Database-based session class.
Sample schema:
CREATE TABLE `sessions` (
`session_id` VARCHAR( 24 ) NOT NULL,
`last_active` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`contents` TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( `session_id` ),
INDEX ( `last_active` )
Class declared in MODPATH/database/classes/Session/Database.php on line 3.
$defaultdefault session adapter
string(6) "native"
$instancessession instances
$_columnsarray(3) ( "session_id" => string(10) "session_id" "last_active" => string(11) "last_active" "contents" => string(8) "contents" )
$_datasession data
$_destroyedsession destroyed?
bool FALSE
$_encryptedencrypt session data?
bool FALSE
$_gcinteger 500
$_lifetimecookie lifetime
integer 0
$_namecookie name
string(7) "session"
$_tablestring(8) "sessions"
Overloads the name, lifetime, and encrypted session settings.
Sessions can only be created using the Session::instance method.
= NULL - Configuration string
= NULL - Session id void
public function __construct(array $config = null, $id = null)
if (!isset($config['group'])) {
// Use the default group
$config['group'] = Database::$default;
// Load the database
$this->_db = Database::instance($config['group']);
if (isset($config['table'])) {
// Set the table name
$this->_table = (string) $config['table'];
if (isset($config['gc'])) {
// Set the gc chance
$this->_gc = (int) $config['gc'];
if (isset($config['columns'])) {
// Overload column names
$this->_columns = $config['columns'];
parent::__construct($config, $id);
if (mt_rand(0, $this->_gc) === $this->_gc) {
// Run garbage collection
// This will average out to run once every X requests
Get the current session id, if the session supports it.
$id = $session->id();
Not all session types have ids.
public function id()
return $this->_session_id;
Session object is rendered to a serialized string. If encryption is enabled, the session will be encrypted. If not, the output string will be encoded.
echo $session;
public function __toString()
// Serialize the data array
$data = $this->_serialize($this->_data);
if ($this->_encrypted) {
// Encrypt the data using the default key
$data = Encrypt::instance($this->_encrypted)->encode($data);
} else {
// Encode the data
$data = $this->_encode($data);
return $data;
Returns the current session array. The returned array can also be assigned by reference.
// Get a copy of the current session data
$data = $session->as_array();
// Assign by reference for modification
$data =& $session->as_array();
public function & as_array()
return $this->_data;
Set a variable by reference.
$session->bind('foo', $foo);
required - Variable name byref mixed
required - Referenced value $this
public function bind($key, & $value)
$this->_data[$key] = & $value;
return $this;
Removes a variable in the session array.
required - ,... variable name $this
public function delete($key)
$args = func_get_args();
foreach ($args as $key) {
return $this;
Completely destroy the current session.
$success = $session->destroy();
public function destroy()
if ($this->_destroyed === false) {
if ($this->_destroyed = $this->_destroy()) {
// The session has been destroyed, clear all data
$this->_data = [];
return $this->_destroyed;
Get a variable from the session array.
$foo = $session->get('foo');
required - Variable name mixed
= NULL - Default value to return mixed
public function get($key, $default = null)
return array_key_exists($key, $this->_data) ? $this->_data[$key] : $default;
Get and delete a variable from the session array.
$bar = $session->get_once('bar');
required - Variable name mixed
= NULL - Default value to return mixed
public function get_once($key, $default = null)
$value = $this->get($key, $default);
return $value;
Creates a singleton session of the given type. Some session types (native, database) also support restarting a session by passing a session id as the second parameter.
$session = Session::instance();
Session::write will automatically be called when the request ends.
= NULL - Type of session (native, cookie, etc) string
= NULL - Session identifier Session
public static function instance($type = null, $id = null)
if ($type === null) {
// Use the default type
$type = Session::$default;
if (!isset(Session::$instances[$type])) {
// Load the configuration for this type
$config = Kohana::$config->load('session')->get($type);
// Set the session class name
$class = 'Session_' . ucfirst($type);
// Create a new session instance
Session::$instances[$type] = $session = new $class($config, $id);
// Write the session at shutdown
register_shutdown_function([$session, 'write']);
return Session::$instances[$type];
Get the current session cookie name.
$name = $session->name();
public function name()
return $this->_name;
Loads existing session data.
= NULL - Session id void
public function read($id = null)
$data = null;
try {
if (is_string($data = $this->_read($id))) {
if ($this->_encrypted) {
// Decrypt the data using the default key
$data = Encrypt::instance($this->_encrypted)->decode($data);
} else {
// Decode the data
$data = $this->_decode($data);
// Unserialize the data
$data = $this->_unserialize($data);
} else {
// Ignore these, session is valid, likely no data though.
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Error reading the session, usually a corrupt session.
throw new Session_Exception('Error reading session data.', null, Session_Exception::SESSION_CORRUPT);
if (is_array($data)) {
// Load the data locally
$this->_data = $data;
Generates a new session id and returns it.
$id = $session->regenerate();
public function regenerate()
return $this->_regenerate();
Restart the session.
$success = $session->restart();
public function restart()
if ($this->_destroyed === false) {
// Wipe out the current session.
// Allow the new session to be saved
$this->_destroyed = false;
return $this->_restart();
Set a variable in the session array.
$session->set('foo', 'bar');
required - Variable name mixed
required - Value $this
public function set($key, $value)
$this->_data[$key] = $value;
return $this;
Sets the last_active timestamp and saves the session.
Any errors that occur during session writing will be logged, but not displayed, because sessions are written after output has been sent.
public function write()
if (headers_sent() OR $this->_destroyed) {
// Session cannot be written when the headers are sent or when
// the session has been destroyed
return false;
// Set the last active timestamp
$this->_data['last_active'] = time();
try {
return $this->_write();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Log & ignore all errors when a write fails
Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, Kohana_Exception::text($e))->write();
return false;
Destroys the current session.
protected function _destroy()
if ($this->_update_id === null) {
// Session has not been created yet
return true;
// Delete the current session
$query = DB::delete($this->_table)
->where($this->_columns['session_id'], '=', ':id')
->param(':id', $this->_update_id);
try {
// Execute the query
// Delete the old session id
$this->_update_id = null;
// Delete the cookie
} catch (Exception $e) {
// An error occurred, the session has not been deleted
return false;
return true;
protected function _gc()
if ($this->_lifetime) {
// Expire sessions when their lifetime is up
$expires = $this->_lifetime;
} else {
// Expire sessions after one month
$expires = Date::MONTH;
// Delete all sessions that have expired
->where($this->_columns['last_active'], '<', ':time')
->param(':time', time() - $expires)
Loads the raw session data string and returns it.
= NULL - Session id string
protected function _read($id = null)
if ($id OR $id = Cookie::get($this->_name)) {
$result = DB::select([$this->_columns['contents'], 'contents'])
->where($this->_columns['session_id'], '=', ':id')
->param(':id', $id)
if ($result->count()) {
// Set the current session id
$this->_session_id = $this->_update_id = $id;
// Return the contents
return $result->get('contents');
// Create a new session id
return null;
Generate a new session id and return it.
protected function _regenerate()
// Create the query to find an ID
$query = DB::select($this->_columns['session_id'])
->where($this->_columns['session_id'], '=', ':id')
->bind(':id', $id);
do {
// Create a new session id
$id = str_replace('.', '-', uniqid(null, true));
// Get the the id from the database
$result = $query->execute($this->_db);
} while ($result->count());
return $this->_session_id = $id;
protected function _restart()
return true;
Writes the current session.
protected function _write()
if ($this->_update_id === null) {
// Insert a new row
$query = DB::insert($this->_table, $this->_columns)
->values([':new_id', ':active', ':contents']);
} else {
// Update the row
$query = DB::update($this->_table)
->value($this->_columns['last_active'], ':active')
->value($this->_columns['contents'], ':contents')
->where($this->_columns['session_id'], '=', ':old_id');
if ($this->_update_id !== $this->_session_id) {
// Also update the session id
$query->value($this->_columns['session_id'], ':new_id');
->param(':new_id', $this->_session_id)
->param(':old_id', $this->_update_id)
->param(':active', $this->_data['last_active'])
->param(':contents', $this->__toString());
// Execute the query
// The update and the session id are now the same
$this->_update_id = $this->_session_id;
// Update the cookie with the new session id
Cookie::set($this->_name, $this->_session_id, $this->_lifetime);
return true;
Decodes the session data using base64_decode.
required - Data string
protected function _decode($data)
return base64_decode($data);
Encodes the session data using base64_encode.
required - Data string
protected function _encode($data)
return base64_encode($data);
Serializes the session data.
required - Data string
protected function _serialize($data)
return serialize($data);
Unserializes the session data.
required - Data array
protected function _unserialize($data)
return unserialize($data);