
abstract Kohana_Controller_Userguide
extends Controller_Template
extends Kohana_Controller_Template
extends Controller
extends Kohana_Controller

This class is a transparent base class for Controller_Userguide and should not be accessed directly.

Kohana user guide and api browser.

Kohana Team
© 2008-2013 Kohana Team

Class declared in MODPATH/userguide/classes/Kohana/Controller/Userguide.php on line 12.


public boolean $auto_render

auto render template

Default value:
bool TRUE

public Request $request

Request that created the controller

Default value:

public Response $response

The response that will be returned from controller

Default value:

public $template

Default value:
string(18) "userguide/template"

protected $api

Default value:

protected $guide

Default value:

protected $media

Default value:


public action_api( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

Source Code

public function action_api()
    // Enable the missing class autoloader.  If a class cannot be found a
    // fake class will be created that extends Kodoc_Missing
    spl_autoload_register(['Kodoc_Missing', 'create_class']);

    // Get the class from the request
    $class = $this->request->param('class');

    // If no class was passed to the url, display the API index page
    if (!$class) {
        $this->template->title = 'Table of Contents';

        $this->template->content = View::factory('userguide/api/toc')
            ->set('classes', Kodoc::class_methods())
            ->set('route', $this->request->route());
    } else {
        // Create the Kodoc_Class version of this class.
        $_class = Kodoc_Class::factory($class);

        // If the class requested and the actual class name are different
        // (different case, orm vs ORM, auth vs Auth) redirect
        if ($_class->class->name != $class) {
            $this->redirect($this->request->route()->uri(['class' => $_class->class->name]));

        // If this classes immediate parent is Kodoc_Missing, then it should 404
        if ($_class->class->getParentClass() AND $_class->class->getParentClass()->name == 'Kodoc_Missing')
            return $this->error('That class was not found. Check your url and make sure that the module with that class is enabled.');

        // If this classes package has been disabled via the config, 404
        if (!Kodoc::show_class($_class))
            return $this->error('That class is in package that is hidden.  Check the <code>api_packages</code> config setting.');

        // Everything is fine, display the class.
        $this->template->title = $class;

        $this->template->content = View::factory('userguide/api/class')
            ->set('doc', $_class)
            ->set('route', $this->request->route());

    // Attach the menu to the template
    $this->template->menu = Kodoc::menu();

    // Bind the breadcrumb
    $this->template->bind('breadcrumb', $breadcrumb);

    // Add the breadcrumb
    $breadcrumb = [];
    $breadcrumb[$this->guide->uri(['page' => null])] = 'User Guide';
    $breadcrumb[$this->request->route()->uri()] = 'API Browser';
    $breadcrumb[] = $this->template->title;

public action_docs( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

Source Code

public function action_docs()
    $module = $this->request->param('module');
    $page = $this->request->param('page');

    // Trim trailing slash
    $page = rtrim($page, '/');

    // If no module provided in the url, show the user guide index page, which lists the modules.
    if (!$module) {
        return $this->index();

    // If this module's userguide pages are disabled, show the error page
    if (!Kohana::$config->load('userguide.modules.' . $module . '.enabled')) {
        return $this->error('That module doesn\'t exist, or has userguide pages disabled.');

    // Prevent "guide/module" and "guide/module/index" from having duplicate content
    if ($page == 'index') {
        return $this->error('Userguide page not found');

    // If a module is set, but no page was provided in the url, show the index page
    if (!$page) {
        $page = 'index';

    // Find the markdown file for this page
    $file = $this->file($module . '/' . $page);

    // If it's not found, show the error page
    if (!$file) {
        return $this->error('Userguide page not found');

    // Namespace the markdown parser
    Kodoc_Markdown::$base_url = URL::site($this->guide->uri()) . '/' . $module . '/';
    Kodoc_Markdown::$image_url = URL::site($this->media->uri()) . '/' . $module . '/';

    // Set the page title
    $this->template->title = ($page == 'index') ? Kohana::$config->load('userguide.modules.' . $module . '.name') : $this->title($page);

    // Parse the page contents into the template
    Kodoc_Markdown::$show_toc = true;
    $this->template->content = Kodoc_Markdown::markdown(file_get_contents($file));
    Kodoc_Markdown::$show_toc = false;

    // Attach this module's menu to the template
    $this->template->menu = Kodoc_Markdown::markdown($this->_get_all_menu_markdown());

    // Bind the breadcrumb
    $this->template->bind('breadcrumb', $breadcrumb);

    // Bind the copyright
    $this->template->copyright = Kohana::$config->load('userguide.modules.' . $module . '.copyright');

    // Add the breadcrumb trail
    $breadcrumb = [];
    $breadcrumb[$this->guide->uri()] = 'User Guide';
    $breadcrumb[$this->guide->uri(['module' => $module])] = Kohana::$config->load('userguide.modules.' . $module . '.name');

    // TODO try and get parent category names (from menu).  Regex magic or javascript dom stuff perhaps?
    // Only add the current page title to breadcrumbs if it isn't the index, otherwise we get repeats.
    if ($page != 'index') {
        $breadcrumb[] = $this->template->title;

public action_media( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

Source Code

public function action_media()
    // Get the file path from the request
    $file = $this->request->param('file');

    // Find the file extension
    $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    // Remove the extension from the filename
    $file = substr($file, 0, -(strlen($ext) + 1));

    if ($file = Kohana::find_file('media/guide', $file, $ext)) {
        // Check if the browser sent an "if-none-match: <etag>" header, and tell if the file hasn't changed
        $this->check_cache(sha1($this->request->uri()) . filemtime($file));

        // Send the file content as the response

        // Set the proper headers to allow caching
        $this->response->headers('content-type', File::mime_by_ext($ext));
        $this->response->headers('last-modified', date('r', filemtime($file)));
    } else {
        // Return a 404 status

public after( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

Assigns the template View as the request response.

Source Code

public function after()
    if ($this->auto_render) {
        // Get the media route
        $media = Route::get('docs/media');

        // Add styles
        $this->template->styles = [
            $media->uri(['file' => 'css/print.css']) => 'print',
            $media->uri(['file' => 'css/screen.css']) => 'screen',
            $media->uri(['file' => 'css/kodoc.css']) => 'screen',
            $media->uri(['file' => 'css/shCore.css']) => 'screen',
            $media->uri(['file' => 'css/shThemeKodoc.css']) => 'screen',

        // Add scripts
        $this->template->scripts = [
            $media->uri(['file' => 'js/jquery.min.js']),
            $media->uri(['file' => 'js/jquery.cookie.js']),
            $media->uri(['file' => 'js/kodoc.js']),
            // Syntax Highlighter
            $media->uri(['file' => 'js/shCore.js']),
            $media->uri(['file' => 'js/shBrushPhp.js']),

        // Add languages
        $this->template->translations = Kohana::message('userguide', 'translations');

    return parent::after();

public before( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

Loads the template View object.

Source Code

public function before()

    if ($this->request->action() === 'media') {
        // Do not template media files
        $this->auto_render = false;
    } else {
        // Grab the necessary routes
        $this->media = Route::get('docs/media');
        $this->guide = Route::get('docs/guide');

        // Set the base URL for links and images
        Kodoc_Markdown::$base_url = URL::site($this->guide->uri()) . '/';
        Kodoc_Markdown::$image_url = URL::site($this->media->uri()) . '/';

    // Default show_comments to config value
    $this->template->show_comments = Kohana::$config->load('userguide.show_comments');

public error( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

Source Code

public function error($message)
    $this->template->title = "Userguide - Error";
    $this->template->content = View::factory('userguide/error', ['message' => $message]);

    // Don't show disqus on error pages
    $this->template->show_comments = false;

    // If we are in a module and that module has a menu, show that
    if ($module = $this->request->param('module') AND $menu = $this->file($module . '/menu') AND Kohana::$config->load('userguide.modules.' . $module . '.enabled')) {
        // Namespace the markdown parser
        Kodoc_Markdown::$base_url = URL::site($this->guide->uri()) . '/' . $module . '/';
        Kodoc_Markdown::$image_url = URL::site($this->media->uri()) . '/' . $module . '/';

        $this->template->menu = Kodoc_Markdown::markdown($this->_get_all_menu_markdown());
        $this->template->breadcrumb = [
            $this->guide->uri() => 'User Guide',
            $this->guide->uri(['module' => $module]) => Kohana::$config->load('userguide.modules.' . $module . '.name'),
    // If we are in the api browser, show the menu and show the api browser in the breadcrumbs
    elseif (Route::name($this->request->route()) == 'docs/api') {
        $this->template->menu = Kodoc::menu();

        // Bind the breadcrumb
        $this->template->breadcrumb = [
            $this->guide->uri(['page' => null]) => 'User Guide',
            $this->request->route()->uri() => 'API Browser',
    // Otherwise, show the userguide module menu on the side
    else {
        $this->template->menu = View::factory('userguide/menu', ['modules' => $this->_modules()]);
        $this->template->breadcrumb = [$this->request->route()->uri() => 'User Guide', 'Error'];

public file( string $page ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

Locates the appropriate markdown file for a given guide page. Page URLS can be specified in one of three forms:

  • userguide/adding
  • userguide/
  • userguide/adding.markdown

In every case, the userguide will search the cascading file system paths for the file guide/userguide/


  • string $page required - The relative URL of the guide page

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public function file($page)

    // Strip optional .md or .markdown suffix from the passed filename
    $info = pathinfo($page);
    if (isset($info['extension'])
        AND ( ($info['extension'] === 'md') OR ( $info['extension'] === 'markdown'))) {
        $page = $info['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $info['filename'];
    return Kohana::find_file('guide', $page, 'md');

public index( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

Source Code

public function index()
    $this->template->title = "Userguide";
    $this->template->breadcrumb = ['User Guide'];
    $this->template->content = View::factory('userguide/index', ['modules' => $this->_modules()]);
    $this->template->menu = View::factory('userguide/menu', ['modules' => $this->_modules()]);

    // Don't show disqus on the index page
    $this->template->show_comments = false;

public section( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

Source Code

public function section($page)
    $markdown = $this->_get_all_menu_markdown();

    if (preg_match('~\*{2}(.+?)\*{2}[^*]+\[[^\]]+\]\(' . preg_quote($page) . '\)~mu', $markdown, $matches)) {
        return $matches[1];

    return $page;

public title( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

Source Code

public function title($page)
    $markdown = $this->_get_all_menu_markdown();

    if (preg_match('~\[([^\]]+)\]\(' . preg_quote($page) . '\)~mu', $markdown, $matches)) {
        // Found a title for this link
        return $matches[1];

    return $page;

public __construct( Request $request , Response $response ) (defined in Kohana_Controller)

Creates a new controller instance. Each controller must be constructed with the request object that created it.


  • Request $request required - Request that created the controller
  • Response $response required - The request's response

Return Values

  • void

Source Code

public function __construct(Request $request, Response $response)
    // Assign the request to the controller
    $this->request = $request;

    // Assign a response to the controller
    $this->response = $response;

public execute( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller)

Executes the given action and calls the Controller::before and Controller::after methods.

Can also be used to catch exceptions from actions in a single place.

  1. Before the controller action is called, the Controller::before method will be called.
  2. Next the controller action will be called.
  3. After the controller action is called, the Controller::after method will be called.


Return Values

  • Response

Source Code

public function execute()
    // Execute the "before action" method

    // Determine the action to use
    $action = 'action_' . $this->request->action();

    // If the action doesn't exist, it's a 404
    if (!method_exists($this, $action)) {
        throw HTTP_Exception::factory(404, 'The requested URL :uri was not found on this server.', [':uri' => $this->request->uri()])->request($this->request);

    // Execute the action itself

    // Execute the "after action" method

    // Return the response
    return $this->response;

public static redirect( [ string $uri = string(0) "" , int $code = integer 302 ] ) (defined in Kohana_Controller)

Issues a HTTP redirect.

Proxies to the HTTP::redirect method.


  • string $uri = string(0) "" - URI to redirect to
  • int $code = integer 302 - HTTP Status code to use for the redirect


Source Code

public static function redirect($uri = '', $code = 302)
    return HTTP::redirect((string) $uri, $code);

protected _get_all_menu_markdown( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

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protected function _get_all_menu_markdown()
    // Only do this once per request...
    static $markdown = '';

    if (empty($markdown)) {
        // Get menu items
        $file = $this->file($this->request->param('module') . '/menu');

        if ($file AND $text = file_get_contents($file)) {
            // Add spans around non-link categories. This is a terrible hack.
            $text = preg_replace('/^(\s*[\-\*\+]\s*)([^\[\]]+)$/m', '$1<span>$2</span>', $text);
            $markdown .= $text;

    return $markdown;

protected _modules( ) (defined in Kohana_Controller_Userguide)

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protected function _modules()
    $modules = array_reverse(Kohana::$config->load('userguide.modules'));

    if (isset($modules['kohana'])) {
        $kohana = $modules['kohana'];
        $modules = array_merge(['kohana' => $kohana], $modules);

    // Remove modules that have been disabled via config
    foreach ($modules as $key => $value) {
        if (!Kohana::$config->load('userguide.modules.' . $key . '.enabled')) {

    return $modules;

protected check_cache( [ string $etag = NULL ] ) (defined in Kohana_Controller)

Checks the browser cache to see the response needs to be returned, execution will halt and a 304 Not Modified will be sent if the browser cache is up to date.



  • string $etag = NULL - Resource Etag

Return Values

  • Response

Source Code

protected function check_cache($etag = null)
    return HTTP::check_cache($this->request, $this->response, $etag);