Implements: Throwable
This class is a transparent base class for HTTP_Exception_301 and should not be accessed directly.
Redirect HTTP exception class. Used for all HTTP_Exception's where the status code indicates a redirect.
Eg HTTP_Exception_301, HTTP_Exception_302 and most of the other 30x's
Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/HTTP/Exception/301.php on line 3.
$error_viewerror rendering view
string(12) "kohana/error"
$error_view_content_typeerror view content type
string(9) "text/html"
$php_errorsPHP error code => human readable name
array(9) ( 1 => string(11) "Fatal Error" 256 => string(10) "User Error" 4 => string(11) "Parse Error" 2 => string(7) "Warning" 512 => string(12) "User Warning" 2048 => string(6) "Strict" 8 => string(6) "Notice" 4096 => string(17) "Recoverable Error" 8192 => string(10) "Deprecated" )
$_codeHTTP 301 Moved Permanently
integer 301
$_requestRequest instance that triggered this exception.
$_responseResponse Object
$codeinteger 0
$messagestring(0) ""
Validate this exception contains everything needed to continue.
public function check()
if ($this->headers('location') === null)
throw new Kohana_Exception('A \'location\' must be specified for a redirect');
return true;
Specifies the URI to redirect to.
= NULL - $location URI of the proxy public function location($uri = null)
if ($uri === null)
return $this->headers('Location');
if (strpos($uri, '://') === false) {
// Make the URI into a URL
$uri = URL::site($uri, true, !empty(Kohana::$index_file));
$this->headers('Location', $uri);
return $this;
Creates a new translated exception.
throw new Kohana_Exception('Something went terrible wrong, :user', [
':user' => $user
= NULL - Status message, custom content to display with error array
= NULL - Translation variables unknown
= NULL void
public function __construct($message = null, array $variables = null, Exception $previous = null)
parent::__construct($message, $variables, $previous);
// Prepare our response object and set the correct status code.
$this->_response = Response::factory()
Generate a Response for the current Exception
public function get_response()
return $this->_response;
Gets and sets headers to the Response.
= NULL - $key string
= NULL - $value mixed
public function headers($key = null, $value = null)
$result = $this->_response->headers($key, $value);
if (!$result instanceof Response)
return $result;
return $this;
Creates an HTTP_Exception of the specified type.
required - The http status code string
= NULL - Status message, custom content to display with error array
= NULL - Translation variables unknown
= NULL HTTP_Exception
public static function factory($code, $message = null, array $variables = null, Exception $previous = null)
$class = 'HTTP_Exception_' . $code;
return new $class($message, $variables, $previous);
Store the Request that triggered this exception.
= NULL - Request object that triggered this exception. HTTP_Exception
public function request(Request $request = null)
if ($request === null)
return $this->_request;
$this->_request = $request;
return $this;
Magic object-to-string method.
echo $exception;
public function __toString()
return Kohana_Exception::text($this);
Exception handler, logs the exception and generates a Response object for display.
required - $e Response
public static function _handler($e)
try {
// Log the exception
// Generate the response
$response = Kohana_Exception::response($e);
return $response;
} catch (Exception $e) {
* Things are going *really* badly for us, We now have no choice
* but to bail. Hard.
// Clean the output buffer if one exists
ob_get_level() AND ob_clean();
// Set the Status code to 500, and Content-Type to text/plain.
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . Kohana::$charset, true, 500);
echo Kohana_Exception::text($e);
Inline exception handler, displays the error message, source of the exception, and the stack trace of the error.
required - $e void
public static function handler($e)
$response = Kohana_Exception::_handler($e);
// Send the response to the browser
echo $response->send_headers()->body();
Logs an exception.
required - $e int
= integer 0 - $level void
public static function log($e, $level = Log::EMERGENCY)
if (is_object(Kohana::$log)) {
// Create a text version of the exception
$error = Kohana_Exception::text($e);
// Add this exception to the log
Kohana::$log->add($level, $error, null, ['exception' => $e]);
// Make sure the logs are written
Get a Response object representing the exception
required - $e Response
public static function response($e)
try {
// Get the exception information
$class = get_class($e);
$code = $e->getCode();
$message = $e->getMessage();
$file = $e->getFile();
$line = $e->getLine();
$trace = $e->getTrace();
* HTTP_Exceptions are constructed in the HTTP_Exception::factory()
* method. We need to remove that entry from the trace and overwrite
* the variables from above.
if ($e instanceof HTTP_Exception AND $trace[0]['function'] == 'factory') {
if ($e instanceof ErrorException) {
* If XDebug is installed, and this is a fatal error,
* use XDebug to generate the stack trace
if (function_exists('xdebug_get_function_stack') AND $code == E_ERROR) {
$trace = array_slice(array_reverse(xdebug_get_function_stack()), 4);
foreach ($trace as & $frame) {
* XDebug pre 2.1.1 doesn't currently set the call type key
if (!isset($frame['type'])) {
$frame['type'] = '??';
// Xdebug returns the words 'dynamic' and 'static' instead of using '->' and '::' symbols
if ('dynamic' === $frame['type']) {
$frame['type'] = '->';
} elseif ('static' === $frame['type']) {
$frame['type'] = '::';
// XDebug also has a different name for the parameters array
if (isset($frame['params']) AND ! isset($frame['args'])) {
$frame['args'] = $frame['params'];
if (isset(Kohana_Exception::$php_errors[$code])) {
// Use the human-readable error name
$code = Kohana_Exception::$php_errors[$code];
* The stack trace becomes unmanageable inside PHPUnit.
* The error view ends up several GB in size, taking
* serveral minutes to render.
if (
) {
$trace = array_slice($trace, 0, 2);
// Instantiate the error view.
$view = View::factory(Kohana_Exception::$error_view, get_defined_vars());
// Prepare the response object.
$response = Response::factory();
// Set the response status
$response->status(($e instanceof HTTP_Exception) ? $e->getCode() : 500);
// Set the response headers
$response->headers('Content-Type', Kohana_Exception::$error_view_content_type . '; charset=' . Kohana::$charset);
// Set the response body
} catch (Exception $e) {
* Things are going badly for us, Lets try to keep things under control by
* generating a simpler response object.
$response = Response::factory();
$response->headers('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
return $response;
Get a single line of text representing the exception:
Error [ Code ]: Message ~ File [ Line ]
required - $e string
public static function text($e)
return sprintf('%s [ %s ]: %s ~ %s [ %d ]', get_class($e), $e->getCode(), strip_tags($e->getMessage()), Debug::path($e->getFile()), $e->getLine());