
extends Kohana_Unittest_Helpers

Unit testing helpers

Class declared in MODPATH/unittest/classes/Unittest/Helpers.php on line 3.


protected array $_environment_backup

Backup of the environment variables

Default value:

protected static boolean $_has_internet

Static variable used to work out whether we have an internet connection



public static clean_cache_dir( ) (defined in Kohana_Unittest_Helpers)

Removes all cache files from the kohana cache dir

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

static public function clean_cache_dir()
    $cache_dir = opendir(Kohana::$cache_dir);

    while ($dir = readdir($cache_dir)) {
        // Cache files are split into directories based on first two characters of hash
        if ($dir[0] !== '.' AND strlen($dir) === 2) {
            $dir = self::dir_separator(Kohana::$cache_dir . '/' . $dir . '/');

            $cache = opendir($dir);

            while ($file = readdir($cache)) {
                if ($file[0] !== '.') {
                    unlink($dir . $file);




public static dir_separator( string $path ) (defined in Kohana_Unittest_Helpers)

Helper function which replaces the "/" to OS-specific delimiter


  • string $path required - $path

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

static public function dir_separator($path)
    return str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);

public static has_internet( ) (defined in Kohana_Unittest_Helpers)

Check for internet connectivity

Return Values

  • boolean - Whether an internet connection is available

Source Code

public static function has_internet()
    if (!isset(self::$_has_internet)) {
        // The @ operator is used here to avoid DNS errors when there is no connection.
        $sock = @fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 1);

        self::$_has_internet = (bool) $sock ? true : false;

    return self::$_has_internet;

public restore_environment( ) (defined in Kohana_Unittest_Helpers)

Restores the environment to the original state


  • Chainable -

Return Values

  • Kohana_Unittest_Helpers - $this

Source Code

public function restore_environment()

public set_environment( array $environment ) (defined in Kohana_Unittest_Helpers)

Allows easy setting & backing up of enviroment config

Option types are checked in the following order:

  • Server Var
  • Static Variable
  • Config option


  • array $environment required - List of environment to set

Source Code

public function set_environment(array $environment)
    if (!count($environment))
        return false;

    foreach ($environment as $option => $value) {
        $backup_needed = !array_key_exists($option, $this->_environment_backup);

        // Handle changing superglobals
        if (in_array($option, ['_GET', '_POST', '_SERVER', '_FILES'])) {
            // For some reason we need to do this in order to change the superglobals
            global $$option;

            if ($backup_needed) {
                $this->_environment_backup[$option] = $$option;

            // PHPUnit makes a backup of superglobals automatically
            $$option = $value;
        // If this is a static property i.e. Html::$windowed_urls
        elseif (strpos($option, '::$') !== false) {
            list($class, $var) = explode('::$', $option, 2);

            $class = new ReflectionClass($class);

            if ($backup_needed) {
                $this->_environment_backup[$option] = $class->getStaticPropertyValue($var);

            $class->setStaticPropertyValue($var, $value);
        // If this is an environment variable
        elseif (preg_match('/^[A-Z_-]+$/', $option) OR isset($_SERVER[$option])) {
            if ($backup_needed) {
                $this->_environment_backup[$option] = isset($_SERVER[$option]) ? $_SERVER[$option] : '';

            $_SERVER[$option] = $value;
        // Else we assume this is a config option
        else {
            if ($backup_needed) {
                $this->_environment_backup[$option] = Kohana::$config->load($option);

            list($group, $var) = explode('.', $option, 2);

            Kohana::$config->load($group)->set($var, $value);