

This class is a transparent base class for Num and should not be accessed directly.

Number helper class. Provides additional formatting methods that for working with numbers.

Kohana Team
© 2009-2012 Kohana Team

Class declared in SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Num.php on line 13.



integer 1


integer 2


integer 3


integer 4


public static array $byte_units

Valid byte units => power of 2 that defines the unit's size

array(33) (
    "B" => integer 0
    "K" => integer 10
    "Ki" => integer 10
    "KB" => integer 10
    "KiB" => integer 10
    "M" => integer 20
    "Mi" => integer 20
    "MB" => integer 20
    "MiB" => integer 20
    "G" => integer 30
    "Gi" => integer 30
    "GB" => integer 30
    "GiB" => integer 30
    "T" => integer 40
    "Ti" => integer 40
    "TB" => integer 40
    "TiB" => integer 40
    "P" => integer 50
    "Pi" => integer 50
    "PB" => integer 50
    "PiB" => integer 50
    "E" => integer 60
    "Ei" => integer 60
    "EB" => integer 60
    "EiB" => integer 60
    "Z" => integer 70
    "Zi" => integer 70
    "ZB" => integer 70
    "ZiB" => integer 70
    "Y" => integer 80
    "Yi" => integer 80
    "YB" => integer 80
    "YiB" => integer 80


public static bytes( string $size ) (defined in Kohana_Num)

Converts a file size number to a byte value. File sizes are defined in the format: SB, where S is the size (1, 8.5, 300, etc.) and B is the byte unit (K, MiB, GB, etc.). All valid byte units are defined in Num::$byte_units

echo Num::bytes('200K');  // 204800
echo Num::bytes('5MiB');  // 5242880
echo Num::bytes('1000');  // 1000
echo Num::bytes('2.5GB'); // 2684354560


  • string $size required - $bytes file size in SB format

Return Values

  • float

Source Code

public static function bytes($size)
    // Prepare the size
    $size = trim((string) $size);

    // Construct an OR list of byte units for the regex
    $accepted = implode('|', array_keys(Num::$byte_units));

    // Construct the regex pattern for verifying the size format
    $pattern = '/^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(' . $accepted . ')?$/Di';

    // Verify the size format and store the matching parts
    if (!preg_match($pattern, $size, $matches))
        throw new Kohana_Exception('The byte unit size, ":size", is improperly formatted.', [':size' => $size,]);

    // Find the float value of the size
    $size = (float) $matches[1];

    // Find the actual unit, assume B if no unit specified
    $unit = Arr::get($matches, 2, 'B');

    // Convert the size into bytes
    $bytes = $size * pow(2, Num::$byte_units[$unit]);

    return $bytes;

public static format( float $number , integer $places [, boolean $monetary = bool FALSE ] ) (defined in Kohana_Num)

Locale-aware number and monetary formatting.

// In English, "1,200.05"
// In Spanish, "1200,05"
// In Portuguese, "1 200,05"
echo Num::format(1200.05, 2);

// In English, "1,200.05"
// In Spanish, "1.200,05"
// In Portuguese, "1.200.05"
echo Num::format(1200.05, 2, true);


  • float $number required - Number to format
  • integer $places required - Decimal places
  • boolean $monetary = bool FALSE - Monetary formatting?


  • Since - 3.0.2

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public static function format($number, $places, $monetary = false)
    $info = localeconv();

    if ($monetary) {
        $decimal = $info['mon_decimal_point'];
        $thousands = $info['mon_thousands_sep'];
    } else {
        $decimal = $info['decimal_point'];
        $thousands = $info['thousands_sep'];

    return number_format($number, $places, $decimal, $thousands);

public static ordinal( integer $number ) (defined in Kohana_Num)

Returns the English ordinal suffix (th, st, nd, etc) of a number.

echo 2, Num::ordinal(2);   // "2nd"
echo 10, Num::ordinal(10); // "10th"
echo 33, Num::ordinal(33); // "33rd"


  • integer $number required - $number

Return Values

  • string

Source Code

public static function ordinal($number)
    if ($number % 100 > 10 AND $number % 100 < 14) {
        return 'th';

    switch ($number % 10) {
        case 1:
            return 'st';
        case 2:
            return 'nd';
        case 3:
            return 'rd';
            return 'th';

public static round( float $value [, integer $precision = integer 0 , integer $mode = integer 1 , boolean $native = bool TRUE ] ) (defined in Kohana_Num)

Round a number to a specified precision, using a specified tie breaking technique


  • float $value required - Number to round
  • integer $precision = integer 0 - Desired precision
  • integer $mode = integer 1 - Tie breaking mode, accepts the PHP_ROUND_HALF_* constants
  • boolean $native = bool TRUE - Set to false to force use of the userland implementation

Return Values

  • float - Rounded number

Source Code

public static function round($value, $precision = 0, $mode = self::ROUND_HALF_UP, $native = true)
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=') AND $native) {
        return round($value, $precision, $mode);

    if ($mode === self::ROUND_HALF_UP) {
        return round($value, $precision);
    } else {
        $factor = ($precision === 0) ? 1 : pow(10, $precision);

        switch ($mode) {
            case self::ROUND_HALF_DOWN:
            case self::ROUND_HALF_EVEN:
            case self::ROUND_HALF_ODD:
                // Check if we have a rounding tie, otherwise we can just call round()
                if (($value * $factor) - floor($value * $factor) === 0.5) {
                    if ($mode === self::ROUND_HALF_DOWN) {
                        // Round down operation, so we round down unless the value
                        // is -ve because up is down and down is up down there. ;)
                        $up = ($value < 0);
                    } else {
                        // Round up if the integer is odd and the round mode is set to even
                        // or the integer is even and the round mode is set to odd.
                        // Any other instance round down.
                        $up = (!(!(floor($value * $factor) & 1)) === ($mode === self::ROUND_HALF_EVEN));

                    if ($up) {
                        $value = ceil($value * $factor);
                    } else {
                        $value = floor($value * $factor);
                    return $value / $factor;
                } else {
                    return round($value, $precision);