This class is a transparent base class for Encrypt and should not be accessed directly.
Kohana Encrypt provides a common interface to a variety of cryptography engines, supports multiple instances of cryptography engines through a grouped singleton pattern.
Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Encrypt.php on line 14.
$defaultDefault instance name.
string(7) "default"
$instancesEncrypt class instances.
Decrypts an encoded string back to its original value.
$data = $encrypt->decode($data);
required - Encoded string to be decrypted. false
- If decryption fails.string
abstract public function decode($data);
Encrypts a string and returns an encrypted string that can be decoded.
$data = $encrypt->encode($data);
The encrypted binary data is encoded using base64 to convert it to a string. This string can be stored in a database, displayed, and passed using most other means without corruption.
required - Data to be encrypted. string
abstract public function encode($data);
Creates a singleton instance of Encrypt. An encryption key must be provided in your "encrypt" configuration file.
$encrypt = Encrypt::instance();
= NULL - Configuration group name. array
= NULL - Configuration parameters. Encrypt
public static function instance($name = null, array $config = null)
if ($name === null) {
// Use the default instance name
$name = Encrypt::$default;
if (!isset(Encrypt::$instances[$name])) {
if ($config === null) {
// Load the configuration data
$config = Kohana::$config->load('encrypt')->$name;
if (!isset($config['driver'])) {
throw new Kohana_Exception('No encryption driver is defined in the encryption configuration group: :group', [':group' => $name]);
// Set the driver class name
$driver = 'Encrypt_' . ucfirst($config['driver']);
// Create a new instance
Encrypt::$instances[$name] = new $driver($name, $config);
return Encrypt::$instances[$name];