)->uri($params), $protocol);