
extends Kohana_ORM_Validation_Exception
extends Kohana_Exception
extends Kohana_Kohana_Exception
extends Exception

Implements: Throwable

ORM Validation exceptions.

Kohana Team
© 2008-2009 Kohana Team

Class declared in MODPATH/orm/classes/ORM/Validation/Exception.php on line 11.


public static string $error_view

error rendering view

string(12) "kohana/error"

public static string $error_view_content_type

error view content type

string(9) "text/html"

public static array $php_errors

PHP error code => human readable name

array(9) (
    1 => string(11) "Fatal Error"
    256 => string(10) "User Error"
    4 => string(11) "Parse Error"
    2 => string(7) "Warning"
    512 => string(12) "User Warning"
    2048 => string(6) "Strict"
    8 => string(6) "Notice"
    4096 => string(17) "Recoverable Error"
    8192 => string(10) "Deprecated"

protected string $_alias

The alias of the main ORM model this exception was created for

Default value:

protected array $_objects

Array of validation objects

Default value:

protected $code

Default value:
integer 0

protected $file

Default value:

protected $line

Default value:

protected $message

Default value:
string(0) ""


public __construct( string $alias , Validation $object [, string $message = string(24) "Failed to validate array" , array $values = NULL , integer $code = integer 0 , $previous = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM_Validation_Exception)

Constructs a new exception for the specified model


  • string $alias required - The alias to use when looking for error messages
  • Validation $object required - The Validation object of the model
  • string $message = string(24) "Failed to validate array" - The error message
  • array $values = NULL - The array of values for the error message
  • integer $code = integer 0 - The error code for the exception
  • unknown $previous = NULL

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __construct($alias, Validation $object, $message = 'Failed to validate array', array $values = null, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null)
    $this->_alias = $alias;
    $this->_objects['_object'] = $object;
    $this->_objects['_has_many'] = false;

    parent::__construct($message, $values, $code, $previous);

public add_object( string $alias , Validation $object [, mixed $has_many = bool FALSE ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM_Validation_Exception)

Adds a Validation object to this exception

// The following will add a validation object for a profile model
// inside the exception for a user model.
$e->add_object('profile', $validation);
// The errors array will now look something like this
// [
//     'username' => 'This field is required'
//     'profile' => [
//         'first_name' => 'This field is required'
//     ]
// ];


  • string $alias required - The relationship alias from the model
  • Validation $object required - The Validation object to merge
  • mixed $has_many = bool FALSE - The array key to use if this exception can be merged multiple times

Return Values

  • ORM_Validation_Exception

Source Code

public function add_object($alias, Validation $object, $has_many = false)
    // We will need this when generating errors
    $this->_objects[$alias]['_has_many'] = ($has_many !== false);

    if ($has_many === true) {
        // This is most likely a has_many relationship
        $this->_objects[$alias][]['_object'] = $object;
    } elseif ($has_many) {
        // This is most likely a has_many relationship
        $this->_objects[$alias][$has_many]['_object'] = $object;
    } else {
        $this->_objects[$alias]['_object'] = $object;

    return $this;

public alias( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM_Validation_Exception)

Returns the protected _alias property from this exception

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function alias()
    return $this->_alias;

public errors( [ string $directory = NULL , mixed $translate = bool TRUE ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM_Validation_Exception)

Returns a merged array of the errors from all the Validation objects in this exception

// Will load Model_User errors from messages/orm-validation/user.php


  • string $directory = NULL - Directory to load error messages from
  • mixed $translate = bool TRUE - Translate the message


Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function errors($directory = null, $translate = true)
    return $this->generate_errors($this->_alias, $this->_objects, $directory, $translate);

public merge( ORM_Validation_Exception $object [, mixed $has_many = bool FALSE ] ) (defined in Kohana_ORM_Validation_Exception)

Merges an ORM_Validation_Exception object into the current exception Useful when you want to combine errors into one array


  • ORM_Validation_Exception $object required - The exception to merge
  • mixed $has_many = bool FALSE - The array key to use if this exception can be merged multiple times

Return Values

  • ORM_Validation_Exception

Source Code

public function merge(ORM_Validation_Exception $object, $has_many = false)
    $alias = $object->alias();

    // We will need this when generating errors
    $this->_objects[$alias]['_has_many'] = ($has_many !== false);

    if ($has_many === true) {
        // This is most likely a has_many relationship
        $this->_objects[$alias][] = $object->objects();
    } elseif ($has_many) {
        // This is most likely a has_many relationship
        $this->_objects[$alias][$has_many] = $object->objects();
    } else {
        $this->_objects[$alias] = $object->objects();

    return $this;

public objects( ) (defined in Kohana_ORM_Validation_Exception)

Returns the protected _objects property from this exception

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public function objects()
    return $this->_objects;

public __toString( ) (defined in Kohana_Kohana_Exception)

Magic object-to-string method.

echo $exception;


Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function __toString()
    return Kohana_Exception::text($this);

public static _handler( Throwable $e ) (defined in Kohana_Kohana_Exception)

Exception handler, logs the exception and generates a Response object for display.


  • Throwable $e required - $e


Return Values

  • Response

Source Code

public static function _handler($e)
    try {
        // Log the exception

        // Generate the response
        $response = Kohana_Exception::response($e);

        return $response;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
         * Things are going *really* badly for us, We now have no choice
         * but to bail. Hard.
        // Clean the output buffer if one exists
        ob_get_level() AND ob_clean();

        // Set the Status code to 500, and Content-Type to text/plain.
        header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . Kohana::$charset, true, 500);

        echo Kohana_Exception::text($e);


public static handler( Throwable $e ) (defined in Kohana_Kohana_Exception)

Inline exception handler, displays the error message, source of the exception, and the stack trace of the error.


  • Throwable $e required - $e


Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public static function handler($e)
    $response = Kohana_Exception::_handler($e);

    // Send the response to the browser
    echo $response->send_headers()->body();


public static log( Throwable $e [, int $level = integer 0 ] ) (defined in Kohana_Kohana_Exception)

Logs an exception.


  • Throwable $e required - $e
  • int $level = integer 0 - $level


Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public static function log($e, $level = Log::EMERGENCY)
    if (is_object(Kohana::$log)) {
        // Create a text version of the exception
        $error = Kohana_Exception::text($e);

        // Add this exception to the log
        Kohana::$log->add($level, $error, null, ['exception' => $e]);

        // Make sure the logs are written

public static response( Throwable $e ) (defined in Kohana_Kohana_Exception)

Get a Response object representing the exception


  • Throwable $e required - $e


Return Values

  • Response

Source Code

public static function response($e)
    try {
        // Get the exception information
        $class = get_class($e);
        $code = $e->getCode();
        $message = $e->getMessage();
        $file = $e->getFile();
        $line = $e->getLine();
        $trace = $e->getTrace();

         * HTTP_Exceptions are constructed in the HTTP_Exception::factory()
         * method. We need to remove that entry from the trace and overwrite
         * the variables from above.
        if ($e instanceof HTTP_Exception AND $trace[0]['function'] == 'factory') {

        if ($e instanceof ErrorException) {
             * If XDebug is installed, and this is a fatal error,
             * use XDebug to generate the stack trace
            if (function_exists('xdebug_get_function_stack') AND $code == E_ERROR) {
                $trace = array_slice(array_reverse(xdebug_get_function_stack()), 4);

                foreach ($trace as & $frame) {
                     * XDebug pre 2.1.1 doesn't currently set the call type key
                    if (!isset($frame['type'])) {
                        $frame['type'] = '??';

                    // Xdebug returns the words 'dynamic' and 'static' instead of using '->' and '::' symbols
                    if ('dynamic' === $frame['type']) {
                        $frame['type'] = '->';
                    } elseif ('static' === $frame['type']) {
                        $frame['type'] = '::';

                    // XDebug also has a different name for the parameters array
                    if (isset($frame['params']) AND ! isset($frame['args'])) {
                        $frame['args'] = $frame['params'];

            if (isset(Kohana_Exception::$php_errors[$code])) {
                // Use the human-readable error name
                $code = Kohana_Exception::$php_errors[$code];

         * The stack trace becomes unmanageable inside PHPUnit.
         * The error view ends up several GB in size, taking
         * serveral minutes to render.
        if (
        ) {
            $trace = array_slice($trace, 0, 2);

        // Instantiate the error view.
        $view = View::factory(Kohana_Exception::$error_view, get_defined_vars());

        // Prepare the response object.
        $response = Response::factory();

        // Set the response status
        $response->status(($e instanceof HTTP_Exception) ? $e->getCode() : 500);

        // Set the response headers
        $response->headers('Content-Type', Kohana_Exception::$error_view_content_type . '; charset=' . Kohana::$charset);

        // Set the response body
    } catch (Exception $e) {
         * Things are going badly for us, Lets try to keep things under control by
         * generating a simpler response object.
        $response = Response::factory();
        $response->headers('Content-Type', 'text/plain');

    return $response;

public static text( Throwable $e ) (defined in Kohana_Kohana_Exception)

Get a single line of text representing the exception:

Error [ Code ]: Message ~ File [ Line ]


  • Throwable $e required - $e

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public static function text($e)
    return sprintf('%s [ %s ]: %s ~ %s [ %d ]', get_class($e), $e->getCode(), strip_tags($e->getMessage()), Debug::path($e->getFile()), $e->getLine());

public __wakeup( ) (defined in Exception)

final public getCode( ) (defined in Exception)

final public getFile( ) (defined in Exception)

final public getLine( ) (defined in Exception)

final public getMessage( ) (defined in Exception)

final public getPrevious( ) (defined in Exception)

final public getTrace( ) (defined in Exception)

final public getTraceAsString( ) (defined in Exception)

protected generate_errors( string $alias , array $array , string $directory , mixed $translate ) (defined in Kohana_ORM_Validation_Exception)

Recursive method to fetch all the errors in this exception


  • string $alias required - Alias to use for messages file
  • array $array required - Array of Validation objects to get errors from
  • string $directory required - Directory to load error messages from
  • mixed $translate required - Translate the message

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

protected function generate_errors($alias, array $array, $directory, $translate)
    $errors = [];

    foreach ($array as $key => $object) {
        if (is_array($object)) {
            $errors[$key] = ($key === '_external')
                // Search for errors in $alias/_external.php
                ? $this->generate_errors($alias . '/' . $key, $object, $directory, $translate)
                // Regular models get their own file not nested within $alias
                : $this->generate_errors($key, $object, $directory, $translate);
        } elseif ($object instanceof Validation) {
            if ($directory === null) {
                // Return the raw errors
                $file = null;
            } else {
                $file = trim($directory . '/' . $alias, '/');

            // Merge in this array of errors
            $errors += $object->errors($file, $translate);

    return $errors;

final private __clone( ) (defined in Exception)