
extends Kohana_Database_MySQLi_Result
extends Database_Result
extends Kohana_Database_Result

Implements: ArrayAccess | SeekableIterator | Traversable | Iterator | Countable

MySQLi database result. See Results for usage and examples.

Kohana Team
© 2008-2009 Kohana Team

Class declared in MODPATH/database/classes/Database/MySQLi/Result.php on line 3.


protected $_as_object

Default value:

protected $_current_row

Default value:
integer 0

protected $_internal_row

Default value:
integer 0

protected $_object_params

Default value:

protected $_query

Default value:

protected $_result

Default value:

protected $_total_rows

Default value:
integer 0


public __construct( mixed $result , string $sql [, mixed $as_object = bool FALSE , array $params = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Database_MySQLi_Result)

Sets the total number of rows and stores the result locally.


  • mixed $result required - Query result
  • string $sql required - SQL query
  • mixed $as_object = bool FALSE - $as_object
  • array $params = NULL - $params

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __construct($result, $sql, $as_object = false, array $params = null)
    parent::__construct($result, $sql, $as_object, $params);

    // Find the number of rows in the result
    $this->_total_rows = $result->num_rows;

public __destruct( ) (defined in Kohana_Database_MySQLi_Result)

Result destruction cleans up all open result sets.

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __destruct()
    if (is_resource($this->_result)) {

public current( ) (defined in Kohana_Database_MySQLi_Result)

Source Code

public function current()
    if ($this->_current_row !== $this->_internal_row AND ! $this->seek($this->_current_row))
        return null;

    // Increment internal row for optimization assuming rows are fetched in order

    if ($this->_as_object === true) {
        // Return an stdClass
        return $this->_result->fetch_object();
    } elseif (is_string($this->_as_object)) {
        // Return an object of given class name
        return $this->_result->fetch_object($this->_as_object, (array) $this->_object_params);
    } else {
        // Return an array of the row
        return $this->_result->fetch_assoc();

public seek( ) (defined in Kohana_Database_MySQLi_Result)

Source Code

public function seek($offset)
    if ($this->offsetExists($offset) AND $this->_result->data_seek($offset)) {
        // Set the current row to the offset
        $this->_current_row = $this->_internal_row = $offset;

        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

public as_array( [ string $key = NULL , string $value = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Return all of the rows in the result as an array.

// Indexed array of all rows
$rows = $result->as_array();

// Associative array of rows by "id"
$rows = $result->as_array('id');

// Associative array of rows, "id" => "name"
$rows = $result->as_array('id', 'name');


  • string $key = NULL - Column for associative keys
  • string $value = NULL - Column for values

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function as_array($key = null, $value = null)
    $results = [];

    if ($key === null AND $value === null) {
        // Indexed rows

        foreach ($this as $row) {
            $results[] = $row;
    } elseif ($key === null) {
        // Indexed columns

        if ($this->_as_object) {
            foreach ($this as $row) {
                $results[] = $row->$value;
        } else {
            foreach ($this as $row) {
                $results[] = $row[$value];
    } elseif ($value === null) {
        // Associative rows

        if ($this->_as_object) {
            foreach ($this as $row) {
                $results[$row->$key] = $row;
        } else {
            foreach ($this as $row) {
                $results[$row[$key]] = $row;
    } else {
        // Associative columns

        if ($this->_as_object) {
            foreach ($this as $row) {
                $results[$row->$key] = $row->$value;
        } else {
            foreach ($this as $row) {
                $results[$row[$key]] = $row[$value];


    return $results;

public cached( ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Get a cached database result from the current result iterator.

$cachable = serialize($result->cached());


  • Since - 3.0.5

Return Values

  • Database_Result_Cached

Source Code

public function cached()
    return new Database_Result_Cached($this->as_array(), $this->_query, $this->_as_object);

public count( ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Implements Countable::count, returns the total number of rows.

echo count($result);

Return Values

  • integer

Source Code

public function count()
    return $this->_total_rows;

public get( string $name [, mixed $default = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Return the named column from the current row.

// Get the "id" value
$id = $result->get('id');


  • string $name required - Column to get
  • mixed $default = NULL - Default value if the column does not exist

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function get($name, $default = null)
    $row = $this->current();

    if ($this->_as_object) {
        if (isset($row->$name))
            return $row->$name;
    else {
        if (isset($row[$name]))
            return $row[$name];

    return $default;

public key( ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Implements Iterator::key, returns the current row number.

echo key($result);

Return Values

  • integer

Source Code

public function key()
    return $this->_current_row;

public next( ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Implements Iterator::next, moves to the next row.


Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function next()
    return $this;

public offsetExists( int $offset ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Implements ArrayAccess::offsetExists, determines if row exists.

if (isset($result[10]))
    // Row 10 exists


  • int $offset required - $offset

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function offsetExists($offset)
    return ($offset >= 0 AND $offset < $this->_total_rows);

public offsetGet( int $offset ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Implements ArrayAccess::offsetGet, gets a given row.

$row = $result[10];


  • int $offset required - $offset

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function offsetGet($offset)
    if (!$this->seek($offset))
        return null;

    return $this->current();

final public offsetSet( int $offset , mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Implements ArrayAccess::offsetSet, throws an error.

You cannot modify a database result.


  • int $offset required - $offset
  • mixed $value required - $value


Return Values

  • void

Source Code

final public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
    throw new Kohana_Exception('Database results are read-only');

final public offsetUnset( int $offset ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Implements ArrayAccess::offsetUnset, throws an error.

You cannot modify a database result.


  • int $offset required - $offset


Return Values

  • void

Source Code

final public function offsetUnset($offset)
    throw new Kohana_Exception('Database results are read-only');

public prev( ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Implements Iterator::prev, moves to the previous row.


Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function prev()
    return $this;

public rewind( ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Implements Iterator::rewind, sets the current row to zero.


Return Values

  • $this

Source Code

public function rewind()
    $this->_current_row = 0;
    return $this;

public valid( ) (defined in Kohana_Database_Result)

Implements Iterator::valid, checks if the current row exists.

This method is only used internally.

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function valid()
    return $this->offsetExists($this->_current_row);