Request Client. Processes a Request and handles HTTP_Caching if available. Will usually return a Response object as a result of the request unless an unexpected error occurs.
Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/Request/Client.php on line 3.
$_cacheCaching library for request caching
$_callback_depthTracks the callback depth of the currently executing request
integer 1
$_callback_paramsArbitrary parameters that are shared with header callbacks through their Request_Client object
$_followShould redirects be followed?
bool FALSE
$_follow_headersHeaders to preserve when following a redirect
array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" )
$_header_callbacksCallbacks to use when response contains given headers
array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" )
$_max_callback_depthMaximum number of requests that header callbacks can trigger before the request is aborted
integer 5
$_strict_redirectFollow 302 redirect with original request method?
bool TRUE
Creates a new Request_Client
allows for dependency injection.
= array(0) - Params public function __construct(array $params = [])
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
if (method_exists($this, $key)) {
Assigns the properties of the current Request_Client to another Request_Client instance - used when setting up a subsequent request.
required - $client public function assign_client_properties(Request_Client $client)
Getter and setter for the internal caching engine, used to cache responses if available and valid.
= NULL - Engine to use for caching HTTP_Cache
public function cache(HTTP_Cache $cache = null)
if ($cache === null)
return $this->_cache;
$this->_cache = $cache;
return $this;
Getter/Setter for the callback depth property, which is used to track how many recursions have been executed within the current request execution.
= NULL - Current recursion depth Request_Client|int
public function callback_depth($depth = null)
if ($depth === null)
return $this->_callback_depth;
$this->_callback_depth = $depth;
return $this;
Getter/Setter for the callback_params array, which allows additional application-specific parameters to be shared with callbacks.
As with other Kohana setter/getters, usage is:
// Set full array
$client->callback_params(['foo' => 'bar']);
// Set single key
// Get full array
$params = $client->callback_params();
// Get single key
$foo = $client->callback_params('foo');
= NULL - $param mixed
= NULL - $value Request_Client|mixed
public function callback_params($param = null, $value = null)
// Getter for full array
if ($param === null)
return $this->_callback_params;
// Setter for full array
if (is_array($param)) {
$this->_callback_params = $param;
return $this;
// Getter for single value
elseif ($value === null) {
return Arr::get($this->_callback_params, $param);
// Setter for single value
else {
$this->_callback_params[$param] = $value;
return $this;
Processes the request, executing the controller action that handles this request, determined by the Route.
By default, the output from the controller is captured and returned, and no headers are sent.
required - $request Response
public function execute(Request $request)
// Prevent too much recursion of header callback requests
if ($this->callback_depth() > $this->max_callback_depth())
throw new Request_Client_Recursion_Exception("Could not execute request to :uri - too many recursions after :depth requests", [
':uri' => $request->uri(),
':depth' => $this->callback_depth() - 1,
// Execute the request and pass the currently used protocol
$orig_response = $response = Response::factory(['_protocol' => $request->protocol()]);
if (($cache = $this->cache()) instanceof HTTP_Cache)
return $cache->execute($this, $request, $response);
$response = $this->execute_request($request, $response);
// Execute response callbacks
foreach ($this->header_callbacks() as $header => $callback) {
if ($response->headers($header)) {
$cb_result = call_user_func($callback, $request, $response, $this);
if ($cb_result instanceof Request) {
// If the callback returns a request, automatically assign client params
$cb_result->client()->callback_depth($this->callback_depth() + 1);
// Execute the request
$response = $cb_result->execute();
} elseif ($cb_result instanceof Response) {
// Assign the returned response
$response = $cb_result;
// If the callback has created a new response, do not process any further
if ($response !== $orig_response)
return $response;
Processes the request passed to it and returns the response from the URI resource identified.
This method must be implemented by all clients.
required - Request to execute by client Response
required - $response Response
abstract public function execute_request(Request $request, Response $response);
Getter and setter for the follow redirects setting.
= NULL - Boolean indicating if redirects should be followed bool
public function follow($follow = null)
if ($follow === null)
return $this->_follow;
$this->_follow = $follow;
return $this;
Getter and setter for the follow redirects headers array.
= NULL - Array of headers to be re-used when following a Location header array
public function follow_headers($follow_headers = null)
if ($follow_headers === null)
return $this->_follow_headers;
$this->_follow_headers = array_map('strtolower', $follow_headers);
return $this;
Getter and setter for the header callbacks array.
Accepts an array with HTTP response headers as keys and a PHP callback function as values. These callbacks will be triggered if a response contains the given header and can either issue a subsequent request or manipulate the response as required.
By default, the Request_Client::on_header_location callback is assigned to the Location header to support automatic redirect following.
'Location' => 'Request_Client::on_header_location',
'WWW-Authenticate' => function($request, $response, $client) {
return $new_response;
= NULL - Array of callbacks to trigger on presence of given headers Request_Client
public function header_callbacks($header_callbacks = null)
if ($header_callbacks === null)
return $this->_header_callbacks;
$this->_header_callbacks = $header_callbacks;
return $this;
Getter and setter for the maximum callback depth property.
This protects the main execution from recursive callback execution (eg following infinite redirects, conflicts between callbacks causing loops etc). Requests will only be allowed to nest to the level set by this param before execution is aborted with a Request_Client_Recursion_Exception.
= NULL - Maximum number of callback requests to execute before aborting Request_Client|int
public function max_callback_depth($depth = null)
if ($depth === null)
return $this->_max_callback_depth;
$this->_max_callback_depth = $depth;
return $this;
The default handler for following redirects, triggered by the presence of a Location header in the response.
The client's follow property must be set true and the HTTP response status one of 201, 301, 302, 303 or 307 for the redirect to be followed.
required - $request Response
required - $response Request_Client
required - $client public static function on_header_location(Request $request, Response $response, Request_Client $client)
// Do we need to follow a Location header ?
if ($client->follow() AND in_array($response->status(), [201, 301, 302, 303, 307])) {
// Figure out which method to use for the follow request
switch ($response->status()) {
case 301:
case 307:
$follow_method = $request->method();
case 201:
case 303:
$follow_method = Request::GET;
case 302:
// Cater for sites with broken HTTP redirect implementations
if ($client->strict_redirect()) {
$follow_method = $request->method();
} else {
$follow_method = Request::GET;
// Prepare the additional request, copying any follow_headers that were present on the original request
$orig_headers = $request->headers()->getArrayCopy();
$follow_header_keys = array_intersect(array_keys($orig_headers), $client->follow_headers());
$follow_headers = \Arr::extract($orig_headers, $follow_header_keys);
$follow_request = Request::factory($response->headers('Location'))
if ($follow_method !== Request::GET) {
return $follow_request;
return null;
Getter and setter for the strict redirects setting
HTTP/1.1 specifies that a 302 redirect should be followed using the original request method. However, the vast majority of clients and servers get this wrong, with 302 widely used for 'POST - 302 redirect - GET' patterns. By default, Kohana's client is fully compliant with the HTTP spec. Some non-compliant third party sites may require that strict_redirect is set false to force the client to switch to GET following a 302 response.
= NULL - Boolean indicating if 302 redirects should be followed with the original method Request_Client
public function strict_redirect($strict_redirect = null)
if ($strict_redirect === null)
return $this->_strict_redirect;
$this->_strict_redirect = $strict_redirect;
return $this;