
extends Kohana_Request

Implements: Kohana_HTTP_Request | Kohana_HTTP_Message | HTTP_Message | HTTP_Request

Request. Uses the Route class to determine what Controller to send the request to.

Kohana Team
© 2008-2012 Kohana Team

Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/Request.php on line 3.



string(3) "GET"


string(4) "POST"


string(3) "PUT"


string(6) "DELETE"


string(4) "HEAD"


string(7) "OPTIONS"


string(5) "TRACE"


string(7) "CONNECT"


public static string $client_ip

client IP address

string(13) ""

public static Request $current

currently executing request instance

object Request()
Default value:
object Request(19) {
    protected _requested_with => NULL
    protected _method => string(3) "GET"
    protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
    protected _secure => bool TRUE
    protected _referrer => NULL
    protected _route => object Route(5) {
        protected _filters => array(0) 
        protected _uri => string(19) "guide-api(/<class>)"
        protected _regex => array(1) (
            "class" => string(13) "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
        protected _defaults => array(3) (
            "controller" => string(9) "Userguide"
            "action" => string(3) "api"
            "class" => NULL
        protected _route_regex => string(45) "#^guide-api(?:/(?P<class>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+))?$#uD"
    protected _routes => array(0) 
    protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0) {
    protected _body => NULL
    protected _directory => string(0) ""
    protected _controller => string(9) "Userguide"
    protected _action => string(3) "api"
    protected _uri => string(17) "guide-api/Request"
    protected _external => bool FALSE
    protected _params => array(1) (
        "class" => string(7) "Request"
    protected _get => array(0) 
    protected _post => array(0) 
    protected _cookies => array(0) 
    protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9) {
        protected _previous_environment => NULL
        protected _cache => NULL
        protected _follow => bool FALSE
        protected _follow_headers => array(1) (
            0 => string(13) "authorization"
        protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE
        protected _header_callbacks => array(1) (
            "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location"
        protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5
        protected _callback_depth => integer 1
        protected _callback_params => array(0) 

public static Request $initial

main request instance

object Request()
Default value:
object Request(19) {
    protected _requested_with => NULL
    protected _method => string(3) "GET"
    protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
    protected _secure => bool TRUE
    protected _referrer => NULL
    protected _route => object Route(5) {
        protected _filters => array(0) 
        protected _uri => string(19) "guide-api(/<class>)"
        protected _regex => array(1) (
            "class" => string(13) "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
        protected _defaults => array(3) (
            "controller" => string(9) "Userguide"
            "action" => string(3) "api"
            "class" => NULL
        protected _route_regex => string(45) "#^guide-api(?:/(?P<class>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+))?$#uD"
    protected _routes => array(0) 
    protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0) {
    protected _body => NULL
    protected _directory => string(0) ""
    protected _controller => string(9) "Userguide"
    protected _action => string(3) "api"
    protected _uri => string(17) "guide-api/Request"
    protected _external => bool FALSE
    protected _params => array(1) (
        "class" => string(7) "Request"
    protected _get => array(0) 
    protected _post => array(0) 
    protected _cookies => array(0) 
    protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9) {
        protected _previous_environment => NULL
        protected _cache => NULL
        protected _follow => bool FALSE
        protected _follow_headers => array(1) (
            0 => string(13) "authorization"
        protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE
        protected _header_callbacks => array(1) (
            "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location"
        protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5
        protected _callback_depth => integer 1
        protected _callback_params => array(0) 

public static string $trusted_proxies

trusted proxy server IPs

array(3) (
    0 => string(9) ""
    1 => string(9) "localhost"
    2 => string(21) "localhost.localdomain"

public static string $user_agent

client user agent

string(103) "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; [email protected])"

protected string $_action

action to be executed in the controller

Default value:

protected string $_body

the body

Default value:

protected Kohana_Request_Client $_client

Default value:

protected string $_controller

controller to be executed

Default value:

protected array $_cookies

cookies to send with the request

Default value:

protected string $_directory

controller directory

Default value:
string(0) ""

protected boolean $_external

external request

Default value:
bool FALSE

protected array $_get

query parameters

Default value:

protected Kohana_HTTP_Header $_header

headers to sent as part of the request

Default value:

protected string $_method

method: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, etc

Default value:
string(3) "GET"

protected array $_params

parameters from the route

Default value:

protected array $_post

post parameters

Default value:

protected string $_protocol

protocol: HTTP/1.1, FTP, CLI, etc

Default value:

protected string $_referrer

referring URL

Default value:

protected string $_requested_with

the x-requested-with header which most likely will be xmlhttprequest

Default value:

protected Route $_route

route matched for this request

Default value:

protected Route $_routes

array of routes to manually look at instead of the global namespace

Default value:

protected boolean $_secure

Default value:
bool FALSE

protected string $_uri

the URI of the request

Default value:


public __construct( string $uri [, array $client_params = array(0) , bool $allow_external = bool TRUE , array $injected_routes = array(0) ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Creates a new request object for the given URI. New requests should be Created using the Request::factory method.

$request = new Request($uri);

If $cache parameter is set, the response for the request will attempt to be retrieved from the cache.


  • string $uri required - URI of the request
  • array $client_params = array(0) - Array of params to pass to the request client
  • bool $allow_external = bool TRUE - Allow external requests? (deprecated in 3.3)
  • array $injected_routes = array(0) - An array of routes to use, for testing


Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __construct($uri, $client_params = [], $allow_external = true, $injected_routes = [])
    $client_params = is_array($client_params) ? $client_params : [];

    // Initialise the header
    $this->_header = new HTTP_Header([]);

    // Assign injected routes
    $this->_routes = $injected_routes;

    // Cleanse query parameters from URI (faster that parse_url())
    $split_uri = explode('?', $uri);
    $uri = array_shift($split_uri);

    if ($split_uri) {
        parse_str($split_uri[0], $this->_get);

    // Detect protocol (if present)
    // $allow_external = false prevents the default index.php from
    // being able to proxy external pages.
    if (!$allow_external OR strpos($uri, '://') === false) {
        // Remove leading and trailing slashes from the URI
        $this->_uri = trim($uri, '/');

        // Apply the client
        $this->_client = new Request_Client_Internal($client_params);
    } else {
        // Create a route
        $this->_route = new Route($uri);

        // Store the URI
        $this->_uri = $uri;

        // Set the security setting if required
        if (strpos($uri, 'https://') === 0) {

        // Set external state
        $this->_external = true;

        // Setup the client
        $this->_client = Request_Client_External::factory($client_params);

public __toString( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Returns the response as the string representation of a request.

echo $request;

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function __toString()
    return $this->render();

public static accept_encoding( [ string $type = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Returns the accepted encodings. If a specific encoding is defined, the quality of that encoding will be returned. If the encoding is not accepted, false will be returned.

$encodings = Request::accept_encoding();

Deprecated in favor of using HTTP_Header::accepts_encoding_at_quality.


  • string $type = NULL - Encoding type


Return Values

  • mixed - An array of all types or a specific type as a string

Source Code

public static function accept_encoding($type = null)
    static $accepts;

    if ($accepts === null) {
        // Parse the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header
        $accepts = Request::_parse_accept($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']);

    if (isset($type)) {
        // Return the quality setting for this type
        return isset($accepts[$type]) ? $accepts[$type] : false;

    return $accepts;

public static accept_lang( [ string $lang = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Returns the accepted languages. If a specific language is defined, the quality of that language will be returned. If the language is not accepted, false will be returned.

$langs = Request::accept_lang();

Deprecated in favor of using HTTP_Header::accepts_language_at_quality.


  • string $lang = NULL - Language code


Return Values

  • mixed - An array of all types or a specific type as a string

Source Code

public static function accept_lang($lang = null)
    static $accepts;

    if ($accepts === null) {
        // Parse the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header
        $accepts = Request::_parse_accept($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);

    if (isset($lang)) {
        // Return the quality setting for this lang
        return isset($accepts[$lang]) ? $accepts[$lang] : false;

    return $accepts;

public static accept_type( [ string $type = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Returns the accepted content types. If a specific type is defined, the quality of that type will be returned.

$types = Request::accept_type();

Deprecated in favor of using HTTP_Header::accepts_at_quality.


  • string $type = NULL - Content MIME type


Return Values

  • mixed - An array of all types or a specific type as a string

Source Code

public static function accept_type($type = null)
    static $accepts;

    if ($accepts === null) {
        // Parse the HTTP_ACCEPT header
        $accepts = Request::_parse_accept($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], ['*/*' => 1.0]);

    if (isset($type)) {
        // Return the quality setting for this type
        return isset($accepts[$type]) ? $accepts[$type] : $accepts['*/*'];

    return $accepts;

public action( [ string $action = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Sets and gets the action for the controller.


  • string $action = NULL - Action to execute the controller from

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function action($action = null)
    if ($action === null) {
        // Act as a getter
        return $this->_action;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_action = (string) $action;

    return $this;

public body( [ string $content = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Gets or sets the HTTP body of the request. The body is included after the header, separated by a single empty new line.


  • string $content = NULL - Content to set to the object

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function body($content = null)
    if ($content === null) {
        // Act as a getter
        return $this->_body;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_body = $content;

    return $this;

public client( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Provides access to the Request_Client.

Return Values

  • Request_Client
  • self

Source Code

public function client(Request_Client $client = null)
    if ($client === null)
        return $this->_client;
    else {
        $this->_client = $client;
        return $this;

public content_length( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Returns the length of the body for use with content header

Return Values

  • integer

Source Code

public function content_length()
    return strlen($this->body());

public controller( [ string $controller = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Sets and gets the controller for the matched route.


  • string $controller = NULL - Controller to execute the action

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function controller($controller = null)
    if ($controller === null) {
        // Act as a getter
        return $this->_controller;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_controller = (string) $controller;

    return $this;

Set and get cookies values for this request.


  • mixed $key = NULL - Cookie name, or array of cookie values
  • string $value = NULL - Value to set to cookie

Return Values

  • string
  • mixed

Source Code

public function cookie($key = null, $value = null)
    if (is_array($key)) {
        // Act as a setter, replace all cookies
        $this->_cookies = $key;
        return $this;
    } elseif ($key === null) {
        // Act as a getter, all cookies
        return $this->_cookies;
    } elseif ($value === null) {
        // Act as a getting, single cookie
        return isset($this->_cookies[$key]) ? $this->_cookies[$key] : null;

    // Act as a setter for a single cookie
    $this->_cookies[$key] = (string) $value;

    return $this;

public static current( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Return the currently executing request. This is changed to the current request when Request::execute is called and restored when the request is completed.

$request = Request::current();


  • Since - 3.0.5

Return Values

  • Request

Source Code

public static function current()
    return Request::$current;

public static detect_uri( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Automatically detects the URI of the main request using PATH_INFO, REQUEST_URI, PHP_SELF or REDIRECT_URL.

$uri = Request::detect_uri();


Return Values

  • string - URI of the main request

Source Code

public static function detect_uri()
    if (!empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
        // PATH_INFO does not contain the docroot or index
        $uri = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
    } else {
        // REQUEST_URI and PHP_SELF include the docroot and index

        if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
             * We use REQUEST_URI as the fallback value. The reason
             * for this is we might have a malformed URL such as:
             *  http://localhost/
             * which parse_url can't handle. So rather than leave empty
             * handed, we'll use this.
            $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

            if ($request_uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH)) {
                // Valid URL path found, set it.
                $uri = $request_uri;

            // Decode the request URI
            $uri = rawurldecode($uri);
        } elseif (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
            $uri = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
        } elseif (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) {
            $uri = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'];
        } else {
            // If you ever see this error, please report an issue at
            // along with any relevant information about your web server setup. Thanks!
            throw new Kohana_Exception('Unable to detect the URI using PATH_INFO, REQUEST_URI, PHP_SELF or REDIRECT_URL');

        // Get the path from the base URL, including the index file
        $base_url = parse_url(Kohana::$base_url, PHP_URL_PATH);

        if (strpos($uri, $base_url) === 0) {
            // Remove the base URL from the URI
            $uri = (string) substr($uri, strlen($base_url));

        if (Kohana::$index_file AND strpos($uri, Kohana::$index_file) === 0) {
            // Remove the index file from the URI
            $uri = (string) substr($uri, strlen(Kohana::$index_file));

    return $uri;

public directory( [ string $directory = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Sets and gets the directory for the controller.


  • string $directory = NULL - Directory to execute the controller from

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function directory($directory = null)
    if ($directory === null) {
        // Act as a getter
        return $this->_directory;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_directory = (string) $directory;

    return $this;

public execute( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Processes the request, executing the controller action that handles this request, determined by the Route.

  1. Before the controller action is called, the Controller::before method will be called.
  2. Next the controller action will be called.
  3. After the controller action is called, the Controller::after method will be called.

By default, the output from the controller is captured and returned, and no headers are sent.



Return Values

  • Response

Source Code

public function execute()
    if (!$this->_external) {
        $processed = Request::process($this, $this->_routes);

        if ($processed) {
            // Store the matching route
            $this->_route = $processed['route'];
            $params = $processed['params'];

            // Is this route external?
            $this->_external = $this->_route->is_external();

            if (isset($params['directory'])) {
                // Controllers are in a sub-directory
                $this->_directory = $params['directory'];

            // Store the controller
            $this->_controller = $params['controller'];

            // Store the action
            $this->_action = (isset($params['action'])) ? $params['action'] : Route::$default_action;

            // These are accessible as public vars and can be overloaded
            unset($params['controller'], $params['action'], $params['directory']);

            // Params cannot be changed once matched
            $this->_params = $params;

    if (!$this->_route instanceof Route) {
        return HTTP_Exception::factory(404, 'Unable to find a route to match the URI: :uri', [':uri' => $this->_uri])

    if (!$this->_client instanceof Request_Client) {
        throw new Request_Exception('Unable to execute :uri without a Kohana_Request_Client', [':uri' => $this->_uri]);

    return $this->_client->execute($this);

public static factory( [ string $uri = bool TRUE , array $client_params = array(0) , bool $allow_external = bool TRUE , array $injected_routes = array(0) ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Creates a new request object for the given URI. New requests should be Created using the Request::factory method.

$request = Request::factory($uri);

If $cache parameter is set, the response for the request will attempt to be retrieved from the cache.


  • string $uri = bool TRUE - URI of the request
  • array $client_params = array(0) - An array of params to pass to the request client
  • bool $allow_external = bool TRUE - Allow external requests? (deprecated in 3.3)
  • array $injected_routes = array(0) - An array of routes to use, for testing


Return Values

  • void|Request

Source Code

public static function factory($uri = true, $client_params = [], $allow_external = true, $injected_routes = [])
    // If this is the initial request
    if (!Request::$initial) {
        $protocol = HTTP::$protocol;

        if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) {
            // Use the server request method
            $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
        } else {
            // Default to GET requests
            $method = HTTP_Request::GET;

        if ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) AND filter_var($_SERVER['HTTPS'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN))
            OR ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])
            AND $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https')
            AND in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], Request::$trusted_proxies)) {
            // This request is secure
            $secure = true;

        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
            // There is a referrer for this request
            $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
            // Browser type
            Request::$user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'])) {
            // Typically used to denote AJAX requests
            $requested_with = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'];

        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])
            AND isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])
            AND in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], Request::$trusted_proxies)) {
            // Use the forwarded IP address, typically set when the
            // client is using a proxy server.
            // Format: "X-Forwarded-For: client1, proxy1, proxy2"
            $client_ips = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);

            Request::$client_ip = array_shift($client_ips);

        } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])
            AND isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])
            AND in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], Request::$trusted_proxies)) {
            // Use the forwarded IP address, typically set when the
            // client is using a proxy server.
            $client_ips = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']);

            Request::$client_ip = array_shift($client_ips);

        } elseif (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
            // The remote IP address
            Request::$client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

        if ($method !== HTTP_Request::GET) {
            // Ensure the raw body is saved for future use
            $body = file_get_contents('php://input');

        if ($uri === true) {
            // Attempt to guess the proper URI
            $uri = Request::detect_uri();

        $cookies = [];

        if (($cookie_keys = array_keys($_COOKIE))) {
            foreach ($cookie_keys as $key) {
                $cookies[$key] = Cookie::get($key);

        // Create the instance singleton
        Request::$initial = $request = new Request($uri, $client_params, $allow_external, $injected_routes);

        // Store global GET and POST data in the initial request only

        if (isset($secure)) {
            // Set the request security

        if (isset($method)) {
            // Set the request method

        if (isset($referrer)) {
            // Set the referrer

        if (isset($requested_with)) {
            // Apply the requested with variable

        if (isset($body)) {
            // Set the request body (probably a PUT type)

        if (isset($cookies)) {
    } else {
        $request = new Request($uri, $client_params, $allow_external, $injected_routes);

    return $request;

public headers( [ mixed $key = NULL , string $value = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Gets or sets HTTP headers oo the request. All headers are included immediately after the HTTP protocol definition during transmission. This method provides a simple array or key/value interface to the headers.


  • mixed $key = NULL - Key or array of key/value pairs to set
  • string $value = NULL - Value to set to the supplied key

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function headers($key = null, $value = null)
    if ($key instanceof HTTP_Header) {
        // Act a setter, replace all headers
        $this->_header = $key;

        return $this;

    if (is_array($key)) {
        // Act as a setter, replace all headers

        return $this;

    if ($this->_header->count() === 0 AND $this->is_initial()) {
        // Lazy load the request headers
        $this->_header = HTTP::request_headers();

    if ($key === null) {
        // Act as a getter, return all headers
        return $this->_header;
    } elseif ($value === null) {
        // Act as a getter, single header
        return ($this->_header->offsetExists($key)) ? $this->_header->offsetGet($key) : null;

    // Act as a setter for a single header
    $this->_header[$key] = $value;

    return $this;

public static initial( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Returns the first request encountered by this framework. This will should only be set once during the first Request::factory invocation.

// Get the first request
$request = Request::initial();

// Test whether the current request is the first request
if (Request::initial() === Request::current())
     // Do something useful


  • Since - 3.1.0

Return Values

  • Request

Source Code

public static function initial()
    return Request::$initial;

public is_ajax( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Returns whether this is an ajax request (as used by JS frameworks)

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function is_ajax()
    return ($this->requested_with() === 'xmlhttprequest');

public is_external( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Readonly access to the Request::$_external property.

if ( ! $request->is_external())
     // This is an internal request

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function is_external()
    return $this->_external;

public is_initial( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Returns whether this request is the initial request Kohana received. Can be used to test for sub requests.

if ( ! $request->is_initial())
    // This is a sub request

Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public function is_initial()
    return ($this === Request::$initial);

public method( [ string $method = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Gets or sets the HTTP method. Usually GET, POST, PUT or DELETE in traditional CRUD applications.


  • string $method = NULL - Method to use for this request

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function method($method = null)
    if ($method === null) {
        // Act as a getter
        return $this->_method;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_method = strtoupper($method);

    return $this;

public param( [ string $key = NULL , mixed $default = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Retrieves a value from the route parameters.

$id = $request->param('id');


  • string $key = NULL - Key of the value
  • mixed $default = NULL - Default value if the key is not set

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function param($key = null, $default = null)
    if ($key === null) {
        // Return the full array
        return $this->_params;

    return isset($this->_params[$key]) ? $this->_params[$key] : $default;

public post( [ mixed $key = NULL , string $value = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Gets or sets HTTP POST parameters to the request.


  • mixed $key = NULL - Key or key value pairs to set
  • string $value = NULL - Value to set to a key


Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function post($key = null, $value = null)
    if (is_array($key)) {
        // Act as a setter, replace all fields
        $this->_post = $key;

        return $this;

    if ($key === null) {
        // Act as a getter, all fields
        return $this->_post;
    } elseif ($value === null) {
        // Act as a getter, single field
        return Arr::path($this->_post, $key);

    // Act as a setter, single field
    $this->_post[$key] = $value;

    return $this;

public static post_max_size_exceeded( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Determines if a file larger than the post_max_size has been uploaded. PHP does not handle this situation gracefully on its own, so this method helps to solve that problem.


Return Values

  • boolean

Source Code

public static function post_max_size_exceeded()
    // Make sure the request method is POST
    if (Request::$initial->method() !== HTTP_Request::POST)
        return false;

    // Get the post_max_size in bytes
    $max_bytes = Num::bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));

    // Error occurred if method is POST, and content length is too long
    return (Arr::get($_SERVER, 'CONTENT_LENGTH') > $max_bytes);

public static process( object $request [, array $routes = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Process a request to find a matching route


  • object $request required - Request
  • array $routes = NULL - Route

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

public static function process(Request $request, $routes = null)
    // Load routes
    $routes = (empty($routes)) ? Route::all() : $routes;
    $params = null;

    foreach ($routes as $name => $route) {
        // Use external routes for reverse routing only
        if ($route->is_external()) {

        // We found something suitable
        if ($params = $route->matches($request)) {
            return [
                'params' => $params,
                'route' => $route,

    return null;

public protocol( [ string $protocol = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Gets or sets the HTTP protocol. If there is no current protocol set, it will use the default set in HTTP::$protocol


  • string $protocol = NULL - Protocol to set to the request

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function protocol($protocol = null)
    if ($protocol === null) {
        if ($this->_protocol)
            return $this->_protocol;
            return $this->_protocol = HTTP::$protocol;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_protocol = strtoupper($protocol);
    return $this;

public query( [ mixed $key = NULL , string $value = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Gets or sets HTTP query string.


  • mixed $key = NULL - Key or key value pairs to set
  • string $value = NULL - Value to set to a key


Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function query($key = null, $value = null)
    if (is_array($key)) {
        // Act as a setter, replace all query strings
        $this->_get = $key;

        return $this;

    if ($key === null) {
        // Act as a getter, all query strings
        return $this->_get;
    } elseif ($value === null) {
        // Act as a getter, single query string
        return Arr::path($this->_get, $key);

    // Act as a setter, single query string
    $this->_get[$key] = $value;

    return $this;

public referrer( [ string $referrer = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Sets and gets the referrer from the request.


  • string $referrer = NULL - $referrer

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function referrer($referrer = null)
    if ($referrer === null) {
        // Act as a getter
        return $this->_referrer;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_referrer = (string) $referrer;

    return $this;

public render( ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Renders the HTTP_Interaction to a string, producing

  • Protocol
  • Headers
  • Body

    If there are variables set to the Kohana_Request::$_post they will override any values set to body.

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function render()
    if (!$post = $this->post()) {
        $body = $this->body();
    } else {
        $body = http_build_query($post, null, '&');
            ->headers('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . Kohana::$charset);

    // Set the content length
    $this->headers('content-length', (string) $this->content_length());

    // If Kohana expose, set the user-agent
    if (Kohana::$expose) {
        $this->headers('user-agent', Kohana::version());

    // Prepare cookies
    if ($this->_cookies) {
        $cookie_string = [];

        // Parse each
        foreach ($this->_cookies as $key => $value) {
            $cookie_string[] = $key . '=' . $value;

        // Create the cookie string
        $this->_header['cookie'] = implode('; ', $cookie_string);

    $output = $this->method() . ' ' . $this->uri() . ' ' . $this->protocol() . "\r\n";
    $output .= (string) $this->_header;
    $output .= $body;

    return $output;

public requested_with( [ string $requested_with = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Gets and sets the requested with property, which should be relative to the x-requested-with pseudo header.


  • string $requested_with = NULL - Requested with value

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function requested_with($requested_with = null)
    if ($requested_with === null) {
        // Act as a getter
        return $this->_requested_with;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_requested_with = strtolower($requested_with);

    return $this;

public route( [ string $route = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Sets and gets the route from the request.


  • string $route = NULL - $route

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function route(Route $route = null)
    if ($route === null) {
        // Act as a getter
        return $this->_route;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_route = $route;

    return $this;

public secure( [ boolean $secure = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Getter/Setter to the security settings for this request. This method should be treated as immutable.


  • boolean $secure = NULL - Is this request secure?

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function secure($secure = null)
    if ($secure === null)
        return $this->_secure;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_secure = (bool) $secure;
    return $this;

public uri( [ string $uri = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Sets and gets the uri from the request.


  • string $uri = NULL - $uri

Return Values

  • mixed

Source Code

public function uri($uri = null)
    if ($uri === null) {
        // Act as a getter
        return ($this->_uri === '') ? '/' : $this->_uri;

    // Act as a setter
    $this->_uri = $uri;

    return $this;

public url( [ mixed $protocol = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Create a URL string from the current request. This is a shortcut for:

echo URL::site($this->request->uri(), $protocol);


  • mixed $protocol = NULL - Protocol string or Request object


Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function url($protocol = null)
    if ($this->is_external()) {
        // If it's an external request return the URI
        return $this->uri();

    // Create a URI with the current route, convert to a URL and returns
    return URL::site($this->uri(), $protocol);

public static user_agent( mixed $value ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Returns information about the initial user agent.


  • mixed $value required - Array or string to return: browser, version, robot, mobile, platform


Return Values

  • mixed - Requested information, false if nothing is found

Source Code

public static function user_agent($value)
    return Text::user_agent(Request::$user_agent, $value);

protected static _parse_accept( string & $header [, array $accepts = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Request)

Parses an accept header and returns an array (type => quality) of the accepted types, ordered by quality.

$accept = Request::_parse_accept($header, $defaults);


  • byref string $header required - Header to parse
  • array $accepts = NULL - Default values

Return Values

  • array

Source Code

protected static function _parse_accept(& $header, array $accepts = null)
    if (!empty($header)) {
        // Get all of the types
        $types = explode(',', $header);

        foreach ($types as $type) {
            // Split the type into parts
            $parts = explode(';', $type);

            // Make the type only the MIME
            $type = trim(array_shift($parts));

            // Default quality is 1.0
            $quality = 1.0;

            foreach ($parts as $part) {
                // Prevent undefined $value notice below
                if (strpos($part, '=') === false)

                // Separate the key and value
                list ($key, $value) = explode('=', trim($part));

                if ($key === 'q') {
                    // There is a quality for this type
                    $quality = (float) trim($value);

            // Add the accept type and quality
            $accepts[$type] = $quality;

    // Make sure that accepts is an array
    $accepts = (array) $accepts;

    // Order by quality

    return $accepts;